Part 5

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Dylan Richard Gilmore was born on September 5th at 5.49 am exactly. He weighed 5lb 7oz and to Rory he was the most beautiful thing in the world. Rory was speechless as she stared down at the baby boy in her arms. It was her mother who broke the silence that had filled the room for the last ten minutes.
'Wow! He's perfect!'
'Isn't he just!' replied Rory.
'Now you were perfect' her mother began, 'and I never thought anyone could be more perfect than you until I saw this little boy here in your arms.'
'Mom I'm lost for words. He's just so tiny. Thanks for being here' Rory said.
'Honey, there has never been a more perfect moment in my life than seeing my beautiful daughter bring my gorgeous grandson into the world' Lorelai replied, 'a boy eh? We don't know how to do boys'.
'I know I'm so so scared Mom, I really don't wanna mess this up' Rory said. Lorelai took her daughters face in her hands and turned it towards hers.
'Listen to me honey, you are gonna be the most amazing mom and never let anybody tell you otherwise'.
'Well I definitely learned from the best!' Rory chuckled.
'Talking of boys, where did Luke go?' Lorelai asked.
'I don't know' said Rory 'he's probably pacing the corridor'.
'Luke!' Lorelai shouted.
'He's gone to go get coffee' responded Kirk from outside the delivery room. Both Lorelai and Rory looked at each other and then shouted in unison 'Kirk! Go home!' Lorelai got up and poked her head around the door,
'Kirk, what are you still doing here? Go home'
'I just thought' Kirk started 'since I was the first person to find and help Rory that I best stay here for the birth.'
'Kirk that's very sweet of you' Lorelai replied, 'but I think we need some family time now'.
'But Lukes here and he's not family!' Kirk responded. Lorelai glared down at Kirk, 'Kirk honey, he's my husband. We got married about 8 months ago remember?'
'I do seem to have some recollection, yes' said Kirk.
'Mom' Rory called from inside the delivery room. 'Let him come in.'
'Are you sure honey' Lorelai asked,turning to face her daughter. Seeing Rory nod at her, she turned back around to face Kirk.
'Would you like to come in?' she asked him.
'God no!' Kirk replied and he stood up and raced off down the corridor.

Just then Luke appeared with two cups of coffee in his hand.
'Goodness! My knight in shining armour!' Lorelai said as she grabbed the coffee from his hand.
'I got one for Rory as well, do you think she's up to it?' Luke asked. His wife just glared at him.
'Luke' she said 'have you ever soon a Gilmore Girl turn down coffee?'
'Good point' Luke replied and held the coffee cup out towards Lorelai. She placed a hand on his wrist and looked up at him.
'Are you not gonna come in?' she asked. Luke glared down at the floor.
'I, you girls need your time'.
'Luke honey' Lorelai began, 'you're family, now come on grandpa...Rory! Get some clothes on!' Luke blushed at Lorelais joke as he heard Rory chuckle from inside the delivery room.

When Luke walked into the room and placed a warm coffee cup at the side of his stepdaughters bed, he glanced over at the beautiful baby boy lying in her arms and sensed a tear drop roll across his cheek. Even though Rory wasn't his daughter from birth, he still felt immense pride at everything she did. It was moments like this, like at her high school graduation, that really choked him up. Noticing his emotion, Lorelai reached a hand up towards his cheek and wiped the tear away from his face..'you're not crying are you?' she asked.
'No, it's just..' Luke began.
'Would you like to hold him?' Rory asked.
'No, no it's ok' came his reply. Sensing her husbands fear, Lorelai interjected.
'Luke you're not gonna break him' she said and she took the baby from Rorys arms and placed him in Lukes.
'A little boy eh?' Luke chuckled, staring down at the baby in his arms. 'One for my team. He's perfect Rory! What are you gonna name him?'
'Dylan' Rory replied, 'Dylan Richard Gilmore'.
'What a beautiful name!' Luke said 'and an excellent tribute to your grandfather as well.'

A tear came to Rorys eye as she remembered her grandfather and thought about how proud he would be to see this moment. But as Rory lay in her hospital bed, with her mom snuggled up next to her and Luke in a chair with the baby is his arms, she closed her eyes and tried to savour the most perfect moment of her life so far.

'So now it's time to call Grandma!' Lorelai said and Rory knew the peace was just about to be interupted.

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