Chapter 87

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Brie just stands there, staring between my face and Miles' before dropping her vision down to our cum soaked hands and grinning. Oh fuck no... I know I should be moving or protesting that this is not what it looks like in some way right now, but my heart still hasn't started beating again since she opened that fucking door and my limbs are refusing to cooperating.

No... I only just got him back... Please don't take him away from me again...

Miles quickly starts to put himself back together. I'm glad at least one of us is fucking doing something... All I can do is look at her and beg this all to be a bad fucking dream.

"Brie, this isn't what it –"

"Brie, why are you just standing there like you've just seen a gho-"

Oh shit.

Steve freezes as he come to stand behind Brie, a look of utter disbelief on his face as he gawks directly into the room and catches my eye... Jesus Christ, why don't they just invite everyone in here? Make it a family fucking event! Miles attempting to pull his shorts back on properly snaps me out of my daze and I start to try and do the same.


Are the two of them seriously not going to say anything? Is their plan just to bore their eyes into us until this whole situation just disappears?!

I look at Miles, expecting to see him dying of embarrassment or filled with fear like I am, but instead all that shows on his face is how concerned he is for me. I think that he knows despite everything, I was always more scared about people finding out about us than he was.

Brie reaches up her arm towards Steve, leaving her palm open as the two of them continue to just peer endlessly at us. I've got fuck all idea what's going on here, it's like the world outside has just frozen and none of us know how to get it spinning again.

Steve doesn't break his eye contact with me as he reaches into his back pocket and slowly pulls out his wallet, I don't understand what he's doing until he begins drawing a fifty from the back and shoving it down in Brie's open hand.

Oh you have got to be fucking kidding me...

"I can't believe you were actually fucking right, I would have bet our fucking house on it being Eli."

Wait... Eli! He thought I was... with... Eli! Really?!

Turning to look at Brie, I can see the shock on her face slowly dissipating to make room for that cunning look she gets right before she tears into some girls weave for knocking over her drink.

"You knew?" I state as the reality of the situation finally starts to sink in. "You knew about us and you made a fucking bet on it?"

"Of course I fucking knew you idiots!" She hollers as she shoves the bill into her bra. "How fucking stupid do you think I am? You meet some dude right when you go to that fucking camp, then you tell Steve he's nineteen. Not to mention that every time I say one of your names around the other you get all fucking doe eyed... and then there's the fact that I haven't seen Milo out of your fucking clothes all week! You do remember that I bought you that fucking hoodie right?" Oh shit yeah... He's been wearing my clothes all week, fuck he's so cu- 

Wait. So not the time Josh.

Brie ogles between us once again, slightly amused when I can't help smiling slightly at Miles even under these circumstances. "I'll take it that the show on the court that day was your guys' first little lovers tiff?"

She knew. Why the fuck I thought I could do this without Brie finding out... I should have learned years ago that I can't get shit past her. She's a human bullshit detector and she never underestimates the things that could be happening around her.

Miles steps slightly in front of me, he really does have all those protective instincts and right now he knows that I'm not ready for this. I appreciate it but I think that ship has sailed my stars... Brie doesn't miss the movement, grinning as she looks between the two of us.

"Down boy, I don't give a fuck that you two are screwing or whatever but we kind of need to talk about this. Clean up, meet you both on the balcony in three." Steve mercifully leans over her and begins to pull the door shut, amusingly looking between our shocked faces before wiggling his eyebrows at me. He's spent way too much fucking time with Aleah, enough with the brows.

The second the door pulls closed, Miles spins around and leans one of his hands against my cheek. He could've just had his whole world changed, everyone about to discover a huge part of him that he has hardly had time to come to terms with, but all he cares about is me.

"Are you okay?" He asks hurriedly, scanning his beautiful eyes all over my face like he's going to see the signs of emotional distress tearing through onto my skin. "Whatever you do or don't want to tell them, I'll go along with. I know that you said you weren't ready for all this to come out yet, so if you just want to pretend that –"

"I'm not pretending Miles." I won't do that to him, I don't even want to. "I'm not hiding you, I'm not hiding what's happening between us or denying it. You are the best thing in my life right now, if they can't be okay with that then it's on them...  What do you want to do?"

His smile tells me the answer long before the words leave those gorgeous plump lips of his. They look even more kissable all swollen from my attack on him like that.

"Tell them the truth. Tell them that I met a guy, the most amazing fucking guy that I could possibly hope to meet, and that we have something really fucking special that neither of us expected, but that it isn't going away. Josh if you'd let me, I'd drag you out into that backyard right now and kiss you in front of the whole world. I don't care who knows, but I know that you do, so I'll do whatever you need."

I wish he knew how close I am to saying fuck it and taking him out of that back door to tell everyone there that he's fucking mine. All the fears I have of people finding out don't seem as strong since I almost let so much of that shit almost end things between us... but let's maybe see how Brie and Steve react first though... they can be the test.

Worst case scenario – They freak, so I throw him and Liam in the car and never look back. I can live with that.

We get cleaned up, Miles was acting super confident with his words but as he was washing his hands I could see the tremble in them. Brie is one of the most open minded people that I know, but she's also the most brutally honest, I just hope that when we explain to her what's happening she fucking understands. This isn't a fling, it's not a way for both of us to blow off steam, it's real.

Stepping through Al's bedroom, Miles had his hand in mine through every step until he spots Brie sitting on the balcony staring in at us, slowly breaking away from my hold so that she can't say anything about us being this way. He doesn't want to add fuel to the fire.

