Chapter 37

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The popcorn was definitely not enough, we are now on our second large pizza and he’s raided most of my kitchen cabinets too. I’m not even sure what movie this is, it was my turn to pick but I got all flustered after Miles decided to move his body in so fucking close to mine reaching for a slice that I could practically inhale him, so I just hit play on the first recommendation after the last one finished.

He’s right, this one is shit.

“See! This is what I mean, nobody actually does this kind of shit at parties! When was the last time you saw a group of teenagers actually play spin the bottle?”

I can’t help but laugh at his little rant as he takes another bite out of what must be his final slice of pizza now. Where the fuck does he put all that food? The guy is like 5% body fat.

“Actually, we kind of used to do it at your house every party. Had the worst kiss of my life because of that game.”

He laughs as he looks at me, wiping the pizza sauce away from the corner of his mouth with his thumb before sucking it clean. I’m grateful because I was kind of fighting the urge to lick it off.

“Really? Most people remember the good kisses not the bad ones, who the fuck was such a bad kisser that it’s stuck in your head all this time?”

Smirking to myself, I know I probably shouldn’t tell him this but I kind of like to torture the girl about it.


He almost chokes on his final bite of pizza, coughing and spluttering with wide eyes staring at me as I almost fall off the couch with laughter watching him trying to pretend I haven’t just shocked him down to his very soul.

“Aleah?! What the fuck!... Oh God, I’ve been kissing a guy that once kissed my fucking sister... I think I’m gonna be sick.” He jokes whilst shoving me away from him.

“Guess I shouldn’t tell you about the time the bottle landed on Jayce then.”

He looks at me and this time I genuinely think he might be sick with how green his usually tanned skin has turned. Probably wasn’t the best joke to make right now, but he really shouldn't have stolen my popcorn.

“Please tell me you’re kidding.”

I could definitely draw this out for another five minutes but I just can’t find it in me to be that cruel.

“I’m kidding... It landed on Tara.”

The cushion that once sat behind him hits me full force in the face, I definitely deserved that but he’s just way too fucking easy to wind up, couldn’t pass over the opportunity. There’s only a slight hint of viciousness as he repeatedly smacks my body with the oversized throw pillow, the laughter rakes more deeply over my being when he holds it high and begins to resemble an angry little fucking chipmunk that can't get its own way.

“I’m sorry! Miles, stop hitting me!” I laugh as he now chuckles through the onslaught. “I swear to fuck it was just Aleah, and even she can tell you it was one of the worst experiences of both of our lives.”

His attack ceases finally, a small smile now playing on his lips as my muscles ache from the constant barrage he just administered. I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone look as attractive when they’re angry as he does, all hot and bothered, panting above me. Even the fire in his eyes that he’s trying to hide behind that wicked smile is just making me want to kiss him again.

“Fine. Don’t talk about shit like that, it's so fucking weird.” He chuckles, unfortunately returning to resting back into his seat but at least making me feel safe on my own couch again. “I’m surprised Jayce didn’t try to kill you, he was worse about people coming near her back then than he even is now.”

Oh I definitely think he thought about it, he was giving me the death glare all night. Looking back now, I can’t believe I never clicked that those two were a thing.

“This was before they were a couple. Well, at least before they were an official couple.”

Milo nods, sipping on the coke can that looks so fucking small in his giant hand. “Guess this was before your whole coming out and having a boyfriend thing too then?”

I try not to grin too much at the memory.

“Before coming out, yes. Before having a boyfriend? Kind of.” He gestures for me to explain, lowering his coke to the table before turning and crossing his legs as he faces me from the other side of the couch, the movie now long forgotten. “Basically, me and Harl were already dating but we hadn’t put a title on anything. He was actually there that night, I feel like shit about it now but back then I was very much in hiding.”

I’m not sure I should really tell him about those days, they’re not who I am anymore, but I can’t erase my own history.

“He came to the party just to make sure I didn’t take my cover too far, not that I wanted too anyway. Kissing her was kind of awful for both of us but in a lot of ways it changed my life. Harley saw what happened between us and we got into a bit of a fight about it, I didn’t know that Al was one of his friends.”

Miles listens intently, I’ve been on dates with guys before that always seem to have jealousy or resentment built up towards Harley when I talk about him, whether they mean to or not. Most of them can’t cope with his place in my heart. There’s none of that here with Miles though, every time I mention the Harleys name he even seems to smile a bit. If anything, this just makes him so much more beautiful to me. Perfect even...

“We argued... Then we kind of made up... And got caught.”

Miles’ eyebrows raise all the way to the middle of his forehead, the smug little grin on his face telling me I’m not getting out of this without details.

“Caught?” He asks with fake innocence. “Caught doing what exactly and by who?”

I roll my eyes as I move to lean my back against the arm of the couch, facing him completely and peeling the label off the bottle of water in my hand. Nervous fucking habit.

“Ironically, Aleah. She was the first person to find out about us, about me.” I owe that girl so much. “I freaked, I was so scared about her telling people that I didn’t even realise the hurt I was causing the amazing guy I was with... She said some stuff, powerful stuff that kind of changed me more than she'll ever know. Safe to say we put a label on things quickly after that. He actually deserved more but it was the best I could do at the time.”

