Chapter 36

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“Hey... You gonna let me in?”

How the fuck is he so calm? I’m shitting bricks, I’ve lined up the coasters on the coffee table in at least five different arrangements and I am covered in a thin layer of nervous sweat. Yet here he is all cool, chilled and collected, looking like a fucking god sent to fulfil every dirty fantasy I’ve ever had. Just fucking look at him.

“Oh shit, yeah of course, come in.”

Well done Josh, you invite the guy over, then forget to actually ask him to come into the fucking house.

Of course Mr. Confidence over here hardly even notices, smiling and stepping inside like he’s been here a hundred times before.

Damn he smells fucking good. As he smoothly glides past me on his way in, I’m engulfed in the aroma of him and I’d be lying if I said it wasn’t quickly becoming my favourite scent. It’s also increasing the ever growing desire I already have to just fucking kiss this man right now.

“You want a drink or something?” I ask whilst trying to stop my hands from fidgeting at my side. He makes me so fucking nervous...

Milo stands, hands resting in his pockets as he observes the room. I noticed he did it a lot when we were at the camp too, taking in his surroundings and figuring out where he fits in with them before he settles. It’s cute.

“Sure, I’m easy, I’ll just have whatever you’re having.”

Why have I checked that this door is locked three times already? These nerves are going to be the death of me, I’m pretty sure I’m having heart palpitations just from being this fucking close to him. This guy is bad for my health... Death by drowning in his eyes doesn’t exactly sound like the worst way to go though..

“So, what kind of movies do you like?”

Miles leans against the back of the couch, planting the heel of his palms against the headrest as he moves his obvious observations from the room to me. The moment our eyes meet, I feel like my body has been torn free of all its clothing. He has this way of stripping my mind, body and soul naked in a single glance.

I think it’s the most intense, intriguing, terrifying and completely fucking sexy look a man has ever given me.

“I’ll watch anything Josh, as long as I’m sitting next to you watching it, I couldn’t give a fuck what’s on the screen.”


He knows he’s caught me off guard here, the curl up at the corner of his perfect lips as my cheeks rush with heat is a dead giveaway. How does he do this to me? He shouldn’t have this much power... I wasn’t expecting him to be so forward, but honestly I shouldn’t have expected anything less from this Lothario.

I try to rush past him into the kitchen before he can see the overwhelming tone of rouge creep up onto my face at his words, but on my second step he captures my wrist mid motion and pulls me back until I end up standing between his legs as he sits leaning on the back of the couch looking up at me.

I don’t know what kind of deal this dude made with the devil to get control over my body, but the second I’m stood in front of him looking down into those Hazel eyes I forget anything else but my desire to be with him – My arms immediately wrap around the back of his neck, my soul feels like it’s dancing in my body the moment our skin meets. He really is beautiful isn’t he...

The heat from his supple flesh seeps into my own as he slowly rises, dragging his chest up from my abs to meet my own. His demeanour may be chilled, but now I can feel his heart beating against my own skin, I can tell that he’s just as fucking nervous as I am.

Our wordless exchange only increases its fucking pleasure as his hand sensitively trails from my hips up into my waist, before he clenches and captures me firmly in his grasp. I was worried that he’d want to hold back, that things would have changed over the time we’ve been forced apart, but he doesn’t and they haven’t. He clearly still wants me as much as I want him.

I can’t explain to you what it does to me to feel his skin on my skin. Our eye contact breaks for the first time since he walked in as he glances down at where my t-shirt now sits, bundled in his hand at my waist. His hand follows his eye’s path, brushing the pad of his thumb across the exposed skin of my lower V line.

Wave after ruthless wave of fucking contentment hit me as he begins to stroke small circles onto the muscles. It’s not an intense touch, it’s serene and soul satisfying. There is no way I could put into words how him doing something so simple is effecting me so deeply.

I hadn’t even realised that he was looking back at me now, my eyes fell shut the instant his skin came into contact with mine, but the moment I feel his warm breath hit my moist lips I know my face has his attention again.

This man is fucking dangerous for someone like me. I’m just standing in front of him, he’s been here less than five minutes, hardly touched me or said a word, yet I can feel every single guard that has protected me for so long wanting to drop from its post and let him in.

Reaching forward just an inch, his lips gently brush against mine. It was hardly enough time to be considered a kiss, but it was something both of us fucking needed after being kept apart for the last fucking week.

