Part 51- Maddie and Antoines apartment in France

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'What do you mean trouble?' Antoine asked his wife. Louis,who was sat on Antoines knee reached out and grabbed the phone.
'Mummy!' he said. The fact that Maddie didn't respond to this made Antoine slightly worried. He prized the phone from his sons hand.
'Louis honey,' he said, 'why don't you go and play in the living room with Jace?' He lifted the little boy off his knee and Louis ran off into the living room.

'What's wrong honey?' Antoine asked his wife, as he noticed her sobbing down the phone.
'I'm, we're, we're in the police office' Maddie said. Antoines heart started racing.
'What?!' he shouted and then lowered his voice, conscious of upsetting the boys.
'I can't really say much', Maddie said, 'the officers put us in hand cuffs and they brought us to this office. I don't really know much of what's happening. I just..don't tell the boys.' From the way his wife was talking, Antoine could tell that someone was listening to their conversation.
'Ok, stay calm' he said. Although, he was struggling to stay calm himself. 'Do you need a lawyer?'
'Erm not right now. I don't think so. Maybe. They've not told us anything yet so..I'll try and get in touch with you when I can, but it might be a while. Anyway, I gotta go now. Apparently this call is time limited.'
'Ok honey, well don't worry. We'll sort something out.'
'Bye honey, give my love to the boys!' Maddie said, before she hung up the phone.

Antoine stood up off of the kitchen stool he was sat on, to look out of the kitchen window. This view always seemed to calm him, but today it was hardly touching the surface. He didn't know how to feel, angry, confused, frustrated. Where was he even supposed to start?

He would have to get a lawyer at some point, but he had no clue what Maddies charges were, or if they were even going to charge her. He didn't even know what crime they'd called her up on. It sounded terrible to think it, but he knew that in doing what she had for Odette, his wife had committed multiple crimes.

Antoine walked over to the kitchen cupboard and reached for a bottle of red wine, but before he'd had chance to pour it, a squeal came from the living room and then a shout of 'daaadddyyy!'

Antoine put the wine bottle down and rushed into the living room. Both boys were sat on the living room floor, but Jace had one finger in the air and was red in the face squealing.
'Daddy he, bit me!' Jace said. Antoine looked over at the other twin and scowled, hoping that this would be enough to express his disapproval.
'But he said I can't speak to mummy' Louis chimed in.
'Louis!' That's not a reason to bite your brother!' Antoine shouted, as he lifted Jace up from the floor. Now Louis was screaming as well. Maybe he'd shouted at him too loudly, but who could blame him.

Antoine put Jace down on the settee and then picked up Louis and did the same. With them both screaming, he rushed off into the kitchen and fetched two chocolate biscuits. Maddie would never approve of it, but he needed a quick fix.

A couple of minutes later, when both boys were sat happily chomping away at their third chocolate biscuit each, Antoine went over and sat down in the rocking chair. He lifted up the glass of wine that he had finally gotten around to pouring and pulled his phone out of his pocket. He scrolled through his contacts and dialed Amelies number. It was time he told her the whole story.

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