Part 52 - Back in Connecticut

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'Oh for fucks sake Antione! Why didn't you tell me this before!' Amelie never really swore at her brother, but she could barely think before the words came out of her mouth.
'Sorry,' Antoine said back, 'Maddie thought that if Odette believed she was still on her side, then maybe she'd be able to get the little boy out to the states and we'd have a better chance of reuniting him with his mum.'
'And stuffing the child in a suitcase was the best way of doing this?! Why on earth didn't you fill me in on this Antoine?!'
'Maddie thought that if you knew you'd tell the mother and then if it got back to Odette she'd lose her trust in us!'
'Too right I would have!' Amelie could hear herself almost screaming, so she tried to lower her tone, 'anyway, I have to hang up now and yet again sort out the mess that you've made!'

Before Antoine could reply Amelie had hung up the phone. She searched for the landline number that Logan had given her. He'd explained that he and Rory were going to stay a couple of days at Rorys moms place in a small town called Stars Hollow. Apparently, Rory was too cut up to go anywhere or focus on anything. Amelie found the number on the back of a gum wrapper she'd written it on and dialed it.

'Hello, This is the Gilmore-Danes residence, Lorelai Gilmore speaking, how can I help you?' A woman answered the phone, using a sarcastic tone.
'Erm hi', Amelie answered, 'is either Rory Gilmore or Logan Huntzberger around?'
'Er yeah' the woman said back, I'll just hand you over.' There was bit of a kerfuffle before Rory finally answered the phone.
'Hey', she said, 'Amelie is that you? Do you have any news?'
'Yeah I do and it's not great I'm afraid. Can I come over and see you?'
'Yeah of course', 'Rory said, although her voice sounded much less perky than when she answered the phone, 'I'll give you my moms address.'
As Rory talked, Amelie attempted to squeeze the address onto the other side of the gum wrapper.
'Oh ok thanks honey', she said, 'I'll be there in about an hour'.


Amelie pulled up outside what she assumed was the Gilmore-Danes residence, whatever that meant. A banging on the car window made Amelie almost jump out of her skin. She turned to see a woman in her late 60s, with her face pressed against the window. Amelie wound the window down, expecting to usher the woman away. But before she could say anything the woman pushed her head almost into the car.
'And who are you?' The woman asked.
'My names Amelie Touissant. I'm..' Amelie could barely answer the question, before she heard another woman knocking on the other side of the car. So, she wound down that window.
'Come out this way', the second woman whispered, as she motioned towards the car door. Amelie opened the door and stepped out of the car. The woman linked an arm through hers and began leading her towards the front of the house.
'We best get you inside quickly, before Babette busts a vein' the woman said. Seeing Amelies confused expression she added, 'oh I'm Lorelai Gilmore, I'm Rorys mom. Hi!'
'Hi' was all Amelie could manage back. Small town life was definitely strange.

Amelie was led into a small kitchenette, where Rory was sat at the table, alongside a tall, blonde man, who she assumed must be Logan. As soon as the man noticed her he stood up.
'Hello' he said, 'I don't believe we've actually met in person, but we've spoken on the phone. I'm Logan Huntzberger. I'm Rorys boyfriend and Dylans father.' He put out a hand which Amelie shook tentatively.

Logan offered Amelie a chair and she sat down opposite Rory. Amelie noticed that Rorys face was puffy and her hair scraped into a messy bun. She looked tired and worn out, very different from the polished and glamorous woman Amelie had had dinner with just a few days ago.

'Coffee?' Lorelai asked, holding up a jug.
'No I'm alright thanks' Amelie said, she just wanted to get this over with. Lorelai poured a coffee for herself and joined them at the table.

Amelie stared from Rory, to Logan, to Lorelai and then back to Rory. They all looked tired and damaged. How had it become her responsibility to break this families heart time and time again? And how was she going to do it again this time? She decided that the best approach was just to lay out the facts and to try and detach her own emotions as much as possible.

'So..' she began.

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