Chapter 103

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Lee is definitely pregnant, she wasn’t this heavy the last time I had to carry her, not that I’d ever have the guts to actually say that to her.

Chase sleeps soundly in the cot at the bottom of the bed, and I just about manage to stop Lee hitting her feet against it before lowering her down onto the sheets.

It’s funny when I think about how many times she was the one to tuck me in at night, and now I’m the one trying not to laugh at her little dream filled chatter. I’m really glad she’s my sister, even if it hasn’t felt like she’s much of one lately, I know deep down that if I ever truly needed her she wouldn’t hesitate to be there.

Jayce helps me pull back the blankets, smiling when even in her sleep Lee instinctively turns herself towards where she can sense him. It’s always been like that between the two of them, this instinctual need for each other.

I think I finally understand it now.

Shimmying my way around Chase’s crib, I stop to look down at him as he sucks on air with his pacifier next to his head. He’s got so much chocolate hair, with his eyes closed like that it's a bit like looking back at myself. From the day he was born both Lee and Jayce said he was a throwback to me, he doesn’t have either of their colourings but he's still bloody beautiful.

I slip the pacifier back into his mouth before he can wake, smoothing my thumb over his tiny fingers. I was never really much of a baby person until he came along, I always kind of preferred them when they could tell you what they want, but this little one is my exception.

Trying to get back out of the room, Jayce steps into my path.

“Milo, can we –” He stops immediately when we hear Chase turning in his crib, pointing towards the balcony I turn to, quietly stepping out onto it.

It’s not as cold tonight as it was last night, although I’d be warmer again if my arms were wrapped around Josh out here like they were then. Jayce better hurry up with whatever crap he’s about to come out with because I have somewhere else I’d really rather be.

He pulls the door slowly and quietly behind him, glancing back to make sure he hasn't woken the baby when the door finally closes, before walking over to lean against the ledge with me.

This view is kind of nice, we are at the opposite end of the house from mine and Josh’s room so here I can see straight over the lake and deep into the forest. It kind of reminds me of the view we had back at camp.

“Milo, I wanted to talk to you about...  I guess I just wanted to say...”

“I know Jayce, you’re sorry, you’re always sorry. It’s all good, can I go now?” I’m really not in the mood to listen to one of his apologies that are more just him telling me everything I’ve done wrong and commenting on how he would have done it better.

Usually at this point he’d start bitching back, saying something about how I’m so immature or ungrateful before telling me just to leave it and walking out of the room.

However, to my surprise, he doesn't do any of those things. Instead he just lets out a deep breath before pulling one of the chairs from the table and guiding it towards me, then taking the one on the other side for himself.

“Milo, can you please sit down and just let me talk? If when I’m done you still just want to leave, that’s fine, I just need to let you hear it and then what you do with it is up to you.”

There’s none of the usual arrogance in his voice, he actually sounds a lot more broken than I’ve heard him in a really long time. But I’m not letting my guard down, I’ve been burned by him way too many times to just let him in again.

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