Part 18

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Odette spent the flight to Connecticut reading Rorys book. She needed to get some insight into this girls life. Some parts of the book actually made her feel a bit sorry for Rory. The fact that she was raised by a single mum and made it all the way to graduating from Yale provided the perfect back story. But then when she read about how Rory had actually come from quite a privileged background, with her grandparents paying for her to go to private school and college, Odette once again started to detest this woman.

She'd begun hating the upper classes a long time ago. Ok, she did come from a pretty wealthy family. That was what had made her a suitable match for Logan in the first place. Their marriage had been just as adventageous for her parents as it had his. But Odette had never really felt like she'd fitted in. She detested her families wealth for the destiny it had placed up on her life. Actually, come to think of it, it was because of her so-called privilege that she'd ended up in the situation she was in right now. Wow! Money really was the route of all evil.

'Champagne madame?' The flight attendant was stood over Odette with a plate full of champagne glasses. Why not? She'd paid on Logans credit card, he could more than afford for her to fly first class! And plus, she wasn't pregnant anymore, or trying. Come to think of it, this was probably the first alcoholic drink she'd had since her wedding day.

Odette placed the book flat on her chest, so as not to lose her page.
'Oh go on then, why not?' she chuckled. The flight attendant smiled back at her.
'You celebrating something? Off anywhere nice?' the flight attendant asked. Odette noticed from her name badge that her name was Sophie.
'Oh, just off to visit some old friends' she said.
'Nice!' Sophie replied 'and they live in Connecticut? Where abouts?'
'A small town called Stars Hollow' Odette replied.
'It's not Rory Gilmore you're visiting is it?' Sophie asked, which made Odette start to panic. 'I noticed you're reading her book!' she motioned towards where Rorys book was still lying on Odettes chest. 'It's great! Isn't it? I've read it as well! Stars Hollow seems so quaint and sweet'.
'Yeah it's a great book!' Odette fained. 'I don't have the pleasure of knowing Rory personally, but some of my friends live in Stars Hollow and they invited me over. I thought I should read the book to get a better idea of what small town life was like.'
'Good idea' Sophie winked at Odette, 'if you bump into Rory, say hello to her from me. Anyway, I gotta go now, so enjoy the rest of your flight!' and before Odette had chance to reply Sophie had galloped away and was offering a drink to the woman in front of her.

A couple of hours later, Odette arrived at the airport. She'd only brought carry on luggage so it didn't take her long to get out. She hailed down a cab and a driver pulled up next to her.
'Where to madame?' the driver asked her.
'Stars Hollow' Odette replied.
'Are you visiting Rory Gilmore?' the driver asked, as she got into the car.
Jeez! This Rory was a very popular girl!

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