Chapter 120

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I fall back onto the bed with laughter as Milo almost falls down the fucking stairs trying to get to Josh before captain Perry does. That boy is such a fucking wanker sometimes.

Shit, I need to go find those girls. Mums on the night shift so I've got a good few hours to keep them fucking satisfied. All this pent up frustration isn't going to get rid of itself and I have a feeling that between the both of them, I'll be able to find a more permanent release.

I step into the bathroom ready to sort out the shit show that is my fucking hair at the moment. I mean, I guess it's going to get in a state anyway but I'm not the kind of guy to not put at least a bit of effort into seducing a beautiful woman. It's part of my charm ladies and gentleman, even if we only have one glorious night together, I'll make sure you get the best of me everytime.

Unfortunately I don't get very far when the door slams straight into a pair of legs, Luke spread out on the bathroom floor with an empty bottle of vodka sitting between them.

Fuck, well he's a fucking mess.

He looks up at me and smirks, pushing himself up against the bathtub until he's barely standing on his own two feet.

"You two done already? I guess you both only have stamina on the fucking court right? Well, at least he fucking does." Luke slurs, swinging from side to side as he tries to push through the air like it's made of fucking quicksand.

What the fuck is this guys problem? Seriously done with the melodrama tonight. Can't everyone just fuck and be happy?

"I don't know what the fuck you're talking about but clean yourself up, you look a right fucking state." He tries to stumble past me, sending me flying into the wall as he pushes his way through.

Right, now he's pissing me off.

He stumbles left and right, almost falling straight into one of my mothers vases before throwing himself back to miss it and smashing his hand against the photo frame on the wall, sending it crashing to the floor.

"Jesus fucking Christ Luke! Watch where you're fucking going!" I look down at the cracked frame, Mum is going to fucking kill me.

Luke looks down at it too, starting to laugh as he peers at my cute little baby face.

"Are you seriously wearing a Bugs Bunny waistcoat in that?" Yes, my mum said I looked extra cutesy-wootsy in it.

He's drunk Eli. You can't hit fucking drunk people.

Luke steps forward, at first I don't think he knows what he's doing until I realise just a moment too late as his foot comes down on the shattered glass and pierces it through a photograph that can never be replaced.

You twat. My mother loves that photo.

That no hitting drunk people rule must have a fucking loophole, right?

Gripping the front of Luke shirt, I hurl him half way down the hallway and through the door into my bedroom until he almost hits the bed behind him. This guy is getting on my last fucking nerve, why is he fucking smiling right now?

"What's the matter Ericsson? Milo didn't let you pound him into fucking oblivion tonight so you need to take that shit out on me?"

Me? Fuck Milo? Is he fucking mental or what?

"Luke, I'm not sure who filled your johnnies with chilli powder but you need to reign your fucking neck in. I've got no idea what you're talking about."

He tries to stand firmly, probably his attempt at intimidation but he's swaying so much he just looks like one of those wimble womble toys that toddlers knock over just to watch them spring back up again.

"I fucking saw you two! I'm not fucking stupid you know, no matter how much you all think I am. You two have your hands on each other way too fucking much to not be screwing."

He thinks that me and... Oh God that's fucking hilarious.

I start to laugh my fucking head off, so hard that I have to grip my wardrobe just to keep myself on my feet. My eyes were closed through laughter and that's the only explanation I have for how I didn't see his hands coming before they slammed straight into my chest.

"Don't fucking laugh at me! I know what the fuck I saw!"

"Oh yeah? You sure about that?" My hand launches out, wrapping in the front of his shirt and pulling him with me to the window of the bedroom. I slam his head against the glass so he's forced to look at the scene outside.

If I'm perfectly honest I thought maybe they'd just be holding hands or something, I wasn't quite expecting Milo to be practically fucking Josh up against their side of his car but it'll do to make my point.

Damn, that's a nice car.

Actually, it's a nice fucking guy driving that car too. I hope my first boyfriend is that hot one day, if he's driving a Bentley then I guess that's just an extra perk I'm willing to take.

I slowly let go of Luke's head, letting the shock settle in as he watches Milo with his new guy. I'm not going to stand here and pretend that it isn't the slightest bit odd to watch him tongue deep in a guy but I'd also be lying if I said it didn't suit him.

Sexuality is fluid, it's something I've long come to accept, I'm glad he has too.

"Milo... He's with... Is Josh his..."

"Boyfriend? Yeah he fucking is, so no we weren't banging a few minutes ago. Who the fuck sees two guys sitting at an end of a bed an just assumes they're fucking? Like seriously, what the fuck is wrong with you? You've got serious issues mate."

Luke snaps his head back to me, all the shock he had a moment ago immediately replaced with a look of a vicious predator. Why is he always so fucking angry? Just chill out dude, life really ain't that fucking serious.

