Part 14 - London, England

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Logan shut the door to the town house behind him. So many times during the first 7 months of his marriage had he dreaded coming home and having to spend time with Odette. It wasn't so much that he particularly disliked her. In fact, he did find her quite attractive. Out of all the people that his parents had tried to force upon him over the years, she was by far the most tolerable. It was just that every time he looked at her, stared at her across the dinner table, or made love to her in the bedroom, he was reminded of it. Reminded of the kind of marriage he could have had. But people like him didn't marry for love. They married for convenience.

He'd never really wanted to be a father. When he and Odette had become engaged, they'd never really talked about children, although they'd both known it was inevitable. When Rory had first told him she was pregnant, just a few weeks before his wedding day to Odette, he had been frightened to death. It had taken him a while to come around to the idea, but making practical arrangements had helped him. He'd already bought a small place over in Hartford to stay when he was over visiting Dylan - there was no way he was staying in Stars Hollow! Of course, making these arrangements with Odette around was always a challenge, he could have sworn she was spying on him!

Logan was just starting to come to terms with the idea of being a Dad of one when Odette had told him she was pregnant. How it had happened he didn't know. Well of course he knew that part, but he'd only slept with her just enough to make it seem like the marriage had some sort of life in it. And of course, with the shock of Rory going into labour and everything that had come after that, he'd never really had the chance to process it. And now it was gone. Taken away from him, before he'd even had the chance to decide whether he wanted it or not.

So many times he'd wanted to just quietly creep through the door of that house, to try and go unnoticed, but today was different. As soon as he'd heard the news back in Stars Hollow, he'd wanted to get back here. Of course that little moment with Rory and the love he already had for Dylan were pulling him back there, but he knew that here was where he needed to be right now.

'Odette! Odette Honey!' Logan called as he walked through the door. Wow! That sounded strange. He couldn't see Odette anywhere. He could only hear the faint sound of sobbing, coming from upstairs. Slightly puzzled, he put his bags on the floor and made his way up the first flight of stairs. He pushed open all the doors on the first landing, but nothing. He was worried now.

'Odette! Odette?' He called out. 'I'm home, honey where are you?' He was starting to worry now. But then he heard her voice. It was more quiet and meek than he'd ever heard it before.
'Here', she could only speak in monosyllabes, but he could hear that her voice was coming from upstairs. He ran up the next flight of stairs and on to the second landing. Logans heart was racing as he began to open and shut doors along the landing. Why had they bought such a big house? When he came to the room at the end of the landing, he couldn't help but laugh to himself. Of course she was in here.

Using just one finger, so as not to alarm her, Logan tapped on the door to his so-called study. 'Odette', he said quietly.
'Come in' he heard her sob.

Logan walked into the room to see a pile of papers, folders and books strewn over the floor. He looked over to see the telivision screen, smashed into a thousand peices, with one of his high school rugby balls sat next to it. How had she even found that? And then he saw it. On the floor laid out ripped and torn in front of him, the contents of his college year book. Floating just above his right foot was one scrap of paper that he couldn't help but smile at, the peice with Rorys signature on it.

But where was Odette? He could still hear her sobbing, but he couldn't see her. As he walked towards the right hand side of the room, the sobbing grew louder. He finally found his wife scrunched up in the corner of the room, in a feutal position. Her normally perfect blonde hair was strewn around her face and as her face was buried into her knees, he could barely see her puffy eyes and the black mascara that dripped down her face.

Logan walked over to Odette and placed a hand on her knee. She never stopped sobbing uncontrollably, but she did manage to choke out the words, 'why did you do it Logan? Why did you choose her?'

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