Part 11 - London, England

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Odette dropped her phone and just froze. She couldn't even hear the sounds that were coming out of her mouth. All she could hear was the muffled sound of Logans voice coming through her phone.

'Odette! Odette! Well that was a bit of an irrational response!'

She grabbed her stomach and dropped to her knees in pain.

'Odette' Logan carried on 'stop screaming , it's ok'.

She needed to get a hold of her phone and tell him what was happening. Not that she even knew what was happening. She scrambled across the floor trying to grab a hold of her phone, which had somehow slid just out of her reach. She could still hear Logans voice coming through the phone.

'Odette' his voice sounded panicked now. She needed to get to the phone. 'Odette honey, what's happening? Are you ok?'

Finally Odette managed to reach the phone and flip it over.
'Oww! Logan it hurts' she screamed out.
'What hurts honey?' He asked. It had been a long time since he had sounded so caring towards her.
' stomach' she trembled. By now she was sprawled out on the living room floor. She needed to get to the couch. She managed to pick up her phone and hold it out in front of her.
'Honey, I need you to call 911' she heard Logan say, 'or 999, whatever you're supposed to call over there'. Odette used her other hand to push herself backwards and managed to make it to the couch.
'Ok honey', Logan carried out, 'I'm gonna hang up now, so you can call them, but I'll call you back soon to see that everythings ok'.
'Logan, don't' Odette began to call out. But it was too late, Logan had already hung up the phone. It wasn't until she felt a tear trickle down her cheek that she realised how terrified she was.

'999 is the patient breathing?' a kind sounding voice came out of the phone.
'I'm, I'm on my own' Odette sobbed, 'and I'm I'm scared'.
'Ok sweetie' the voice from the other end of the phone said, 'can you tell me what your name is?'
'My names Odette' Odette winced in pain, 'I'm 3 weeks pregnant and I think I'm losing the baby'.

SnatchedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora