Part 65

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Logan had barely been in the car for 5 minutes when his cell phone rang.

He hadn't really known what to do or where to go when he'd left the Social Services office. He knew there'd been no point in staying any longer. It was clear that that social worker woman had heard of Dylan, or Daniel as he was now apparently known, but she was never going to give him any information. By staying and trying to argue the point with her, he would just be wasting time. Time he could have been spending finding some other solution.

Logan had asked his driver to take him back to the Huntzbergers' Los Angeles residence. He needed time to think and to get himself a strong whiskey. God only knew he deserved that!

Calling his families' lawyers would have been the easy way out. He couldn't just sit around and wait for someone else to do his dirty work. He'd go crazy waiting around all day to hear any news! He'd done that for the past two years and it had driven him insane. It was high time he did something himself, but what that was exactly, he didn't know.

When his phone rang, Logan felt as if he'd been rudely awoken from his day dream. He picked it up to see 'No Caller ID' appear on the screen.
'Eugh!' Logan groaned to himself. He really didn't need this right now! So he waited for the phone to stop ringing and tried to get back to his own thoughts.

A few seconds later the phone rang again. Whoever this was must be desperate to get hold of him. He should answer the phone really.

'Hello', Logan grunted, 'Logan Huntzberger here. How can I help?'
'Oh hello.' The voice on the other end of the phone sounded familiar, but he didn't know where from.
'My names Wendy Nichols' the woman he was spoking to said. 'I'm from Westchester social services. You left our office about five minutes ago?'
Logan rolled his eyes, as if he wouldn't remember what he'd been doing just a few minutes ago. But nonetheless, he was interested in what she had to say, so forced himself to stay silent.

The woman carried on. 'I'm sorry for how I spoke with you earlier on. I just wanted to give you a call regarding the little boy, Daniel'.
Logan so desperately wanted to interject, but he forced himself to stay silent. He needed to take in everything she had to say.

'Mr Huntzberger', she said, 'I can't believe I'm sharing this with you.' Logan could sense a tremor in Wendys voice. 'I could actually get struck off for this, but I did some research on you and I thought I should let you know'. Logan exhaled. Finally, someone who understood what he'd been trying to achieve all day.
'So you have to promise me, Mr Huntzberger,' Wendy carried on, 'that you won't tell anyone who or where you got this information from'.
'I give you my word', Logan said. He owed this woman that much at least.

'A young boy named Daniel came into our care about a week back', Wendy began. 'Apparently his surname is Dumont, but we can't guarantee that. So this child came into the care of social services after he was smuggled into the country by two women. One of whom claims to be his mother. The child was in a terrible state, one of the worst cases I've seen in my 20 years as a social worker'.

Logan was already feeling impatient. He'd been told this information already and needed to get down to the important stuff. Plus, his time was quite limited.
'I knew as much', Logan said. And then, conscious not to scare Wendy off, he said 'can you give me any information on where I can find my son?'

'I really shouldn't be telling you this', Logan could actually hear Wendy shudder on the other end of the phone. 'He's living with a woman in her 70s. She lives in Downtown Los Angeles. Her names Cynthia Freeman.'
'Great' Logan said, relieved to finally have it confirmed that his son was safe. 'Can I have the contact details for this woman?'

'Yeah,' Wendy mumbled. 'I think it's best that you speak to her face to face. It's about 20 minutes drive from here, which will give me enough time to call her and tell her to expect you'. Wendy paused, and then she added 'do you have a pen?'

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