Chapter 250: This Is Stolen

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Jiang Hao looked at the security chief and continued calmly, "Didn't you ask me for the tickets before? I'm bringing them over now, but I just asked him to sweep the tickets, why were they rejected?"

Jiang Hao pointed at the torn ticket in the security guard's hand and said, "And it was torn by him, may I ask if this is the kind of work attitude you have?"

Jiang Hao's attitude really made the head of security angry, because Jiang Hao didn't jump to his feet and argue with them, otherwise he would have sent someone to blow Jiang Hao out right now.

Instead, with this attitude of Jiang Hao, if he sent people to blow him out, he would definitely be left without public support himself.

After hearing Jiang Hao's words, the security guard hurriedly showed the ticket torn in half to the security captain and snickered, "Captain, look for yourself, what the hell kind of bullsh*t ticket is this? This son of a bitch is just f*cking here to smash the venue, see if I don't beat him out"

After saying that, the security guard was about to make a move, but he was stopped by the head of security.

To be honest, he didn't recognise the ticket either, as it was actually a temporary one printed to actually go through the motions, as it was originally agreed by both parties that Jiang Hao was invited in by Gao Shun.

The security chief also laughed when he saw the ticket: "Just this? You're playing me?"

Jiang Hao's face was expressionless: "I'm not playing you, and I'm telling you, this ticket is real, you can scan it if you don't believe me!"

Jiang Hao had been insisting that the other party scan the ticket, when the truth would come out, then see what they people had to say.

The security chief couldn't help but sigh, in his opinion, this Jiang Hao was a madman, because but for any normal person, you just create a price, at least get an identical ticket.

But your ticket is incestuous, are you testing the ticket inspector to see if he is retarded?

Seemingly also in order to let Jiang Hao die, and also in order to not give others unnecessary remarks when he asked his men to coax Jiang Hao away later, the security chief smiled and said, "Fine, didn't you ask me to check the tickets? I'll sweep it today, if this ticket sweeps successfully, I'll let you in, but if it doesn't, then don't blame me for not being polite!"

The security captain sneered, reached out and asked for the sweeper from the ticket inspector and swept it over the ticket with a smile.

At this moment, although the ticket was torn into two halves by that security guard, the barcode on it was still intact. The security captain swept at the barcode and then casually shoved the scanner to the ticket inspector.

"Do you have anything to say this time?" Before the result of the barcode scanner could be produced, that security captain sneered and questioned Jiang Hao.

In his opinion, the dispute was already over, the code machine screen must have gone red, indicating that the item was a fake, and there was not even a hint of suspense about the matter.

But to his surprise, the code machine suddenly let out a beep and the screen appeared full of green, and it passed.

When Jiang Hao saw the result, he laughed: "Are you sure?"

The security chief naturally heard the sound, and then hurriedly looked at the code machine, and was immediately taken aback.

"How is this this possible?" The security captain was dumbfounded and full of confusion.

"Team leader, is the code sweeper broken?" The security guard was even more disbelieving, pointing at the code sweeper and saying.

"It can't be, if it's broken, it's not working, since it scanned, it can only mean," the ticket inspector said hurriedly, "that the tickets are real!"

At the ticket inspector's words, the whole crowd was astonished!

"Real? This is a real ticket? But how come it's not the same as our tickets?"

"What the hell is going on here? This ticket however I noticed that this ticket of his is quite good looking, is it some kind of special ticket?"

The crowd was uproarious and noisy, everyone was talking about this ticket.

The more they argued, the more puzzled they became.

At this moment, it was the security guard and the head of security who were most astonished.

The two of them looked at each other, apparently completely at a loss as to what to do.

"Captain," the security guard asked, frowning and red-faced.

The captain was also scratching his head, not knowing what to do anymore.

"Now that you've finished verifying that this ticket is genuine, may I please go in?" Jiang Hao smiled and questioned.

There was indeed no reason not to let people in now.

After all, the tickets had already been checked, although they were also confused.

"This where did you get this ticket?" The security chief pondered for a moment and said to Jiang Hao, "This ticket of yours is not right at all, where on earth did you get it from?"

Jiang Hao sneered and said back, "Do you believe me when I say that these tickets are stolen? Oh aren't you guys allowed to enter even if you have stolen tickets?"

The security captain's face turned extremely ugly when he heard that, he knew very well that Jiang Hao's words were clearly mocking himself.

After all, just now Jiang Hao had said that Feng Pingping's tickets were stolen, but she still got in ah.

Up Next: I've Got A Super Rich Dad II: Chapter 251: Say it again

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