Part 70

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'So you guys can head on in there and speak to this woman and I'll stay in the cab', Lorelai said, breaking the eary silence of the cab. 'If she lets you meet him, we don't want to freak him out with three of us being there.'

Rory raised her head to look up at her mom. For the past five minutes, she'd been sat in silence, staring down at her feet.
'I don't even know if just the two of us being there will freak him, but..' Rory looked up at Logan, who was sat next to her staring out of the window. 'I think this is something we gotta do together'. She squeezed Logans hand. He turned to face her momentarily, smiled in agreement and then continued to look out of the car window.

'She might not even let us meet him this time around', Rory said.
'Listen' Lorelai said, and she put a hand on Rorys knee. 'You gotta remember that you guys are the victims here. A lotta kids end up in foster care because they've been let down by their parents, but Dylan being in foster care isn't your fault!'
'I know', was all Rory could say, 'thanks for coming today mom. It means a lot.'
'Listen honey', Lorelai said, 'you know I just love sitting in hot stuffy cabs for hours at a time. I would absolutely hate to trade this for a seat by the side of the pool and a cocktail in my hand'.

Rory laughed. Yet again, her moms use of humour to deal with such an uncomfortable situation made her feel so much better. She even saw Logans lips curl up at this, the first sign of any sort of emotion she'd seen from him all day.

Two minutes later though, she saw the second. As the car veered around a corner and onto Winter Gardens, Logan became visibly tenser. Suddenly, he was sat bolt upright, with all his muscles tight and a grimace on his face, as if he were in pain. Rory could tell that this facial expression was clearly an attempt on Logans part to stop himself from crying in front of Lorelai.

It broke Rorys heart to see the man who was usually her rock falling to peices in this way. She felt guilty that she was putting Logan through this, by making him come with her to meet Dylan, just a couple of days after he'd bolted. But this was something they had to do together.

When the car pulled up outside the house, Rory was surprised to see Logan lunge for the door handle and almost jump out onto the road. Rory reacted immediately, by jumping out of the car herself, barely taking the time to say goodbye to her mom.

As Rory slipped her hand into Logans, she could sense his body visibly trembling and felt him leaning on her, in attempt to stay upright. They both glanced at each other and then took a deep breath in, almost in unison, as they prepared to do the hardest thing they had ever done in their lives.

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