Chapter 118

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My baby sisters cunt of an ex sits in my best friends house like he fucking owns the place, all his little gang banger wannabes surrounding him like flies on fucking shit.

Like fuck am I backing away from this prick. Eli stands beside me as we walk into the room, a few of the other guys from the team making sure to stand behind us as we approach him. I can’t believe May ever went near this fucking idiot.

“Get the fuck out of my house.” Diego smirks as he turns his attention from me to Eli, leaning back on the couch and pulling one of the girls from the gang directly onto his lap. Guess he moved on fast.

“Now that's not nice hermano, I thought you rich pricks on the east side were supposed to have all that upper class hospitality? Especially you tea drinking queen-fuckers. You’re Eli right? I’ve heard all about you medianoche, you’ve gained quite the reputation for yourself. Why don't you take this one and keep her busy while me and the captain here have a talk about where he’s hiding my property.” I know he sure as fuck didn’t just call my sister his fucking property.

He shoves the girl off his lap, gesturing her towards Eli, an order which she follows far too willingly.

Fuck, that girl can't be much older than sixteen...

She walks towards Eli, I’m not sure what look he gave her but the girl stops sharpish before turning back to Diego.

“Not your type? Take your pick, none of these girls mean shit to me anyway. My little puta however, her I would like back. The bitch left Westbrooke without my permission, she knows she needs to be punished for that.” Eli’s arm slams against my chest as I launch forward at this fucking fuck-tard.

May, need his fucking permission to do something? May hasn’t asked for permission to do shit since she was six, and she sure as fuck wouldn’t ask it from him. He needs to stay the fuck away from her.

“Leave, or I will make you fucking leave.” Eli doesn’t get mad, he’s pretty much one of the most laidback guys I’ve ever met, but I still wouldn’t fuck with him. He’s always had a soft spot for May and right now that spot is turning into a vicious lot of protection.

I can feel hands all over the back of my shirt, I’m not sure how many guys are trying to make sure I stay back but the whole fucking team couldn’t make me keep my hands off this fucking twat if he says another fucking word about my sister.

Diego starts to laugh, slithering up from the couch and walking towards Eli. I’m not sure why that guy has become his target tonight but Eli’s got a good fifty pounds on him so...

...Which I’m now realising means fuck all as I see the glistening silver piece he’s got shoved into the back of his waistband. Fuck.

“You got a thing for my woman there?” Diego spits at Eli as he squares right up to him. Eli can’t see the gun in the back of his jeans but a few of the other guys spot it and remove their hands from me to hold onto Eli. We need to stop him from doing something really fucking stupid here.

“She's a girl you fucking idiot, not a woman, May is fifteen years old. Why the fuck won't you just stay away from her?” I look around the room, there's at least ten other guys with him and if they're all packing heat as well then we are truly fucked here.

“You think a girl has a body like that? She is all fucking woman. Are you jealous my man? Jealous that she found someone that was willing to give her what you were too chicken shit to admit you wanted? I mean... That ass alone... Damn, it's enough to drive a man insane. You know she was born with it too, from the moment that girl learned to crawl she was already in the right position.”

I throw my whole body into Eli’s the moment the words leave his lips. What I really want to do is let Eli’s fist connect with this cunts fucking face, but I don’t want to see a bullet hole in my best friends chest even fucking more.

Diego and his gang of morons laugh as I press my head against Eli’s and force him to pay attention to me, keeping my words low so that he’s the only one that can hear me.

“He's got a gun.”

The anger radiating off me is threatening to explode, the piercing sound of sirens outside breaking through the tension. I turn, a few of Diego’s men calling to him. “Serpiente, you know they’re coming for you, you ain’t supposed to be in this part of town.” But he just waves his hand at them before they all start to disperse back out through the front door as he turns to me.

“Your sister still has something that belongs to me, something I want. I fucking own her and she knows it, so tell her to stop ignoring my fucking calls. You can’t hide her away in that nice house of yours from me forever, and deep down she knows that she belongs with our people, not yours. Make sure she gets the message, she’s starting to test my patience.”

He turns and walks away, pulling the gun from the back of his waistband and making my heart leap up into my throat for a moment, before he bangs it twice against the front door and turns back.

“Tell her we had a deal. She doesn’t want me to come back here, I’d hate to have to give her your head as a reminder of what happens to people who fuck with my business Capitán.”

Go fuck yourself.

