Part 77 - Rory and Logans Apartment in New Haven

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'What are you doing?!' Rory said, as she looked up from her phone to see Logan dialing a number into his.
'I'm calling my fathers solicitor. If we're gonna have a custody battle on our hands, we need to get onto this right away.'
'Wait', Rory put her hand on Logans wrist, to stop him from dialing the number. He looked up at her and sighed.
'What is it this time, ace?'

'I just don't think we should rush into this. We need to take a step back. I just don't think..'
'You don't think throwing money at the situation is going to help', Logan finished Rorys sentence for her, before rubbing a hand through his hair. 'We've been through this so many times before ace. I know you come from a different upbringing to me, but the fact is that my family have money and we gotta use it to our advantage if we wanna get Dylan back'.

'I know Logan, you've said all this before', Rory said, looking down at her feet. 'And you know I've never been comfortable with you using your privilege to get us a better seat at the table..'
'Oh for christs sake ace!' Logan threw his arms up in the air. It was clear he was getting irritable now. 'Just let me make the call and we can talk about this later.' Logan held the phone up to his ear and pressed the call button.

'Noo!!' Rory shocked herself with the sound that came out of her mouth as she knocked the phone out of Logans hand and onto the kitchen floor. Immediately Rory burst into tears.

Logan put a hand out and placed it on Rorys shoulder.
'Oh ace', he said, 'what's going on?!' He pulled Rory closer to him and wrapped his arms around her.

'Hello...hello..Mr Huntzberger?' As Rory lay her head on Logans chest, she could hear his lawyers voice through the phone.

After a few seconds, Logan pushed Rory away from him, keeping his hands on her shoulders. Using his thumb, he wiped the tears from Rorys eyes.
'Now are you gonna tell me what's going on?'

Rory took a deep breath in and started speaking. 'Now we don't need to go over how I've always felt about your families money and privilege, although I'm not gonna deny how much that's helped us in the past. But this time it's not just about that.'

Logan just stared at Rory willing her to continue. She moved out of his grip and leant back on the kitchen worktop behind her.
'It's just, don't you think it's about time we called it a day?'
Logan looked at Rory confused.
'But Rory.. I, you know we're good together..'

For a few seconds, Rory was confused about what Logan was saying, but when she realised she couldn't help but laugh out loud.
'No, not us!' she chuckled. She grabbed Logans hand and interlocked her fingers with his. Rory looked directly into Logans eyes. 'God knows, that's the only thing that's been going steady through all of this.'

Rory could see Logan visibly relax upon hearing this.
'So what did you mean then?' he asked.
Rory grabbed Logans other hand and looked up, into his eyes.
'I mean with Dylan'. Rory could tell that Logan was still confused, so she continued. 'I mean, we've been trying for such a long time now, it's been two and a half years...'

Logans face visibly changed when he realised what Rory was saying.
'You're not seriously suggesting we abandon our son!' Rory couldn't tell if he was about to burst into tears or start shouting at her.

'Listen Logan', Rory moved her hands further up Logans arms, in an attempt to keep him still and calm him down. 'I'm tired, I'm so so tired!'
Logan tried to speak, but Rory put a finger on his mouth.
'And this Touissant family, they know Dylan. They've known him since he was a baby. Wendy said they have two other sons. And I don't know, staying with them could be good for Dylan..'

'Rory!' This time Logan definitely was angry and he pushed Rory away from him. 'He's our son! We can't just let him go! We're his parents Rory! If we abandon him now, it will be almost as bad as...'
'Almost as bad as what she did', Rory finished Logans sentence for him.
'Well seeing as you've just put it that way, then yeah. Yeah it is as bad as what she did!'

Rorys jaw dropped to the floor when she heard Logan say this. As Rory felt her eyes well up with tears again, she turned around so that Logan couldn't see her cry this time.

'Ace, I..' Logan put a hand on Rorys shoulder, but she moved away from his grasp. 'Ace I'm...'
'No!' Rorys voice was wobbly as she spoke. 'Logan, how dare you accuse me of that.' Rory tried to keep her voice calm, as she said the words she hadn't said for a long time.
'Logan, I need you to go.'
'But ace', Logan pleaded with Rory, but to no avail.
'No Logan, I need you to leave now. I really. I can't be around you at the moment.'

With that Logan turned around and walked out of the apartment, closing the door firmly behind him. Rory dropped to the floor, held her face in her hands and burst into floods of tears.

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