"Just get the fuck out of my house Luke. I'm serious, you need to jog on, you're doing my fucking nut in now."

But he doesn't fucking move, instead just stepping in closer until he's almost flush against me.

"Oh yeah, you'd like that wouldn't you..." I'm seriously going to fucking hit him now. "You may not have been at it tonight but I saw you back at that party, I know your dirty little fucking secret with him. You're both fucking disgusting!"

We're disgusting? What about him and his fucking cunt father? Hating people for shit they can't change is what's really fucking disgusting.

"Look, you really need to shut your fucking mouth before I make sure it gets wired closed. Say one more fucking word about Milo and I swear to God –"

"You swear what?" Don't push me Luke, not when it comes to him. "What the fuck are you going to do if I say something else about your precious Golden Boy? Why the fuck is everybody so obsessed with him, you are always all over him like he's a walking pot of fucking gold or something. He's nothing! Fucking nothing! He is just a spoilt little rich cunt who has never had to sacrifice or fight for anything his entire life! He doesn't give a fuck about you! He doesn't give a fuck about anybody but himself!"

My forearm slams across Luke's throat, forcing him backwards until his back hits the wall and I have him pinned against the bricks.

I don't know why I say it, I haven't told anyone what happened that night ever, and neither has Milo, but everything that's happened tonight has just built up an before I know what's happening the words are spilling off my lips.

"You don't know fuck all about him! He is the most selfless fucking person you could ever fucking meet! You want to know what kind of person Milo Thompson is? Well let me fucking tell you!"

Flashback - The night of the crash

I can't believe I'm fucking a dude right now.

This guys tight ass slaps again and again against my pelvis as I pound in and out of him, his body bent completely over whoever's party this is dad's desk.

I'm not sure if there's actually two of him or if it's just the crazy amount of vodka in my system. I never should have let them talk me into doing beer pong, everyone knows that aim is not one of my fucking skills.

Stamina and reach however...

His hand thrust's roughly against his dick as I grip his hips and give it to him harder just like he's begging me to.

"Fuck! Eli! Like that..." I'd shout his name too, but I can't really remember what it is right now.

Liam? No... Lucas?... Levi! No that's not right either... Oh I don't fucking know.

The drink is definitely taking over, from this angle he actually kind of looks like... Milo.

Oh God, get that image out of your head right now before you go softer than a judge on a prison sentence for a rich white guy.

Leeroy! It's Leeroy...

He bucks and squirms against me, I swear I hear the door open but it quickly disappears from my mind as I watch him unload beneath me directly onto this bloke's desk. I really hope that paperwork wasn't important because there's no way he's unsticking them from each other now.

I feel myself ready to release, and with another thrust into his tight little hole I pour everything out into the condom before collapsing down onto his back.

Well, that was fucking different.

Not bad different, just different.

I slip myself out of him, realising that maybe I went a little bit too hard when I see a small splattering of blood on the plastic that coats my dick.


"Don't worry about it, it happens all the time." The guy that was flat against the table lifts himself up onto his elbows and looks back around at me with a sleepy smile. "You're ummm..." He glances down with a smile as I free my cock from its rubber glove. "Gifted. It's just a lot to take and I like it rough... This is your first time right? With a guy I mean."

I laugh, nodding as I slip my jeans back up and put everything back into place. "Yeah, do I get like a membership card or something now?"

He releases a deep belly laugh, shaking his head as he pulls up the zipper on his own jeans.

"Unfortunately not, sometimes if you pray to the gay gods then they send Elton John around to sing candle in the wind as you come out to your mom, but you've got to be like a gold tier gay for that. The fact you're about three days away from being inside your next woman, I don't think you'll make the cut." He says, winking at me before readjusting his hair in the reflection of a letter opener.

I could do him again, guys cute.

"That's a shame, but I guess you don't make the rules. We good here? Do you want to like... Cuddle or something?" I am not exactly sure that the rules are the same, and the smirk on his face tells me that I've got something desperately wrong.

"Dude, it's just a hook-up, you'll be lucky if I remember who you are the next time we see each other. You're good, best give me a minute head start out there though, unless you want the world to know what we were up to in here." I shrug, it doesn't really bother me if people know, I'm pretty secure in who I am considering that I'm just happy to go with the flow wherever it leads me.

Although I'd like to try and make sure that he has no choice but to remember this gorgeous face. I reach out, covering the back of his head with my giant hand and bringing our lips together. It's quite funny that I've already fucked the guy yet this is our first kiss.

It's good, pretty much the same as every other kiss I've ever had. They all start to meld into one after a while and the vodka has made my tongue super dry so I'm not even going to bother going in with that.

We pull away, but his lips move to my ear before his body leaves mine. "If you want to do this again, find me." I'll definitely keep that in mind.

He leaves the room first, I've had about three times as much to drink as he has but you'd never know it from the way he's walking. Damn, I'm good.