“You get the drinks, I’ll pick the movie.” He whispers as he pulls back.

Thank fuck. Ever since Charlie sent that fucking message, all I’ve thought about is what pissing movie I was going to put on. Every option I came up with seemed stupider than the last, this is all on him now.

I don’t want to leave his touch and I think he knows it. He doesn’t seem in a hurry to let go of me either, slowing the rotations of his thumb on my skin but never truly stopping them.

God, I just want to kiss him again...  Can I just kiss him again?

Yes, I fucking can.

I’ve missed him, now that I’m seeing him again, I realise just how fucking much. There’s something in the way that he touches me, something in the way that his face glows when he smiles at me. He makes me feel... fluffy. Like all my insides are that crap they shove in the roadkill looking bears at Build-a-bear to make it look all alive again... He makes me feel alive again.

Slowly and unconvincingly, he lowers his hand. The moment he does, I know that I can’t just walk into that kitchen without giving him something that will make him feel the way he just made me feel. Gently, I pull my arms away from around him, but let my hand sit at the back of his neck.

We both know I’m about to do it, but he still looks like a kid that just won a golden fucking ticket as I lean forward and place my lips to his. This kiss isn’t quick like the one he just gave me, it’s really fucking slow. His lips are firm with strength yet incredibly soft as they press against my own, our bodies quickly becoming locked together as we mirror each others actions and melt into something that has never felt more natural.

There is so much desire between us, but also a desperate need, a need to just be the two of us again, like it was before. His tongue cheekily swipes at my bottom lip and I can’t help smiling as I part them to allow him entrance. I’ve kissed too many people who seem to think that putting their tongue in your mouth is their opportunity to do their best impression of a fucking washing machine, but not this guy.

Miles slowly caresses and massages my tongue with his own, tantalizing each delicious taste bud until all I feel and all I crave is him. He’s such a fucking good kisser. If this was the last kiss I ever had, I'd die a very satisfied fucking man.

His unyielding desire for control takes over, flipping our bodies in a single movement and pushing me back so I land on the head of the sofa. Thank fuck he’s strong and got a good fucking hold on me because otherwise I would have gone straight over this fucking thing. Embarrassing.

Our kiss never breaks. I’m not used to letting someone dominate me, but as his fingers slowly travel up my spine and over my neck, weaving their way into my hair, I have no choice but to submit to him. He takes the opportunity for full control with both hands, tilting my head back for better access as his tongue now starts to ravage every inch of my fucking mouth.

He’s not shy, and thank fuck for that. Sometimes, I feel like I need a guy who can put me in my place, let me take a backseat for once - It’s just never happened before... I was starting to fear it never would.

We both know we can’t stay like this forever, as much as we’d like to. The way I want this guy, it’s so much more than I’ve ever felt before, it’s actually fucking scaring me.

The oxygen deprivation is beginning to cloud my head. Apparently he can feel it too because finally he pulls back just enough that both of us can catch our breath, smiling brightly.

His thumb comes up to stroke my bottom lip tenderly. He did the same thing the last time we kissed too, almost like he’s checking it really just happened. Trust me, it did.

“What are you thinking?”

The once subtle smile that was just playing on his lips now spikes, filling his face with more light than the stars he’s so obsessed with as he continues to caress my lip.

“That I really fucking love kissing you... Almost as much as I love that I’m not covered in lipstick after we’re done.”

He thinks he’s a funny little fucker doesn’t he..

Shoving him away harder than I actually intended to whilst distracted by my own giggles, he stumbles back, but it still doesn’t break his laughter. I manage to get my feet to coordinate with my minds desire for food rather than my hearts desire for him and immediately head for the kitchen before that inamorato can capture me again.

He’s still chuckling to himself as he jumps over the back of the couch and lands on the seats. If anyone else did that in my house I’d fucking kill them, yet on him it’s just something else to add to the list of things that I find fucking cute about him when I know I shouldn’t.

Staring into the refrigerator though, I’m reminded again that I’m dating a guy that isn’t even old enough to drink. I was going to grab myself a beer to calm these nerves, but considering he told me to get him the same thing, I’ll just settle for a coke.

It’s not like any of us waited until we were twenty-one to drink, but I can’t exactly be giving a guy a beer in my house at nineteen, especially when we are on a fucking date. Kind of.

Charlie has been assuring me all week that it’s not a date, but the butterflies in my stomach tell me otherwise.

