Chapter 316: Kneeling down

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Although Ye Yunjie's voice was not loud, it was already loud enough for the few people present to hear.

And when they heard Ye Yunjie mouth Jiang Hao as Jiang Shao, the hearts of the few people present all went cold for a large part.

"Jiang Jiang Shao?" Liu Guohao was obviously taken by surprise, and the punches he threw all fell short, and his whole body almost fell.

Liu Guohao was completely dumbfounded, because he remembered that just now his son had pointed at Jiang Hao and called him a son of a b*tch, and he was going to ask Brother Pao to clean him up!

When he thought of this, Liu Guohao's mind went blank and he became even more desperate.

He knew very well that if his son had only provoked Ye Yunjie, he would have taught him a good lesson and given Ye Yunjie a good apology, and the matter would have been settled.

But his own son, who was indisputable, had provoked Jiang Hao's head? He even threatened to teach him a lesson?

This is just like seeing a land mine and stepping on it with glee!

Moreover, Liu Guohao knew very well that this time, it would never be that simple.

The person who offended him was Jiang Shao, a member of the Shen family, and even Ye Yunjie had to respectfully call him master, and he was not even a dog in front of him, and now his son had almost cleaned him up!

Just thinking about this, Liu Guohao felt like his brain hurt so much that it felt like it was going to explode.

He couldn't help but stop his hands. With his hands on his head, he looked like he was in agony.

And just at that moment, Brother Pao on the side was also dumbfounded.

He had realised just then that Ye Yunjie would not be an idle person, after all, in order to quell her anger, Liu Guohao had even dealt such a cruel hand to his own son, which was almost unprecedented in the past.

But he never thought that this Jiang Hao would be at least one level higher than Ye Yunjie, and Ye Yunjie had to respectfully call out to him as Jiang Shao.

It seems that this is a big frown today!

Brother Pao had been following Liu Guohao for so many years, even if he didn't know Jiang Hao's identity, he could still see that this young Jiang's identity was probably so strong that it was terrifying.

And in the face of such a character, just now, he had almost cleaned him up, and even insulted him with his words, this account, who knows how he would be settled later?

He was just a man who worked for others, but he could never have imagined that one day he would actually commit this kind of thunderous rage!

Brother Leopard was in a state of panic and did not know what to do.

On the other hand, Jiang Hao looked at Ye Yunjie, and the tension in his own heart was finally relieved.

Just now, when he was ready to get up with a group of people, Jiang Hao was also very scared, thinking that if Ye Yunjie hadn't appeared in time, he might have really been finished.

But luckily, Ye Yunjie had appeared just in time, and it seemed that Liu Qiang had also been taught a lesson.

"I'm fine." Jiang Hao said indifferently and said to Ye Yunjie, "I really didn't expect that this Liu Qiang was actually the son of the owner of this company."

Jiang Hao let out a bitter laugh, sighing that creation was too coincidental to write.

Ye Yunjie smiled and asked with a serious face, "Then, Jiang Shao, do we want to work with a different company?"

When Ye Yunjie spoke, she had no intention of holding back at all, her voice was like a normal chat.

But her words, when they reached Liu Guohao's ears, simply became the last straw that broke the camel's back.

Liu Guohao fell to the ground with a poof and looked at Ye Yunjie and Jiang Hao with a desperate face.

He knew very well that if this collaboration with Jiang Hao blew up, he would probably not be able to get along in Chu Jiang.

In order to get on with the overseas Shen family, Liu Guohao had used almost all the means, which had sinned against people and fed the pits dug by others, there were simply countless.

Liu Guohao also took a big gamble at the beginning, after all, if he could get a ride with the Shen family this time, then even if he wanted to take revenge on himself, those people would probably have to weigh their own weight in front of the Shen family.

But if the cooperation with the Shen family falls through, Liu Guohao can imagine what will happen to him.

Those enemies, those who had been victimised by him, and those who were already jealous of his ability to ride on the Shen family's fast track, would all come to his door as soon as they heard the news.

When that time came, Liu Guohao would not even know how he would die.

Liu Guohao wanted to live, no matter what, even if the company was lost and his son was crippled, but having a life to live was the most important thing!

In front of a large audience, Liu Guohao knelt down on the ground, disregarding his own employees and the face he had accumulated over 20 years in Chujiang.

Immediately afterwards, Liu Guohao knocked his head on the ground

There was a "thud", with great force and an extremely loud sound.

Liu Guohao lifted his head, followed by crawling forward two steps, and then fiercely knocked his head down again.

With another "thud", Liu Guohao's forehead turned blue, but he still ignored it and took another two steps forward, then knocked his head again.

Liu Guohao was kowtowing to the feet of Jiang Hao and Ye Yunjie under the gaze of at least a few dozen pairs of eyes.

Up Next: I've Got A Super Rich Dad II: Chapter 317: Listen to you

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