Love is Forever

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“Love is a great beautifier.”  Louisa May Alcott

Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God, and whoever loves has been born of God and knows God.  1John 4:8

Facet:  “a small plane surface (as on a cut gem)”  Merriam-Webster Dictionary

You may have seen the famous Bond movie, Diamonds are Forever.  If you have, you’ve heard the opening song of the same name.  It ends with these words.  “I don’t need love, for what good will love do me?  Diamonds never lie to me, for when love’s gone they’ll luster on.  Diamonds are forever, forever, forever.  Diamonds are forever, forever, forever.  Forever and ever.”  That’s great and all, but what if our love were like diamonds?  Not like raw diamonds, but like diamonds love has gone into.  When a diamond is found there’s nothing about it that is ready for a ring.  There’s potential, and some are beautiful, but they’re not what they could be.  It takes work to make them brilliant.  It takes chiseling, and breaking, and grinding away at them.  And when they’re done they still don’t shine on their own.  When done correctly, their many facets serve to refract light shown on them so that they radiate brilliance from within.  The tricky thing about a diamonds facets is that they must be as close to perfect as possible.  If they’re cut at too steep or too shallow of an angle they won’t refract the light back out towards their viewer.  They’ll appear dull and cheap.  However, when cut correctly, their facets serve to refract the light around them causing a brilliance that is unmistakable.  A well cut diamond excites like nothing else in this world.  We are to be like diamonds for God’s love.  While we may know how to receive His love, His love is empowered by its refraction.  Any diamond can be illuminated by a jewelers lamp, it’s their cut that makes the difference.  And so it is with us.  It takes God’s honing, at times breaking and grinding, to form us into the shape He needs us to be.  A shape built for the purpose of His love.  It should be our goal, to not only receive God’s love, but to refract it brilliantly to the world around us.  That way, no one can say about us, “What good will their love do me?”  That way, diamonds will appear insignificant when compared with God’s forever love, refracted from our hearts.  That way it can be truly said of love.  “It is forever, and it is brilliant!”

Daily Journaling Questions:

1.  How did I help someone in kindness today?

2.  What did I learn today?

3.  What am I thankful for?

4.  Who did I love today?

5.  What am I dreaming of?

6.  What about today do I want to remember forever?

7/  What are my goals for tomorrow?

Thanks for reading,


Daily Self Growth Journal Pt. IVOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant