Part 34

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It couldn't be the same woman. Odette was a really popular French name. When Amelie had been at school, she'd had at least two Odettes in her class. But this woman had a son and the son was about the same age as Rorys son had been, almost to the day. Amelie had been at his birthday party. Their names even begun with the same letter, but surely that had to be a coincidence!

'Miss Touissant, Amelie!' Amelies vision was blurry, but she could just about make out Rorys face in front of her.
'Madame are you ok?' She could make out the voice of the waiter from earlier.
All Amelie could feel was the cold, hard floor of the restaurant underneath her. When she'd fallen she'd tried to grab the chair, but she must have missed. Amelie could just about make out that a hand was stretched out towards her, so she took it. The next thing she knew she was being lifted by two men into the chair behind her. She could see Rorys pale blue dress in front of her and felt a hand wiping her brow. Suddenly Amelie realised that she was dripping in sweat. How embarrassing was this! She needed to pull herself together.

Dismissively, Amelie wafted the arm, which she believed was Rorys, away from her face. She began to fan herself with one hand, whilst the other tried to flatten her now matted hair.
'Are you ok, Amelie?' she heard Rory say.
'Yes, I'm absolutely fine' Amelie snapped. Truthfully, she could still hardly see a thing, but how embarrassing it was to find herself in such a state in the middle of a restaurant!
'Are you sure?' Rory asked, Amelie could sense that she was still stood up right in front of her.
'Yes, sit down, please!' she said, exasperated.
Amelie could sense that Rory was stepping back, maybe she'd frightened her.
'I really don't think you're ok, I think we better, is there someone I can call?' Rory asked.
'No, you know none of my family live in the states, but I'm fine now anyhow'. Amelie ushered the waiter, who she could tell was still stood behind her.
'Sorry sir', she said 'if you wouldn't mind, I would like the 8oz rump with a side of fries'. The thought of food right now made Amelie feel sick to the stomach, but she had to create the impression that everything was ok.
'And how would you like that Madame?' The waiter asked.
'Medium', but before Amelie could answer properly, she heard Rory interject.
'Actually, I think we better get outta here. I don't think Miss Touissant is too well. Thanks for your help though'.
'I think that's for the best' the waiter chuckled, 'can I help you get her to the car?'
'I'm absolutely fine!' Amelie said, 'now lets carry on with this dinner as we planned it. I'll take my stake medium rare, if you don't mind sir'. The waiter took his notepad back out of his pocket, clearly confused by what was going on. By now, Rory was stood up in front of Amelie, wearing her coat and was leaning forward to help her up. 'If you wouldn't mind, sir' Rory said, gesturing to the waiter for help. Reluctantly, with Rory and the waiters help, Amelie stood up. She knew there was no way of getting out of this.

When they got to Rorys car, the waiter helped Amelie to get in and Rory fastened the seatbelt across her.
'Is there anything else I can do to help?' the waiter asked Rory.
'No I can take it from here,' Rory replied, 'thanks for your help though' and she got into the front of the car.

'Now you're gonna have to tell me your adress' Rory turned round from the drivers seat to ask Amelie.
'Apartment 25b, Woodshaw Court on 98th' , Amelie managed to reply. As they drove away from the restaurant and towards Amelies apartment, they said nothing to each other. Rory was clearly embarrassed and confused by what had just happened and Amelie was still trying to figure it all out.

Could that woman who was living above her husbands families business, drinking wine at his house and best friends with his wife, really be a kidnapper? And could that sweet little boy who would never speak in any language other than broken French really be Rorys son?

When Rory pulled up outside Amelies house, she turned to her and spoke for the first time in the last 20 minutes.
'Do you need help getting to your apartment?' Rory asked, 'is it upstairs? I can...'
'No, no it's fine, I'm feeling much better now' Amelie replied. That was partly truthful. She was starting to feel a lot less faint and dizzy, but she still felt sick to the stomach at the thought of this woman and what she might have done. Amelie knew that if she didn't act soon, she might regret it for a long time.
'Ok, well I'll call you tomorrow then' Rory said. When Amelie got out of the car, she leant into Rorys window and said 'thanks a lot for tonight'.
'No problem' Rory said, before she drove off.

Amelie walked into the apartment building and took the lift up to her apartment. She opened her apartment door, sat down on the settee and dialled her brothers number.

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