Part 67 - Rory and Logans Apartment, New Haven

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Rory lay on the bed, staring up at the ceiling. She looked over at the alarm clock. 7am. 8 hours she must have been laying here in the same spot. Waiting for him to call, to text, but nothing. The last time she'd heard from Logan was about 5pm yesterday.

Rory almost laughed to herself, thinking about the times during college that she used to lay awake at night, waiting for Logan to call. She'd thought they were years past that now. After all they'd been through, she'd thought that she and Logan were finally in a mature, adult relationship.

But he'd lied to her. Rory knew that much. After she'd tried his cell 10 times yesterday, she'd called into the office. She'd been told by Logans assistant that they hadn't seen him all day. He'd been due back in the office that morning, but they hadn't heard a word from him.

By the time it had got to 11pm and Logan still had called or come home, Rory had decided to go to bed. Fat lot of use that was. She'd just laid there thinking about where Logan could possibly be. For the last 8 hours her mind had been scanning over that message 'I'm sorry, but I can't do this. I love you'.

Part of the reason that Rory couldn't sleep was that she'd been fearing the worst. She was convinced she'd get a phone call from some police department, saying that they'd found Logan injured somewhere, or worse. Rory couldn't bear to think.

Rory felt guilty. In all this time she'd been dealing with her own grief about Dylan, Logan had been her rock. She'd never stopped to ask how he was feeling. She knew this had been tough on him, but surely he wasn't at that stage.

Rory picked up her phone and dialed the number she'd been dying to call all night. When Lorelai answered the phone, she sounded sleepy.
'Rory! I know I said you could call at any time, but 7am really?!'
'I know, I'm sorry mom', Rory said. 'But I just really needed to talk to someone. Logans gone'.

'What do you mean gone?' Rory could hear Lorelais voice take a sharper turn and this worried her. Her usually cool, calm and collected mom, who always made light of everything, suddenly sounded worried.

'He didn't come home last night,' Rory said. 'Mom I'm so scared. I called the office and they said they hadn't heard from him all day'.
'Ok', Lorelai said. 'I know this is hard, but you need to try and stay calm. When did you last hear from him?'
'That's what worries he mom.' Rory could sense the panic in her own voice now. He just said , I'm sorry, but I can't do this. I love you. Do you think that means...'

'No Rory', Lorelai was almost shouting now. 'You can't let your thoughts go there.'
'I know mom, but don't you think it sounds like...'
'Listen Rory, honey', her moms voice sounded slightly calmer now. 'I really don't think he'd do that. He loves the absolute bones of you and he knows how much you love himself as well. And Dylan..'
'But maybe that wasn't enough!' Rory could feel a single tear rolling down her cheek now.

'Maybe I should come over' Rory could already hear Lorelai climbing out of bed, as she said this.
'Maybe that's for the best', Rory managed to say, over the lump that was now forming in her throat. 'But mom...'
'Yes honey', Lorelai said back.
'There's one more thing I think I should tell you..'
'What's that honey?'
'Logan left an address.'
Rory could hear Lorelai stop in her tracks. 'What kind of an address?'
'An address in Los Angeles. 53 Winter Gardens, Downtown Los Angeles, California'. Rory recalled the address that she had somehow memorised. She'd read the message that many times.

Lorelai was silent. A rare ocassion for her. But Rory could literally hear the cogs turning in her moms mind.
'And that Amelie woman told you that Dylan was in Los Angeles.'
Rory felt her tears begin to subside. In all her hours of mulling things over, she'd never made this connection. Trust her mom to put things into perspective.
'Yeah..' she said.

'Rory..' Lorelai said, 'I know this sounds crazy..' Rory rolled her eyes. Lorelai was always full of crazy ideas and now really wasn't the time.
'But maybe we should go there!'
'Where? Rory asked, 'Los Angeles?'
'Yeah maybe we should go and check out this address, see what the deal is!'
'Oh I don't know mom', Rory bit her lip. 'I dread to think what I'd find out there'.

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