Chapter 116

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"Josh! You're dating fucking Josh!" Eli has been repeating those words for the last seven minutes.

"Eli, I am begging you, please say anything else." I lay back against his headboard, the house much quieter now that his mum's left. Not before she made it very clear to the both of us that if there was so much as a coaster out of place when she got back we'd be paying for it with our lives.

That woman terrifies me.

He just continues to stare at me, he's like a dodgy pirated film where it keeps buffering every few seconds then just repeating the same line.

"Josh... Fuck, you're dating Josh!" I swear to fucking God...

"Eli! Yes, I think you have made very clear by now that I am dating Josh! Me and Josh, boyfriends, the whole shebang. Do you seriously have nothing else to say about this?" I pick up one of the pens from his bedside table, throwing it at him in an effort to break him from this trance but it just bounces off that giant head of his and lands back in my lap.

It does its job though, he finally moves from his position sat at the bottom of the bed, throwing himself down in one fluid motion until he's laying on the pillow next to mine.

"Say something else... Okay what about this - You are the luckiest mother fucker on the planet! That guy... Fuck, he's so hot he's practically God! Seriously, how the fuck did you do this? He's so out of your league."

Well that's just fucking insulting...

I smack the back of my hand against his ginormous forehead, watching his head snap back against the headboard before he starts to chuckle as he rubs away the injury that I'm sure just caused him to lose four of his last ten brain cells.

"He is not out of my fucking league, you've seen me right?" Eli sits up, running his eyes all along my body but looking far less impressed than anybody else who's ever done it.

"Yeah man, you're a solid 9.5 but that guy... Dude's a twelve easy. And you two have been at it since camp?! That was fucking weeks and weeks ago... How have you not told me earlier? Shit best mate you are."

Oh god, is he actually hurt?

"Eli man," I sit up, moving so he can see my face properly. "Dude it wasn't like that. It was a lot to get my head around and let's face it, keeping secrets isn't exactly something you're great at. I'm sorry that I hid it from you, I didn't want to."

He nods, but I can see he's still not entirely okay with it. I quickly wrapped my arms around his head and squeezed them until I feel like I am about to pop him. Eli can always forgive me if I give in to his constant need for physical affection.

"Fine, I get it. Just tell me everything tomorrow, I'd say to tell me now but we've got like half hour before everybody starts turning up here. Just tell me, have you guys...?" Eli's less than subtle hand movements tell me quickly what he's asking.

"Everything but..." The grin on my face is enough to tell him that that's one part where me and Josh have never had any issues.

Until last night... We got really fucking close, I don't know exactly what happened but I can take a guess that it's got something to do with the last guy he let get that close to him. I think with the anniversary of the shooting around the corner, it was all just a bit too much for him.

Everything else we did though, everything he let me do to him... Fuck, I could watch him unravel like that before my eyes forever.

"God Milo, I can practically see the porn that's running through your mind right now - with him as the star... I guess the schteaminess rating with you guys is –"

"Off the fucking charts. I'm not sure I could even explain to you how fucking good it is, that guys skills extend far beyond a fucking basketball court...  Shit, are you really okay with this? The whole me being with a guy thing?" I know that Eli has gay dads but it's not really something we've ever had to talk about.

"Nah, it's cool man. I'm pretty sure I'm bi anyway."

He's fucking what now...

I drop my pen, letting it roll completely off the bed and hitting the floor before I can find any other words. Did he just say what I think he said?

"What the fuck? How long have you known that and why the hell didn't you tell me?"

Eli shrugs, like he's just told me he isn't a fan of vanilla ice cream or something, not that he's into both guys and girls!

"You didn't tell me either mate, I don't know. Pretty much figured it out when I fucked Leeroy Perry at a house party last year."

Last year!

"Perry? As in captain of Melton prep? Man, how the fuck could you not tell me that?! That guy was all over Josh back at camp... You should've seen them in the gym together... Dude isn't fucking subtle."

Eli nods, shoving another handful of chips into his mouth like he's knocked up with Jayce's kid.

"Oh that guy is still obsessed with him, he's going to be pissed when he finds out about the two of you, I'm pretty sure he's sliding into Josh's DMs every fucking day from the sounds of it." Josh doesn't even check his DMs unless they're from me, but I'll be making sure to tell that dickhead too keep the fuck away from my man when I see him. "You should have heard the dude when we were going at it in the forest, pretty sure he was imagining that I was Josh the entire time."

The forest...  "Holy shit, you mean when we were camping out and I heard you in the forest with some chick? That was him? Weren't you ever worried about people... You know... Finding out."

Eli jumps up off the bed, pulling his shirt over his head and beginning to rifle through his wardrobe to find something clean amongst the mess.

"Not really, it's not like I was in love with the dude, it was just another fuck. I'm not sure people would be as surprised as you think they would mate, I know there's still a lot of idiots around but this isn't 1847 anymore, most guys our age don't give a fuck. Unless they're being raised by a twat like Luke is, obviously. So are you going to tell people about you guys or do you like keeping him your dirty little secret?"

Luke... Fuck, I have to talk to him. He hardly responded to my messages, I just don't think he's a texting kind of dude but I need to find out if my suspicions are correct.

Eli keeps talking about Josh like it's just sex, I know that he isn't the kind of guy to settle down but he needs to understand that what we have is so much more than that.

"I'm telling everyone, but he wasn't a dirty secret to begin with Elijah. I'm... Fuck, I think I'm in love with him... No, I know I'm in love with him."

Eli drops his shirt on the floor, racing over and slamming the back of his hand against my forehead. I look to try and figure out what the fuck he's doing, until his hands slide down to feel against my neck and I have to shove him off. "Eli, what the fuck?"

"Checking for a temperature or glandular fever or something! You're in... You're in love with him? I mean I guess I can see how that could happen with a guy like that but dude... I'm too young to lose my wing man this early, I just got you back."

I really need to introduce Eli to Charlie, they could be two little horny peas in a pod.

Trying to shove him away, he only reaches out and pulls me into one of his bear hugs, smacking me on the back so hard I'm pretty sure he set my heart into a new rhythm.

"I'm fucking around man, I'm happy for you. Besides, I like to think about it as less me losing a wingman and more me gaining an extra one. Josh is definitely the kind of guy you want as your heater, I could make a killing off the girls that he has to reject alone, be the handsome straight stranger to hold their sobbing bodies when they realise he bats for the other team...  Wow, this might be the best thing that's ever happened to me."

I push him so hard that he falls backwards into his desk just as his doorbell rings downstairs, all the guys turning up from their team to help us set up for the party.

Of all the friends in all the world, What the hell did I do wrong in a past life to get saddled with that one?

He's lucky I love him.

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