Miles shuffles forward, until his knees are touching mine and his hand begins to stroke my thigh. It’s not a sensual touch, I know he’s trying to make sure I know I’m safe to talk about these things with him. He doesn’t need too, I don’t think I’ve ever felt safer than I do with him. It’s actually crazy how comfortable we are so quickly, I’ve never had this with any man I’ve tried being with.

“Do you like talking about him? Or does it still hurt like before?”

I shake my head. “It still hurts sometimes, but it's not like it was before. Talking about him is kind of the only time he feels alive again for me.” Shit. “Sorry, not exactly great  first date talk.”

Miles’ hand moves gently from my thigh to cup my cheek, his touch more soothing than it has any right to be. I can’t even bring myself to look at him, focusing my sight completely on the label I nearly have free of this bottle. It doesn’t deter him, he just waits patiently for the change in my body language before uttering a word. My fingers still, the desire to squirm and fidget away ceases and I can finally look at him. Once he sees I’m good, he smiles, then says the words I’ve always hoped to hear from the next man that felt my lips.

“Talk about him. Whenever you want to, I want to hear it.” His gentle fingers hold the sensitive skin of my neck, the pressure from his thumb on my jaw enough to make my eyes want to fill with tears I’d never let fall. “He was, and probably always will be, the most important person in your life Josh. If it wasn’t for him you wouldn’t be who you are, and I really fucking like who you are, so I want to know everything about the amazing man who made you this.”

How can one person be so fucking perfect? Why the fuck didn’t I come back and find him sooner?... No Josh, it's way too early to be thinking that kind of shit.

He is fucking amazing though isn’t he...

I look deeply into those enchanting orbs of his, pools of caramel rimmed chocolate that just draw your attention no matter where you are. There’s not an ounce of doubt in there, he’s not just saying these words because he thinks I want to hear them, he means them.

“Thank you... That actually means fucking everything to me.”

Taking the hand he has on my face into my own, I turn it up, admiring how strong they are before lowering my lips to the soft palm with a tender kiss. His wrist stares back up at me, before I can stop myself I’ve placed a kiss there too.

I might have been able to stop at this point...If he hadn’t of fucking moaned.

Fuck. Do it again.

He seems to realise what he did too, trying to seal his lips shut as I smirk against the skin of his arm that he hasn’t even tried to pull away. Trailing my fingertips along the outside of his forearm in a slow rhythmic pattern, I follow the same sequence on the inside with my lips. Kiss after kiss along his flesh. Every time my mouth meets his body, electricity sparks in a combustible fusion between us. I just can’t get enough of making him feel like this.

I keep my kisses slow, feather light until I reached the crook of his elbow. The final kiss is deeper as it caresses the responsive surface. The sound he’s trying to hold in hums around deep in his chest, I hold the kiss just long enough to hear it escaped through his slightly parted lips.

The thought of being intimate with someone like this has been something so fucking difficult for me to even comprehend for so long, so why has nothing ever felt easier than it is with him?

Our eyes meet as I pull myself back from continuing my exploration of his body. I won't push this guy or myself, but I’d be lying to both of us if I said I didn’t want to place my lips on every fucking inch of him, desperate to seek out each and every spot that will give him that same sense of satisfaction that just did.

He’s the first mystery I’ve wanted to unlock in a really fucking long time.

“We should probably give this movie some of our attention.”

His head nods but his eyes scream at me to keep going. It’s okay, we've got time... we’ve got all the time in the world. I’m not going anywhere, especially if its far from him.

I lean back against the couch, resting my arm across the top and waiting for him to move back, but rejoicing with bliss when he doesn't.

Instead he shifts into the space next to me, keeping our distance to a minimum. Our bodies seem to react to each other on instinct after that, neither of us saying a word or feeling any awkwardness as we find ourselves entangling into a position we both want without having to verbalise it.

His back rests against my now steady beating chest, his head just below mine until all I can smell is the coconut shampoo he must have used before coming here. I seriously just want to take a bite out of him. He’s fucking delectable.

My arm comes down from the couch, resting across his chest and stroking his waist whilst holding him closer to me. I can’t get enough and he doesn’t fight it either, taking our new intimacy in his stride before placing his hand over the one I have against him and tracing circular motifs across the back of my palm. I doubt very much anyone has ever held him like this before, his giant frame resting in someone else’s arms, but you'd never know it from how comfortable he's making himself.

I don’t know when his hand found its way into my other one because it happened so naturally, I’m not even sure this is the same movie we were just watching with how long he’s had my attention... I just know that nothing in the fucking world could make me move right now. Having him here like this, it’s everything I’ve wanted but never dreamed I could have.

His head rests comfortably against me as he sighs contently before pulling a blanket down from the couch to cover the both of us... and for one single solitary moment I let myself forget; Forget the pain of my loss, forget how many people will be pissed at me for holding this man in my arms, forget the age gap, and forget that he may well be using me to find out who he is.

I forget it all... I just let myself feel him.

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