Chapter 274: Break Up

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Feng Pingping was thinking about it, she was now able to squeeze as much oil and water out of this Xu Qingqing, she had to try to squeeze as much oil and water as possible, otherwise after such a village, there would definitely be no such shop.

However, when she heard this ha offer, Xu Qingqing looked hesitant.

"Ten thousand yuan? That much, can it be less?"

Feng Pingping looked at the hesitant Xu Qingqing and was a little impatient: "What's wrong with you? Oh, they gave you 50,000, I worked so hard to raise it to 80,000, and you can't even turn around and give me a little labour fee? So I'm helping you for nothing? Are you ashamed? Have you been eating too much free lunch?"

Xu Qingqing's face turned scarlet as she was scolded, this was already humiliating enough, now she was scolded like this, even if she had a thick skin, she would still feel uncomfortable.

"Then can it be less?" Xu Qingqing begged, "The reason I want 80,000 is that I really have no choice, my father's surgery fee is so much short of six, I'll give you 10,000 by then, but where am I going to get this 10,000 yuan? Our family really has no way out!"

When Feng Pingping heard this, she was a little blocked, but still had no intention of backing down.

She gave Xu Qingqing a blank look and said coldly, "Then I don't care, you can do it yourself anyway, if you don't agree, then I can only tell people to forget about this matter, and later on, not to mention the 10,000 less, I guess that 70,000 you will also have to drown."

Feng Pingping was purely threatening, but she knew beyond doubt that her threat would work.

Xu Qingqing hesitated for a long time and finally could only sigh: "Okay then, I'll give you 10,000! But but only 10,000, I really can't ask for more!"

Feng Pingping finally showed a smile and said, "Hey, don't worry, I know it's not easy for you, this is your father's life-saving money, how could I be so insensitive as to ask you for more? In fact, I'm just trying to find a balance, you don't even know how they scolded me just now"

Feng Pingping's lies finally calmed Xu Qingqing down.

She then looked at the time and said, "Let's do it this way, you can clean up later, take out your best clothes, and draw a better-looking strong, I'll take you to get your hair done later, then I'll communicate with Brother Qiang about the time, and we'll go there."

Xu Qingqing smiled and just nodded woodenly, her mind was blank as she leaned alone on the edge of the bed, seemingly thinking about something.

Feng Pingping wandered around the dormitory, not knowing what she was doing, and left in a hurry once again.

Just then, Xu Qingqing's mobile phone rang and she was shocked to find that it was her boyfriend in name only.

This boyfriend she had been talking to for half a year, at first he was very good to her, but after several attempts to open up with her, the other party's attitude gradually cooled down, and even Xu Qingqing caught her boyfriend in a dilemma of opening a room with someone else.

The relationship is now dead in name, but the other party still lets Xu Qingqing financially support him from time to time, so that they can maintain it until today.

Xu Qingqing sighed and picked up the phone, and her boyfriend's impatient voice came over the line: "Xu Qingqing, are you f*cking dead? Answer the phone!"

Xu Qingqing was not angry or happy, she just asked, "What's wrong?"

The other party said, "Hurry up, transfer two hundred yuan to me by WeChat, I need to go out for a meal."

"I don't have any money." Xu Qingqing said indifferently, "My father is hospitalized and now needs a large amount of money for surgery, I won't give you any more money."

The other party heard this, instantly irritated, cursed: "F*ck you, your father's death has nothing to do with me, I'm telling you, hurry up and transfer me money, if you don't have money, go borrow, you have half an hour, transfer the money immediately, or break up."

The other party's words were so decisive that there was not the slightest hesitation.

These words finally set fire to the anger in Xu Qingqing's heart.

She breathed heavily and said into the microphone, "Then get lost, I've wanted to break up for a long time, and I have something to say to you: f*ck you."

This was the first time Xu Qingqing cursed at the other party, but before she could say a whole sentence, the other party hung up the phone, not forgetting to curse: "Damn poor bastard, your father deserved to die."

Xu Qingqing stared at the phone, her heart full of mixed feelings, very uncomfortable, very much wanting to vent out, but as if there was nowhere to do so.

Once again, she hid her face and wept bitterly, weeping profusely and heartbreakingly.

On the other hand, the concert lasted until the afternoon and ended.

Xue Yu Ning was really excited this day.

Not only did she get to see her idol so close, she even heard Jiang Hao say that she would have the chance to take a photo with her idol if she wanted to.

Of course Xue Yuning wanted to, it was something she had dreamed of since she was a child, and Xue Yuning also aspired to one day become a top star in the limelight, just like Huo Yun.

The two of them came out of the stadium and were going to leave when Jiang Hao looked at the time and suggested, "Let's go eat, I've heard from Sister Ye that there's a good restaurant around here."

Xue Yuning smiled and nodded, and suddenly thought, "Right Jiang Hao, I want to call Xiao Qing as well, she's my best friend now, I already feel a bit uncomfortable not bringing her along to this concert."

Up Next: I've Got A Super Rich Dad II: Chapter 275: What's wrong with you?

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