Chapter 186

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This stupid boy.

I ask him for one thing; kidnap two fucking brats and bring them here so we can rinse their fucking families for everything they're worth. And what do I get? My bastard crying spawn and some little deaf cunt that can't even hear me.

Fucking useless Mexicans.

"Who the fuck is she? Where the fuck is the little rich Thompson bitch?" I can't believe he brought them here of all places! His brother is right upstairs and he'll kill us both I'd he finds out we did this without talking to him first. Controlling asshole can't see the bigger picture.

The bigger picture being – I want the damn cash.

I stare at the quivering blonde wreck with blood trickling down her face, the thing doesn't even look at me, she doesn't even attempt to act like she can see me.

It's not your eyes that are broken you idiot! This bitch is so dumb she was literally too stupid to grow eardrums.

Cripples always freak me out. They're just so... ewww. They should put them somewhere away from normal people, or just have them put down at birth. They're gross and everyone thinks so! We just have to pretend they're okay because you'll be branded a 'bad' person if you say what you're actually thinking these days with all these snowflakes.

She's almost as pathetic as the whimpering parasite tied to the chair next to her.

I can't believe that thing came out of me.

"There was a change of plans." Diego shrugs like he isn't ruining fucking everything right now!

Arggghhhh! This is so ridiculous! How hard is it to take one little girl?!

"Mummy..." Oh it always makes my fucking skin crawl when he calls me that. Shut the fuck up Liam, can't you see I'm busy? Such a fucking attention seeker, I don't know where he gets it from.

Diego chuckles as Liam starts to cry again, it's all this kid ever fucking does. Cry, cry, cry some more, and don't get me started on the whining: 'I'm hungry, I'm tired, I don't have any clean clothes!' Guess what, we've all got problems, the world doesn't revolve around you kid!

He seriously can't understand why I hate him? Who the fuck wouldn't hate him? He's so fucking worthless! A waste of perfectly good skin and organs. He was supposed to be my ticket out, my way to finally get what I've always deserved, but even at that he failed.

Every time I look at him all I can picture is how much better my life would be if I had just gotten that abortion that day, if I'd known his precious daddy wasn't going to pay for him like he should, I would have had that cunt sucked out on day one.

He ruined everything. If it wasn't for him, I'd be Mrs Stephen Jones right now, instead of that nigger bitch sluting her way in and taking my place!

Arghhh, how can he even sleep with that?! It's barely fucking human and I bet it's riddled. He must miss me so much, my poor baby.

What happened with him wasn't even my fault! I didn't know that man was Steve's dad, I thought he was just another one of the rich guys that came into the bar. I just wanted a bit of Gucci, that's not illegal! Steve wouldn't buy it for me so I shoved that mans old wrinkly cock down my throat, let him fall asleep on top of me God knows how many times, and for what? To be stuck with a weasel of a fucking over grown foetus, born without a fucking backbone, draining my life and body of all its light!

I'm the real victim here.

That little shit should be grateful I didn't drown him in a fucking river years ago. If his brother wasn't so free with his cash I would have. This isn't what I signed up for! It was supposed to be me instagramming cute newborn pics and fun shopping trips with my little mini-me, not having to deal with social workers and watch over the little cunt every second of the day!

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