Chapter 218

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Oh you have got to be fucking kidding me.

I'd know that voice fucking anywhere, but turning around to see that bitch in all her non-glory, even I couldn't have been ready for the fucking state on it.

Prison has not been kind to her.


She's had nobody to top up all that filler she shoves in her face so she's got so many lumps she resembles the fucking Elephant Man, there's hardly any meat on his skeletal frame, her fake hair looks like it was glued in by a fucking kindergartner and that dress was probably stolen from a seven year olds backpack with how fucking tight it is against her overinflated balloons of a fucking chest.

"Steve baby! I'm here! I came back for you!" I don't know what's funnier, Steve just staring at her in disbelief or Charlie already filing his nails into fucking points.

At least I thought everything was funny, until I look across the room to see Liam quivering like a fucking leaf in the wind. My instinct is to run to him, but I don't want to trigger a panic attack by rushing over there or let Chrissy know he's even here if she hasn't spotted him. I realise I don't have to when Miles immediately jumps down from the stage, reaching down as Liam throws his arms around him.

He's protected.

But if that wasn't enough, he's also got his own personal fucking guard dog. Hope takes a large step to her side, blocking Chrissy's view of that little boy as she bares her teeth like she's ready to rip that bitch's throat out. Hope is a very different girl to the one that Chrissy met in the basement, that day changed her.

I start to edge my way slightly towards their direction, making sure not to move to fast so Liam doesn't panic, but pausing immediately when my eyes fall on Brie... and her white fucking knuckles.

Oh no.

"Chrissy! What the fuck are you doing here?! You know you can't fucking be near here, get the fuck out!" Steve keeps his arm firmly locked around Brie's waist, trying to keep her from doing something that will see him losing his wife for the next twenty years on the day that he gets her.

Apparently Chrissy didn't get the fucking memo though, she just struts across the room and straight onto the dance floor like Steve just declared his fucking love for her or something.

"Don't be like that baby... I know you don't mean it." I wouldn't reach up to touch him like that if you want to keep your fucking arms Chrissy. "We're meant to be, don't you see that now? You tried to marry her and it didn't fucking happen, it didn't happen because destiny knows that it's you and me that are supposed to be together. You're mine Steve, you've always been mine. You love me."

Oh fuck, any chance we just had of Brie not stabbing her just went out the fucking window didn't it...

Chrissy just looks over at Steve with nothing but love and admiration in her eyes, acting like a fucking lunatic as she extends both her arms out to him as if he's going to let go of Brie and come running across the floor into them.

Oh shit. Oh shit. Oh shit.

Everyone just stands perfectly still, nobody quite knowing which way to play this. I expect Hannah to race across and shove cuffs on the bitch but her and Lisa are just standing there with massive smirks on their faces, drinking their milkshakes and staring at Brie as she makes her move.

This isn't going to end fucking well...

Brie very slowly unwraps Steve's arms from around her waist, even as she takes a step away from him it's slow. She's not screaming, she's not racing with her claws extended... She's perfectly calm.

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