Steve stands behind her, resting against the edge of the balcony on his elbows and trying to hide the smile from his face pretty fucking poorly. Brie doesn't even wait for us to take a seat before beginning her little tirade.

"Why the fuck didn't you just tell us? You two have been running around hiding this for weeks I take it? Since that fucking camp? Or was it going on before then? Because last time I checked he was quite happily balls deep in the bubble-butt princess."

Wait, that's the part she's pissed at? Not that I'm fucking with a guy she considers her baby brother, but that we've been lying to her about it?

"What the fuck was I supposed to tell you Brie? It's not like either of us planned this." I begin, staying close to Miles' side. "When we went to that camp there was fuck all happening between us, then when we got back it was like my whole universe had been flipped on its head... We needed some time to figure this out on our own before telling everybody else about it. Neither of us expected this to happen." I let out a deep breath and Brie takes a second to let what I said sink in, still giving nothing away about how she feels about this. Miles' hand is twitching on his leg like he's desperate to reach out and touch me but is fighting it with everything that he has.

"I get that, but that camp was practically months ago now. Have you been fucking this entire time?"

For fucks sake. My head falls back as Steve begins to chuckle at his future wife being so obviously blunt, although I don't know what else we should've expected from her. I get ready to answer when Miles cuts in for me.

"We're not fucking Brie." Brie flips her gaze from me to Miles, folding her arms and running her eyes all up and down him.

"Oh yeah mini Thompson? Then what the fuck would you call what I just witnessed downstairs huh? Show and fucking tell for biology class? A quick little project for sex ed? Of course you're fucking."

My face is on fire right now, does she always have to put shit like that?

"What I mean is," Miles begins, looking a fuck-ton less embarrassed than I am. "It's not just... We're not... It's more than that."

He's so fucking cute. There wasn't a hint of red in his cheeks at Brie's crude remarks but trying to tell her that what we have is fucking special is enough to send him tomato.

I reach over and place his hand into mine, causing him to immediately turn to look at me and smile one of his brightest ones as he locks our fingers into the place where we actually feel whole again. She can say whatever the fuck she wants about it, I don't give a fuck, I've got him.

"We aren't just fucking around Brie, we're... dating?" He moves closer on instinct, trying to bring us together without pushing it too far. "He's really fucking important to me."

Brie taps her nails on the table, studying us with intrigue and letting her eyes flitter between our own and our conjoined hands.

"I don't know if that makes it better or fucking worse...  So this is real huh?" She turns to look directly at me. "You're happy?"

I look at the man that has been the only thing I've been able to think about since the moment he kissed me.

"So fucking happy." Miles lets his glare fall down to our conjoined hands, running his thumb all along the back of my skin before looking back up at me through those long thick eyelashes. One person shouldn't be allowed to be this beautiful.

"I'm happy for you mate, we both are. It's about fucking time we got to see you smiling like this." Steve adds, stepping in behind Brie and wrapping his arms around her chest before kissing the top of her head.

"You are? Both of you?" I never really doubted Steve again after our chat on the couch but he's never had the same relationship with Miles that Brie has, my fears were always more headed in her direction.

"Of course we fucking are you dickhead." Brie adds like it's the most obvious thing in the world. "We love you."

My heart sores, they're okay... they're actually fucking happy for us. Although it sinks slightly again when Steve gets that look he always gets in the cage whilst gazing over at Miles.

"But you'd better be fucking sure about this, you fuck around with him Milo and I'm going to –"

"I won't. He's fucking everything to me Steve, I'm not going to fuck this up." Miles says his words with such conviction that I swear I even see Brie's heart skip a beat. I can't believe I ever doubted that he was sure about this, about me.

"Good... I should have known you were into guys, you're too pretty to just be straight." Brie responds, making Miles laugh as he squeezes my hand. She clearly finds in funny too, although it doesn't take long for her face to turn from playful to worried. "You know that not everyone down there is going to be happy about this right?"

We both nod, neither of us are under any illusions that it's going to be this easy with everybody. I'm not even sure why these two are taking it so fucking well.

"Are you going to go tell them now?" Miles asks, glancing down over the balcony as we hear a car door shut and see Elizabeth begin to drive away.

"Bitch I'm from the fucking Southside, do I look like a fucking snitch to you? I ain't gonna say shit, but you know this is all going to come out in the end, they'll take it better if they hear it from you guys...  So you two fucking official then or what?"

Miles clenches my hand even more tightly. Fuck I wish we were but we haven't had that conversation at all, and this is definitely not the fucking place for it.

"Not yet." Miles answers with a smile that just makes me want to fucking kiss him. Not yet... but you fucking will be mine soon.

I can see Brie's head is spinning with questions but I beg Steve with my eyes not to let her dump them all on us right now, which he responds to by burying his face into the side of her neck and instantly relaxing her with his lips. There was a part of me that used to be so fucking jealous to see those girls so happy with people that fitted them perfectly, but I don't feel that way looking at them anymore, because when I look over at the man standing next to me I can see the same look that appears in their eyes staring back at me through his.

"So you two have been keeping this to yourselves all this time? You must have been going fucking mental." Brie says with an almost sense of pride that she thinks she's the first one to know... I scratch my head and move my eyes to look up at the sky but she immediately catches it and shoots out of Steve's hold. Oh no, here we go. "Wait! You told other fucking people before you told us! What the fuck Josh?! Who the hell did you tell?!"

I get that she's pissed but at the end of the day she has to see why I couldn't just come running and telling her about this.

"I told umm..." Shit, she's going to hate this. "I told Charlie and Han."

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