Chapter 283: Call

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This Manager Wu had been mixed up in the world for more than twenty sides and had long since become an old oilman.

He suddenly stretched out his hand and called a waiter who was not far away.

"Manager Wu, what are your orders?" The waiter said with immense respect.

Manager Wu smiled wisely and said to him, "You now inform the entire Cloud Mist Villa that if these two people smash anything again, just let them be, no need to care or ask, just do as they wish. Also inform the front desk, tell them to go and call Jiang Shao, just say something big, these two people are going to smash up the whole Cloud Mist Villa Hotel."

Hearing this, the waiter couldn't help but stare, "No matter what? We're here'"

The waiter was obviously quite unable to understand what Manager Wu meant.

Although these two people were not simple, they were both relatives of that young Jiang, but to just let them smash up the hotel without caring about anything, wasn't that too unwise?

One must know that many of the rooms and furnishings in this entire Cloud Mist Villa were antiques of great value.

If you smash one of these things, one is missing, and they are very valuable.

Besides, many of them were Qiao San's own collection. Smashing these things would be as painful as cutting Qiao San's flesh.

The waiter was puzzled and hesitated to move.

Seeing this, Manager Wu frowned and said, "You don't have to care so much, just do whatever you're told to do, I'll take responsibility if something happens anyway. And"

Manager Wu grinned, "And naturally these things won't be smashed for nothing, someone will definitely pay the bill in the end! Get on with it."

The waiter was also frowning, but since Manager Wu had said so, there was nothing he could do, so he did as he was told and went.

Manager Wu watched the waiter leave with a small smile on his face.

He was very resourceful, so of course he would not lose out on anything.

The reason why he let the waiter order down and let Cousin Xue Yuning and Fan Deng smash the place at will was not a blind command without reason and logic.

In Manager Wu's opinion, Xue Yuning's cousin and Fan Deng were smashing up the place anyway, and he couldn't stop them compulsorily, as this would offend his own boss, and secondly, the effect would probably not be great.

In case people then bite back and say that their own people beat them up, then they can't say it clearly instead.

Now that they have smashed a few of the most valuable things in the hotel, what can they smash if they are allowed to smash them harder?

At most, it was just a few paintings in the corridor.

But even if all those paintings were ripped up, or even if they set fire to the Cloud Mist Villa Hotel, wouldn't it still amount to a billion or so in the end?

This billion or so, in front of Jiang Hao, seems to be nothing.

What's more, they don't see how they can get so outrageous, because in that case, even Jiang Hao won't be able to bail them out and just wait to go to jail.

What's more, by doing this, Manager Wu was trying to make a gesture to show Jiang Hao.

To put it bluntly, it was to show him: look, your relatives are so aggressive and smashed our hotel, but we still didn't fight back, it was entirely for your sake.

And the reason he asked the receptionist to hurry up and inform Jiang Hao was simply to get him to hurry up and come over and see what this relative of his had done.

In this way, it was equivalent to them giving face to Jiang Hao as well, and informing Jiang Hao as soon as possible was actually considered trying to save the hotel.

After all, Jiang Hao was here, so he couldn't just watch his relative smash up the hotel, could he?

Manager Wu had seen Jiang Hao twice with Qiao San, and he still admired this top young man who was the least like a young broad.

At the very least, Jiang Hao was sensible, and when he saw his relatives acting so recklessly on the strength of his name, naturally Jiang Hao would clean up after them without having to ask himself.

When the time comes, not only will these two people be cleaned up, Jiang Hao's face will definitely be given as well.

Moreover, given Jiang Hao's character, he would certainly not let Qiao San pay for all the damages to this hotel on his own.

Manager Wu smiled, what he could do was already done, next, he would wait for Jiang Hao to arrive and see what would happen in a good show.

On the other hand, cousin Xue Yuning and Fan Deng had just had such an incident, they seemed even more reckless.

After all, now that the hotel manager was treating them politely and she didn't even put them in her sights, she was only likely to get more and more cocky.

The two of them returned to the room they were staying in, and Cousin Xue Yu Ning sat on the bed in a huff.

Although she had just wreaked no small amount of havoc herself compared to what had happened to her today, she was obviously still furious.

"Damn it, how dare you lie to me!" The more she thought about it, the more furious she became, and she violently slammed a celadon water cup to the side, "I can't let him go! No, I'll call that son of a bitch right now, and call Xue Yu Ning and her mother over, I think we have to settle all our old scores together today!"

After cousin Xue Yu Ning finished speaking, she hurriedly took out her mobile phone and called Xue Yu Ning.

Up Next: I've Got A Super Rich Dad II: Chapter 284: This is a threat

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