Part 48 - Stars Hollow

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Lorelai, Rory, Luke and Logan slumped out on the settee. They were all ready to burst after eating the excessive amounts of food that Lorelai had prepared, ready for Dylans return.
'Oh my god!' Lorelai said, 'I feel like I could literally become a pizza right now'.
'Really?' Luke asked from the armchair opposite.
'Yeah..' Lorelai pondered, 'I once had a dream that I was a giant pizza!'
'I remember that one!' Rory giggled for the first time that day, 'do you remember when I tried to get the worlds biggest pizza made for your birthday?'
'Yeah' Lorelai replied 'and Kirk burnt himself on all of the mozzarella!'
'I still can't believe some of the stories that go on on this town!' Logan interjected.
'Neither can I' Rory said 'and I've lived here for 32 years!'

Just then, Logans phone rang in his pocket. He brought it out and when Rory saw Amelies name pop up on the screen, she moved from where she was laying on the sofa to sit bolt upright. Logan held the phone out in front of him and grabbed Rorys hand. She interlocked her fingers with his. Somehow, that always made her feel so much more comfortable.

Logan slid his finger across the screen to answer the phone call and put the phone onto speaker. Both Lorelai and Luke shuffled closer, so that they could hear what was being said.
'Hey', Logan said down the phone, 'what's the latest? Do you have an update to give us yet?'
'I do actually..' Amelie replied, 'is Rory there?'
'I am' Rory just about managed to croak down the phone. Her throat was already tightening. Logan seemed to notice this and squeezed Rorys hand.
'What do you know Amelie?' Logan asked.
'Well, I've just managed to get a hold of my brother' Amelie said. From the tone of her voice, Rory knew that it wasn't going to be great news.
'And it's not good news I'm afraid' Amelie confirmed her suspicions. Rory took a deep inhale of breath and Logan begun rubbing her hand with his thumb, whilst Lorelai rubbed her back.
Amelie carried on. 'Odettes gone. And this time she's taken Daniel, I mean Dylan'.
At hearing this Rory immediately burst into tears and flung herself into her mothers chest. Lorelai scooped her arms around Rory. Logan leaned forward, with one hand touching Rorys thigh.
'So what happened then?' Logan asked. His voice became hoarse, showing that he was feeling emotional, but Rory could tell that he was trying to hold it all in for her sake. Luke must have also noticed this, as he leant forward and tried to take the phone from Logan. Logan grabbed it back and put a hand up to stop Luke. Clearly this was something he felt he should do himself.
'I'm so so sorry...' Amelie began, 'but it seems that as soon as my brother and his wife turned their backs to hear the news about you guys, someone came into the house and kidnapped Dylan. Now they never caught site of Odette, but they're pretty sure it's her that did it, as they saw him get scooped up into a van and taken away. I'm so so sorry.'
'So what do we do now?' Logan asked, rubbing his chin.
'I don't know' Amelie replied, 'I've literally just gotten off the phone to my brother just now. I'll try and work out a plan and we'll sort something out.'
'But she could be anywhere in the world right now', Logan croaked, 'do you want me to try and get a hold of the PI?'
'Logan', Amelie replied, 'with all due respect, I really don't this situation will be solved by throwing money at it. If she doesn't want to be found, then I don't see what a private investigator can do that we can't. I'll take a look at all the flights leaving France around the time that Dylan dissapeared and make some calls to see if a single woman with a two year old boy checked into them. We know that she's been using her real name up until now, but I don't know if she'd dare risk it this time around. Plus, she was off the radar for quite a while, which would have given her plenty of time to get fake passports for both of them.'
'Alright Amelie, I'll let you get onto that then' Logan said, 'thanks for all your help so far'. Logan hung up the phone and both he and Luke rushed over to comfort the now sobbing Gilmore girls.

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