Part 29 - Amelies apartment

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Amelie closed the door to her apartment and tossed her handbag towards the settee. She enjoyed living alone, there was something quite peaceful about it. Amelie walked into the kitchen and put on the kettle. Whilst it was boiling, she leaned back on the kitchen counter and thought about her day, as she often did.

But today, she was thinking mainly about Rory Gilmore. What a poor girl. She had to only have been in her early 30s, but to have been through so much in her short life and to still remain the spirited young woman that she was was a great achievement. However, despite the brave face that Rory must have put on every day of the last two years, Amelie had been able to tell almost as soon as she met her that something wasn't quite right. And the way she'd broken down when telling Amelie about her story was more than proof of that. There must be some way she could help this poor girl.

Amelie poured herself a cup of coffee and went over to the settee. She placed the coffee cup on the table, reached into her bag and pulled out her laptop. She opened up the web browser and searched the words 'Rory Gilmore'.

At the top of the search page were links to different sites that sold Rorys book 'Gilmore Girls'. That wasn't what she wanted. She scrolled down a little further, until she found and article from an online magazine. 'Gilmore Gone!', what a horrible headline. But none the less, Amelie clicked on the article.

'Author and journalist Rory Gilmore was recently reported to have called the police, following the kidnap of her son, Dylan Gilmore. The supposed son of  heir to the Huntzberger empire Logan Huntzberger, the newborn baby was reportedly snatched from Rorys mothers home in the small town of Stars Hollow, Connecticut'

That was just the first paragraph of the article. The story was told in full detail, exactly as Rory had described it, but expectedly more elaborately. Amelie scrolled down further to see a link to an Instagram post Rory had made, announcing the birth of her baby.

Amelie clicked on the link, which took her through to Rorys Instagram page. The photo was of a beautiful baby boy, with piercing blue eyes, lying in what looked like a hospital crib. Those blue eyes looked familiar, but Amelie couldn't pinpoint where from. She decided that it was probably his similarity to Rory that had struck a chord.

Amelie closed her laptop, but she was still puzzled. How had this little boy gone missing? Who could possibly have wanted to have taken such an innocent little child from his mother at just three weeks old?

Brrr Amelies phone was ringing. She looked down at her phone and saw her brothers name appear on the screen. How she loved to get a phone call from France!

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