
We stop outside Hope's house, my adrenaline finally dropping to a point where I feel like I can breathe again. May and Hope too busy sitting on the porch swing signing away to notice our arrival, language's are not my strongest suit but I know enough to hold a conversation with Hope and the twins.

May skips down the path with her middle finger raised at me after the third time I've pressed Eli's horn.

"Why are you fucking naked again?"

This girl is fucking charming I swear. Hope waves emphatically at me from the front step, she stopped trying to hide that crush on me about three years ago, I thought it would've moved on by now but she seems to be stuck on the Thompson train.

"I'll get a shirt when you run a fucking brush through your hair. You look like shit."

She keeps her middle finger raised at me as she settles into the back seat, her long acrylic nails tapping away on her phone screen as she loudly chews her gum.

"I think you look beautiful May."

I swear I will fucking hit him.

May doesn't even look up from her phone, scoffing and blowing her gum into a bubble until it pops.

"I've told you crumpets, not if you were the last guy on earth."

Crumpets. Gets me every fucking time. I burst out laughing, she may be my little sister but she's got more attitude than every other girl in our school combined and she doesn't bother to think before she says anything, it's why I love her so much.

Eli doesn't look deterred as he turns towards the Manor, in fact his fat English ass just seems to fall even more in love with the girl. One day, she's going to tear him apart and discard the pieces, but that day is a long fucking way off thank god.

Pulling into the drive, May doesn't even attempt to say thank you to Eli, instead getting straight out and walking into the house without so much as a glance back.

I take his hoodie and shove it on, the last thing I need is Mum seeing me half naked when I was just supposed to be at practise. Technically I'm not supposed to be leaving the house yet because she grounded me for life but considering I'm nineteen and will be off to college in a few months, she needed to chill a bit.

Her and Dad are on the couch sorting photos into albums when I walk in, they're so old school, who the fuck still prints photos and puts them into albums other than these two?

"Hi sweetheart, good practise?"

I nod, walking to the fridge and taking the last of the milk before May gets it. The kid would live off pop tarts and milk if we let her. It's so weird because she's actually a better cook than Mum, think she got it from Granny. She's good at it but I think when she does it she realises how much she misses her all over again.

I loved that woman, but May can hardly talk about her. I'm still not sure entirely what happened when Granny died but I know May was alone with her for a long time. It really messed the girl up, more than anyone knows. I don't think even Mum realises that I still sometimes wake up to find her sleeping on my floor after having a nightmare.

She really needs help but she won't ask for it, and she won't let me tell anyone to get it for her. I'm afraid if I do it anyway then the betrayal will make her cut me out completely, just like she has everyone else, right now I'm the only person she's actually honest with.

Climbing the stairs my, body feels beyond exhausted. I check my phone as I get to my room but Zoe still hasn't called. If her dad's taken her phone again like the time I brought her back late after our first date, then I probably won't speak to her again until school on Monday.

There's a knock on my door just as I was getting ready to jump in the shower.

"Come in."

Dad pokes his head around the door.

"Sorry Milo, just checking if you need anything before you leave Wednesday? I'm working all day tomorrow but I can pick some stuff up after when I do the shop. It was very nice of Josh to agree to take you guys, you know I would've gone if I could."

When will they realise they don't need to baby me like this? I know May gets it worse but I can hardly stand this shit. The sooner I fuck off to college the better, I have nothing I want to be here for right now.

"I'm good." He nods, not asking anymore questions before leaving. The best thing about Dad – he doesn't stuck around when he knows you're done.

The steaming hot water hits my skin and the stress I was feeling vanishes slowly. It's been a hell of a fucking night and I need this. Leaning my head against the cold hard tiles, the water penetrates my back over and over with brutal force, my muscles finally relaxing under the pressure.

I need a release... getting close at Zoe's and then having it all taken away isn't fucking healthy.

Grasping my solid cock in my palm, my nerve ends shudder as I tease my length from base to tip, letting my thumb quickly flick over the end each time. I can feel it won't take much, but I need it.

Holding my thick member tightly, I begin to pump, the water running from my back and down my legs leaks into my hand increasing the lubrication. My dick is painfully solid, tight as fuck and begging me to squeeze it. As my strokes become firmer and more intense my mind flashes back to earlier tonight; the way her legs shook next to my head... the way she knelt before me ready to do what it took to give me the same pleasure I could give her...

Nothing's working, I can't get to where I need.

I fall back against the wall opposite, the water from the shower head now hitting my dick with force as I rest with pressure against my shoulders.

My mind wonders to a hundred different things until I see them again, those blue eyes. It isn't really Josh, it's parts of him. I can see his eyes, his lips. I can smell his fresh cologne and sense the way my body reacted under his intense glare. Josh always seemed so carefree when I was growing up, I was drawn to his laid back attitude, but when I saw him again I could sense the authority he now held too. I don't know how I didn't notice that part of him before.

My hand quickens it's pace at the images, my legs feeling light and my head clouding as I just surrender to the moment. It's not like straight guys don't wonder, right? Just in the back of their minds think about what it would be like to be with a man who would know everything you want to experience because he can experience it too.

What it would be like to be with someone who can give you something different.. New... Exciting...

There's nothing wrong with a bit of experimentation in your own thoughts.

His lips would move down my body slowly, he'd know the sensitive spots that would make my eyes fall shut as they rolled back in my head. Then as he reached my dick, his thick lips would wrap around it with ease, pulling it deep into his-


Thick streams of milky white cum shoot out of my tip, the release so powerful my legs begin to shake against the tiles behind me. The water hits my throbbing member, intensifying the feeling but quickly washing away the evidence until it's like it never happened at all.


Guilt hits me instantly. That was not okay... Zoe would be fucking pissed... More than that though, it's not okay to think about someone like that, like they're some kind of thing you can use for satisfaction.

Why am I feel like this? I've thought about hundreds of girls when jacking off and never felt guilty about it... Is it just because it was Josh? Because he's a guy?... Or... Because I know he's a good guy, a nice guy, the kind of guy that deserves a fuck load more than to just be the person someone thinks about in the shower.

I can't do this right now. Let all those thoughts bubble up in my head again. It doesn't mean anything Milo... it doesn't mean anything...

It doesn't mean anything, right?

What the fuck did I just do...

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