Chapter 193

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Pain. So much fucking pain.

I scream with everything I have, clawing at the rope on my ankle as Diego pulls the knife from Eli's chest only to plummet it back in again. The men holding him to the floor have to let him go, their faces dripping with Eli's spurting blood as I feel my heart tear itself in half.

Eli splitters and chokes on his own blood as it fills his lungs before it spits from his lips straight onto the floor. I can't feel anything but the heartache that tears through me as May tries to throw herself on top of Eli's body to stop his soul leaving it.

I claw and tear at my leg, finally managing to rip my ankle free... but it's too late.

It's too fucking late.

All I can do is scream and cry as I watch his body go still, the blood still seeping from his wounds as the third stab of the blade leaves the handle of the knife protruding from his stomach.

Diego doesn't even pull it out this time, wrapping his arms and legs around May's body and holding her head back as she screams at him to let her help Eli, but he just forces her to watch him slip away from this life.

I feel every stab, I feel the hollow holes in my body where the memories of me and this incredible man lock themselves in place. A closed book locking itself knowing there would be no more chapters.

Eli don't go... Please don't fucking leave me like this. I fucking need you...

I need you...

Tears stream down my face, May screams and screams but nothing we do can fix this now.

His mum... I need to tell his mum.

She'll be at the hospital, I need to take him to the hospital.

"Bring me her brother, she'll watch him die next."


I'm getting my sister the fuck out of here, you won't fucking take her too!

I have to fight, I have to fucking fight.

The two guys with Diego step over Eli and walk straight towards me, grins on their faces that are still splattered with my best friends blood tell me they are enjoying every moment of this. He really has created himself a gang of murderous little cunts.

Fight Milo, fucking fight.

I throw the best punch I have at one of them, but my vision is so blurry it barely fucking connects. The other one quickly managing to wrap his arms around my throat and drag me straight back down onto the floor. I can hear Diego chuckling as blow after blow smashes into my stomach, may begs him to stop before I hear silence overtake her as well.

I smash against them, using every opening I see, but a final blow to my head sends bells ringing throughout my skull that numb every other instinct I was using.

Fuck... I'm fucked.

There's so much pain, it's not like I've never been in a fight before but I've never been in a fight where I have nothing to give. I came into this already losing... I didn't have a fucking chance.

The moment I look at Eli's closed eyes I just feel any ounce of energy I had left seep away from me.

I'm so sorry man... I'm so fucking sorry I called you. I never should have, of course you'd race back in here to try and save the fucking day, it's exactly who you are...

Who you were.

This... This one is on me.

They avoid my face, probably realising that with the amount of blows I've taken to the head it wouldn't take much to kill me now anyway. My limbs feel heavy, I can't even scramble onto my own feet as they drag me across the floor and drop me onto the concrete only a foot away from where May stands.

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