He deserved something better than this. I should have done something... anything... made a fucking effort. I’ve just been so fucking nervous I haven’t been able to think straight. If I’d known all I needed was to see him to clear my head, I would have snatched him from that Manor on Monday.

The next time he agrees to go out with me, I’m going to do something better. I’m going to give him the first date he fucking deserves.

He doesn’t seem to notice I’ve re-entered the room as he scans through my Netflix lists.

“Okay, Carrie or Ten Things I Hate About You?”

The guy has taste. If he was Brie my options would be Bambi or High School fucking Musical.

“Not Carrie, horror movies are only worth watching if I can scare the shit out of the girls in the process. Stick with Heath.”

Milo smirks, I think he was hoping for this option too. It’s a classic for a reason, even if it is a borderline fucking chick-flick.

I make a bowl of popcorn and try to ignore my shaking hands as I add the butter. I really have to get myself under control, I can’t be like this every time I get close to him. The unmistakable soundtrack of the movie begins, and I turn off all the lights before jumping into the seat next to Miles. He’s already made himself comfortable I see, spreading his large frame out across almost all the seats and leaving me nowhere I can sit without touching him... not that I have a problem with that.

He immediately tries to snatch the popcorn bowl away from me as the opening credits roll, but I don’t let go, I know if I give it to him I won’t fucking get any.

I’m surprised he doesn’t try again. He pouts, but doesn’t say anything as I gently lower it back to my own lap. However, the second my hand leaves the bowl to bring some actual popcorn to my mouth, he reaches over and yanks the whole thing to his side of the couch. Fucker!


“What?” He responds, shovelling a handful of popcorn into his overly large and very smug looking mouth. Half of it falls down onto his t-shirt but he doesn’t seem to care, too busy revelling in his victory.

I lean over to get some more but he grabs the bowl and holds it off the couch on the opposite side to me out of reach.


“What?” He chuckles again. “You were the one that decided not to share first, I’m just teaching you a lesson. It’s rude to keep things from your guests Joshua.”

Jesus fucking Christ, he says my full name like that again and I’m going to fucking jump on him.

“I wasn’t keeping it from you! I was just trying to make sure I fucking got some, I’ve seen how you can eat!”

He feigns hurt, clutching his shirt like I’ve somehow attacked his precious male ego. We both know he puts more food away than Brie and Aleah combined, and that’s fucking saying something.

“Fine then.. Come get it...”

Oh he wants to play? Because he should know that I’m not a good guy to test when it comes to my food.

He leans back, cocky as ever as he stares at me waiting for me to make my move. Like fuck am I losing to this guy. I reach out quickly to snatch the bowl but he moves it from one hand to the other faster than my eyes can possibly process. Damn basketball player reflexes!

There’s a mischievous little glint in his eye, one I can’t help but feel completely mesmerised by as he picks up another handful of popcorn and cheekily throws it into his mouth. I know the way to win this, but it’s dirty as fuck.

Fuck it.

As he stretches to hold the bowl back behind the couch, lifting his body slightly and revealing the base of those perfect fucking abs, I lean forward. He seems to hesitate as he sees me coming but I don’t stop, placing my hand under the small of his back and pulling him forward towards me whilst capturing his lips with my own. Checkmate.

He stills, letting his grip on everything else go loose before he wraps his free arm around the back of my neck and holds me into the kiss. He’s melting below me, the kiss growing from small and sweet into one that’s deep and passionate, but before we can find ourselves lost in that world again I pull back sharply, winking at him then immediately snatching the popcorn from his loose grip and throwing myself back into the seat opposite.

There’s a solid ten seconds where he just stares at me in disbelief, processing what I just did. It’s fucking hilarious.

My laughter drowns out his huffs of faux annoyance but soon his chuckles join mine as we return our attention to the movie. He doesn’t fight me for the popcorn this time, every so often just edging slightly closer as he dips in and takes some, always at a moment where our fingers can touch.

I find myself moving towards him too, before the film has hit the fifteen minute mark our bodies are sitting side by side, his hand lightly grazing against mine yet doing more to me then any other touch I’ve felt in the last decade.

“You’re a cheat Joshua Jones.”

Yeah, he really needs to stop calling me that... Unless he wants me to make the next thing I put in my mouth him.

Hey beauts! Don't forget to vote and comment 😁❤📖 This is a monster upload so give me some time to get it up 😂😂

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