The noise inside the house starts to rise as people realise the cops are on their way, attempting to make a run for it. However they all pull back when it becomes clear that they weren’t here for the party, the cars zipping by the house and following the Serpent’s as they race back to their side of town.

What the fuck has May done...

My hands are still shaking as I pull my phone out of my back pocket and text Josh to come and get me, I really need to get the fuck out of here right now.

“Are you okay? What the fuck has May got herself into?” Eli seems to have calmed down a fuck lot quicker than I have, the party quickly restarting but both of us losing our appetite for it as we make our way upstairs and into his room.

“I really don’t fucking know, she said she was staying away from him... How the fuck am I gonna get her out of this?”

Eli lays his arm over my shoulders, both of us sitting at the bottom of his bed in the dark as we just let what happened settle in for us.

He had a fucking gun. Nothing good is going to come from this...

I text May to give her a run down, she sends me back a message saying that she’ll sort it but we need to fucking talk about this. She’s in trouble.

“What he said, about me and May. I know I make jokes and things but you know that I’d never go fucking near her. Your my brother, that basically makes her my sister, so I just need you to know that it’s not something you have to worry about.” I really want to tell him that the person keeping him from May is May herself but I can see he’s trying really hard to be sincere right now.

“I know, I appreciate you standing up for her. If I’d said a fucking word down there I probably would have got us both killed.” Eli chuckles, tightening his arm around my shoulder and resting his head against my own.

“Well, considering everything, I guess that it would be making things even if you got me killed too.” This is why I put up with him, even under these circumstances he can make me laugh. Eli pokes me in the ribs but it doesn’t tickle as badly as it does when Josh does it. “No offence man, but you smell like a fucking brewery, do you want to borrow one of my shirts or something before your hot guy gets here?”

First, stop calling Josh hot.

Second, yes I need out of this fucking shit.

Pulling my it over my head, I struggle as he refuses to take his arm off my shoulder, until finally it escapes my body just as the bedroom door is thrown open, hitting the wall.

Peering out from under the fabric I see Luke standing in the doorway, actually I think standing is being a bit too fucking gracious, the bottle in his hand is almost empty and I think swaying would be a better way to put it.

Jesus fucking Christ, how quickly did he drink that?

“Well this is just history repeating itself isn’t it?” Me and Eli look at him entirely confused, but he doesn't attempt to answer us before stumbling backwards through the door and into the bathroom across the hall.

I stand up ready to dig through Eli’s wardrobe to try and find something that has at least been washed in the last fortnight, only to glance out the window and see Josh standing against the Bentley chatting with a few of the guys from the team.

Even just the sight of him instantly relaxes my whole body. He is what I really need right now.

Eli comes to stand by my side, peering over my shoulder and out of the window down at Josh. Oh my God, that’s my favourite fucking hoodie!

“Damn, did he get hotter or something? You’d better get out there before Leeroy spots him or you won’t be the only one trying to take that guy home tonight.”

Eli is still laughing his head off from his bedroom as I pull my soiled shirt back over my head and race down those stairs, passing Leeroy as he steps out onto the front yard with Josh in his sights, before connecting my eyes with Josh’s.

His smile, the things I would be willing to do just to see that smile.

The guys part eventually, making way for me to get through, a few of the girls edging closer towards Josh as they become increasingly attracted to everything that pulled me towards him in the first place. I can see that he’s unsure what to do here when I approach him, but I made a promise to myself earlier and I plan on keeping it.

The yard is full of people who know me, this will be public knowledge by the time I walk back into Westbrooke high on Tuesday... and that’s exactly the way I fucking want it.

Every set of eyes here follow me as I walk straight up to the gorgeous man before me, watching his eyes grow wide as I lock my hand behind his head and into his hair, bringing my lips down onto his.

No words. No questions. I don’t give a fuck who knows anymore, tomorrow we'll tell Jayce and that's it for us.

Everyone will know.

No more fucking secrets.

There’s gasps and chatter behind us,  but as I slip myself between his legs and push his back against the car, they can say whatever they want. His hands fall to hold my hips the moment the shock wears off and I feel him smiling into the kiss as he begins to return it.

This. Us. No matter all the other shit in my life; no matter what my parents think or how my brother is going to react, no matter whether I can talk Luke into coming around or how I’m going to protect May from the trouble she’s got herself into, I know one thing for certain.

“Josh, you are my stars.”

And you always fucking will be.

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