Chapter 62

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“Dude it was sick! I can’t believe you weren’t there! There is no way that one date lived up to this fucking party mate, you missed out big time.”

Eli has been talking about the party on Friday night ever since he met me at the locker’s an hour ago. Apparently one of the girls older brothers turned up and brought a load of his college mates with him.

Eli and freshman college girls, I’m sure you can picture exactly what happened.

“I swear to fuck I am never having sex with just one girl at a time ever again, it was a waste of my finally honed skills. After that night I am a three in a bed minimum, if you’d just dragged your arse there we could have made it four.”

I shove him almost entirely into our bio teachers desk as we walk in, I wouldn’t bang that guy if he was the last dude on the planet. Nor would I bang alongside him, no matter how cute those girls supposedly were.

“Dude! Unnecessary!” Eli protests as he attempts to straighten himself back out after landing on a pile of human skeleton replica remains, not that it stops him winking at the girl in the front row and making her blush so bright we could use her cheeks to guide Santa from the north fucking pole.

Bio is by far my least favourite subject, I managed to get out of it entirely last year when they offered sports therapy as an alternative course but this year I’m shoved with it.

However since they’ve employed a twenty-five year old blonde teacher with a decent rack, Eli hasn't let me miss a session. She walks in just as he slips into his seat, smiling at everybody the way she always does, but letting her eyes linger for slightly longer on Eli than she probably should in her position.

“Okay you lovely lot, it's the day you've all been waiting for, time to assign your lab partners for the annual bio project!” The groan around the room is universal, it wouldn't be so bad if we could pick our own partners but the school has a policy where they basically want to make life as hard as fucking possible for us by shoving us with people we’d never otherwise talk to.

She continues to drone on about all our options for this project but as I glance around the room my eyes are caught bye the girl in the front corner desk scribbling notes, Zoe.

We haven’t talked since the day she tried to speak to me at the party, her apology texts stop that night too. There’s still a part of me that misses her, not as a girlfriend, but misses how we used to laugh and joke about fucking everything in this school. She was the only thing that really made resetting this year actually fucking bearable.

Even before we were together we got on so fucking well, if I’d known back then what I know now, I’d never have let us get into a relationship knowing it would put an end to that friendship.

“To make things a touch easier for you guys, this year I’ve decided to set you up in teams of three instead of pairs, that way you're more likely to have someone to be able to work with at all times. I’ve tried to keep friends and people with similar interests together where I can... Okay, Group One we have... Erickson.” Eli’s head shoots up at the sound of his last name, scanning the crowd for whatever two unwilling victims are about to become his prey for the next few weeks. “You’ll be with the Johnsons. “

Elis eyes grow ever wider as he looks over the classroom at the Johnson sisters, the only thing they have longer than the chocolate curls that come down past their asses are the freakishly long legs they both seem to share.

Eli slams his hand down on my thigh and squeezes as he stares over at them and they wave back. “Twins... She gave me the fucking twins... This is going to be the best few weeks of my fucking life.” He doesn't even look back in my direction as he throws everything he has into his bag and races over to sit with the girls.

Those poor girls...

Mrs hot-for-student continues to reel off names, but as the options for my partners begin to shrink I have the most ominous feeling in my stomach. Zoe glances around the room from the other side of the classroom before her eyes land on mine, there's so much pain in them now that it almost fucking crushes me to know that she is still so hurt when I’m the furthest from it.

“Thompson.” Please don’t say it, please don't say it. “You'll be with Vasquez...” Fucking brilliant. Zoe looks over at me upon the sound of her own name and I can see how much trepidation there is in her to even approach where I sit. At least it can’t get any worse.

“... And Miller.”

On second thought...

The whole room falls to silence as they realised the pairing that has just been made. Zoe freezes but I have to take my eyes away from her to find the last part of our threesome, only to find him looking like a deer caught in the headlights as he's already glares back at me.

Great, for the next few weeks it'll be me, Zoe and... Luke.

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