Part 13

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'I can't believe this!' shouted Luke , 'I really, I can't believe this. No in fact I can. I can because it's Logan and this is what Logan does. He turns up and he pretends to care and then he just leaves you Rory and he leaves us to clean up the mess'.
'No Luke, it's not..' Rory began.
'No Rory! You don't have to make excuses for him anymore', Luke continued 'I told him..'
'You what?!' asked Lorelai, sounding confused.
'In the truck on the way back from the airport', Luke continued shouting, 'I told him. I told him he broke Rorys heart all those years ago in college and he keeps doing it over and over again! And now this! He turns up and he...'
'No Luke' Lorelai interrupted. She walked over to her husband and placed her hands on his shoulders, but he moved away from her. 'You had no right to do that Luke. Ok, Logans a jerk, but you had no right to just come out and say that, to share Rorys deepest personal feelings. No Luke, that's not OK.'
'Ok mom, Luke' Rory interupted, 'Logans just in there you know' and she gestured over to the bedroom, where Logan was packing his bags and saying goodbye to Dylan.
'Yeah you're right Rory', Luke continued shouting, 'he is in there, hiding away like a coward!'. Luke banged on the bedroom door, 'get out hear Logan!' Lorelai ran over to the door and grabbed her husbands fisted hand.
'Sssh!' she said, 'You'll wake the baby!' Then she turned to Rory. 'How on earth is he still asleep?!' she asked. Rory just shrugged her shoulders.
'I, I gotta' Rory began, 'we gotta take this outside'. She grabbed both her mum and Luke by the wrists and led them towards the porch. Reluctantly they both followed her. 'Guys, you gotta listen', she started, 'it's not like that this time'. Luke started up again, but this time quieter.
'How is it not Like that Rory?!' he asked, 'you know what  he's like!'
'Luke, just let Rory speak', Lorelai said, trying to calm her husband down. Finally Luke subsidised.
'Ok', he said 'what is it then?'

Rory stared at the ground, rocking back onto her heels, with her hands clasped behind her back. 'Of course I know what Logans like. I do!' she began, 'and I know he's let me down over and over, but I do really think he cares about Dylan'. Luke rolled his eyes, causing Lorelai to playfully hit his arm, but Rory carried on. 'This time it's different', she said, 'it's Odette'.
'Who?' Luke asked.
'Odettes his wife' Lorelai replied calmy. Luke went to carry on speaking, but Lorelai just glared at him, so he knew to keep quiet. Rory carried on.
'It's Odette, she's pregnant' Rory carried on.
'Oh come on!' Luke managed to get out, before Lorelai put her hand over his mouth.
'Well she was pregnant' continued Rory. Lorelai removed her hand from over Lukes mouth and placed it over her own. She knew what was coming.
'Logan thinks she's losing baby', Rory managed to get out, before tears begun to trickle down her face. Rory walked over towards the swing seat and placed her head in her hands, finally letting out the tears she'd been holding onto for so long. Both Lorelai and Luke scuttled over and sat either side of her, placing a hand each on Rorys back.

As Logan walked out of the house suitcase in hand, he looked over towards the threesome sat over on the swing set. He thought it best to leave them be. This had to be tough on Rory as well. The only one who noticed him was Lorelai, whose eye he managed to catch. He mouthed the words 'goodbye' towards her. All she could do was raise a hand towards him and mouth the words 'goodbye' back.

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