Just as I am about to exit the office, my eye is caught by the calendar sitting on the desk. Fuck, just had to go and look...

I hate today.

I don't like to dwell on it, he wouldn't want me to, but not being able to speak to my Grandfather or listen to him telling those stupid campfire stories anymore is harder on his birthday... Cancer is a fucking cunt.

The party is winding down, Leanna brushes by me on her way out of the bathroom, catching my arm so I don't go falling completely over as my vision splits under the pressure of my growing headache.

"Eli, mate you need some water. Have you checked on Milo since everything with Zoe?"

What the fuck happened with them now? I really don't understand that girls fucking problem, that guy adores her but she act like being with him will be a blow to her independent woman shtick or something. She'd be lucky to fucking have him and she needs to realise that.

"Where is he?" Leanna points towards the back door and I push through what's left of the crowd to get there, finding my best friend on the bottom step, what must be his tenth beer still sitting in his hands. Guy looks rough.

I drop down into the space next to him, shoving my shoulder into his so that he's forced to look up from the ground and face me. "What did she do now?"

He shakes his head, taking down what's left in his bottle and pretending that I'm not even here. I like Zoe, got nothing against the girl or anything, but I'm kind of sick of watching her constantly lead him on like this.

"I don't know mate, I'm starting to think that it's just not meant to be. She's still got this thing about us making things official and I'm not even sure what the problem is anymore... Do you ever feel like you're just trying to make something happen? Like, you're looking at a jigsaw piece and you know it should fit in that gap, the pictures on the surface line up and everything, but no matter what you do it just won't slot into place?"

I have no fucking idea what he's talking about so I just smile and nod, instantly regretting it as the world starts to spin before my eyes. Fuck I need water.

"Sure man. It's kind of like when I'm on the track, I know the route and I know what I'm supposed to do on it but sometimes you just hit that corner and everything spins out of control. At that point the only thing you can do is lean into the swerve... My mum always says that life finds a way to work out exactly as it's supposed to, maybe it's supposed to be her or maybe it's only supposed to be her right now, but either way you'll end up where you're meant to be man."

Damn, I'm seriously fucking insightful when I'm drunk.

I like it. I could be like the next Sally Jessy Raphael, except black and with a six pack. They should definitely put me on TV, I'm too pretty to be kept in such a small town and hidden away from the world. I'm gonna be so rich...

He needs to clear his head, get Zoe out of his system. I kind of need to get all of this out of my system too.

"Come with me." I grab his wrist and drag him through the house, ignoring the calls of the different girls I promised different things too tonight because my bro needs me, so the hoes can wait.

It's only three blocks to the track, there's hardly anyone on the roads right now and I'm such a good driver when I'm sober, having a few drinks won't make that much of a difference.

The moment I pull up my keys out of my jeans Milo freezes, pulling me back as I step towards my car.

"Fuck no. You are not fucking driving, you've had way too fucking much to drink. I'll call Brie or Steve to come and get us, actually I'll just call Steve considering the last time you got in the bug drunk with Brie you basically tried to marry the girl."

Have you seen the ass on that woman? I'm one fucking human man, of course I tried to fucking marry her.

"Dude, I'm fine. You need to blow off steam and the track is the best place for that. I swear to you, I haven't had that much to drink." He doesn't budge, keeping his grip strong on my arm until I tear it free and race over into the drivers seat.

He can't say no to me and he knows it... Where the fuck does the key go again?

I barely get the engine on before he rips the door back open.

"Eli! This isn't fucking funny, get the fuck out of the car." He's really fucking killing my buzz right now.

He tries to lean inside the car to get the keys but I let the handbrake down and hit the gas until he falls back out into the road. His drunk ass takes his sweet time getting back up before running after me as I let it roll all the way to the end of the street. Look at forest run!

My drivers door is still hanging wide open and I feel like this is an epic tiktok video just waiting to happen.

He finally catches up with the car, pulling open the passenger side door and leaning over to try and pull my keys out of the ignition but I just keep hitting his arm until he's forced to pull back.

"Eli, get out of the fucking car."

Not happening.

"Milo, the way I see it you've got two options. Option number one, you carry on being a fucking spoilsport, go back to the party and beg at Zoe's feet for the scraps she's willing to offer you, while I go over to the track on my own and probably kill myself in the process because I had no one looking out for me. Or option number two, you get in the damn car and come with me, we'll go down to the track and burn through a set of tyres or just raid the Coaches stash under the bleachers, then I swear to you I'll let you call the big scary cage fighter to come get us."

He still debating, I know I'm playing dirty by talking about Zoe that way but I know what motivates my bestie too bow to my will. We both know on any other day I probably wouldn't be acting like this, but anniversary's are fucking hard.

"Eli, please man, just get out of the car?"

Guess he's made his choice....

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