Part 6 - London, England

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As soon as Logan had left for Heathrow Airport on the morning of September 5th, Odette raced up the stairs to the room he called his study and opened the door. After the name Rory Gilmore had appeared on Logans television screen the day before, she had been laying awake all night, trying to place the name.

It was in the early hours of this morning that she'd realised that Colin had mentioned the name at dinner last week when retelling a story from one of his and Logans Yale days. Immediately after telling this story Colin had yelped in pain after Logan had stepped on his toe under the table. Hearing Rorys name and seeing it flash up on his telivision screen yesterday had clearly distressed Logan and Odette wanted to know why.

Ever since they'd moved into the London house Logan had called this room his study, but Odette knew that really it was much more of a bachelor pad than his place of work. Lets face it, this wasn't the first time she'd snooped around in here. After hearing Colins story last week, she knew that Yale was the key to the secret her husband had so obviously been keeping. Logan had kept stories about his college days to a minimum, in fact he kept any conversation with her to a minimum, so Odette had no idea where to start looking for clues.

She walked over towards Logans bookshelf. He kept very few books and she was sure that the ones he had kept were only for show. She stared from one side of the book case to the other, careful to take into account every single cover. All of a sudden one bright blue book came to her attention, Yale colours! That must be it! She took the book carefully from the shelf 'Yale yearbook class of 2006' it read on the cover. Yep! That was it!

Odette walked over to the settee that was on the other side of the room. It felt so hard and clumpy and was completely different to the ones she'd selected so carefully for her downstairs living room. Carefully, she turned the pages of the book, being sure to take in every single face and name. Nope, no mention of a Rory Gilmore. Starting to feel disheartened, Odette turned to the back page of the book, which was covered in signatures from all of Logans college pals. And there she found it! In the bottom right corner of the page.

'Just because you made me sign this...Congratulations on your graduation Logan! Going to miss you when you're in London - Love, Rory xx'

Although Odette felt like she'd hit the jackpot finding this signature in Logans college yearbook, she was still no closer to find out who Rory was. So she took her phone out of her pocket and performed at quick Google search for 'Rory Gilmore'.

The first item that popped up was a link to a bookstore. 'Buy Gilmore Girls, the book by Rory Gilmore before it's too late'. Odette clicked on the link and a picture of the book cover appeared. She had seen this book in a bookshop the other day and she couldn't believe she hadn't made the connection until now.

Odette went back to the Google search page, she needed to find out more about this women. She scrolled through several articles reviewing the book and just as she was about to give up found a link to a magazine at the bottom of the page; 'new best-selling author Rory Gilmore announces pregnancy'. Odette clicked on the magazine article, which contained a link to the Instagram page @RoryLGilmore...She had struck gold! This was Rorys Instagram page.

She scrolled through the many photos of Rory smiling with friends, another older woman who she assumed was her mum, a picture of the cover of the book, some with friends children etc. Odette paused and nearly dropped her phone as she got to one post about halfway down the page. It was a picture of Rory on a sandy beach with her hands placed in a heart shape on her stomach, which she was looking down and smiling lovingly at. 'Proud to announce my next release, baby Gilmore coming September 2018!' Odettes face went white when she saw this. It was time to call her husband.

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