Chapter 158

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Wow, this place is incredible.

Miles keeps his arms firmly locked around my waist, pulling me inside the building with him and slowly running his lips down the side of my throat as I take in the opulent room. If he wants to do anything more tonight than have me pin him to a fucking bed then he really needs to stop kissing me like this.

Actually, I'm not against that idea.

"How do you like your birthday present?" He chuckles, barely removing his lips from my skin so that every word he speaks leaves a rippling warm breath against my neck.

Like it? I fucking love it.

It's not a big mansion like when we stay down at the lake house, it's more intimate than that... like it was made just for us.

I haven't really seen a house like it before but it's seriously beautiful. For one, the whole structure is one giant fucking triangle that you can see all the way through from the front door to the land behind, like some kind of old school tent they make in cartoons with a sheet and some twigs, but on fucking steroids and created permanently in modern black architecture. There's so much light despite the darkness of outside, because you can see through the two glass walls at either end of the building, raising all the way to the ceiling. It's a good thing we're so secluded because we're kind of fucking exposed here...

Although I know he's not entirely against almost being caught... Or watched.

It's kind of a contradiction too, on the outside it has this crazy new age design but inside it's really rustic and cute. A tale of two halves, just like us.

I try to look at everything around me despite his clear attempts to keep me distracted. There's a lot of work gone into making this place feel like part of the world around it; the walls are even held up by pillars that look like they're made of the same thick oak trunks that surround the building... which I'm definitely not thinking of stealing for my imaginary dream house in my head... no...

We wander further in, I know he's smiling like a crazy person at me getting so lost in the room but it feels like he pulled this whole place from my fucking imagination right now... How did he find this?

I honestly just want to curl up in here, the glowing warm lights from the lamps all around add to the ambiance, not to mention that gorgeous roaring fire that makes me want to wrap myself up in him like a blanket and fall asleep in his arms. It's so clear yet it still feels dark and cosy because of all the night sky just seeping through to us as I look through the glass walls out into the woodlands behind.

"This... It's incredible Miles... How did you...?"

He smirks, distracting me once again from my own words by moving from the base of my neck back up to just beneath my ear, his hand tightening on my waist when he feels me start to fucking quiver. He knows what touching me there does to me... He's doing it on purpose.

"I can't take all the credit," He begins, still pressing his lips to my skin and making my smile so wide it's now hurting my cheeks. I'm going to be like this all night aren't I? "It's one of Brie's client's places but it was better than anything else I could find... You still haven't seen the best part yet though."

Yes I have, the best part is standing in my arms right now.

He finally pulls away, although I almost tug him back to me as he takes my hand and starts to gently guide us through the room to the back door. We slip past the spiral staircase leading to the mezzanine level above our heads where I'm assuming the bedroom is, walking under the balcony that extends beyond it as we step outside... Wow, okay incredible was an understatement.

"Are we staying here tonight? Brie said about meeting us in the morning but I don't have any of my stuff." The darkness of the sky above makes it pretty difficult to see anything out here, I can just about make out the tips of the trees that surround us but damn... those stars are fucking bright tonight.

Miles walks me down the three steps at the edge of the deck with my hand in his before moving behind me, pressing his chiselled chest to my back and placing his arms around my body until his one hand is pressed firmly over my heart.

His heart... It all belongs to him... So do I...

"I packed all your stuff while you were in work, it's all upstairs." He's so fucking sneaky! Although I've seen his packing skills and now I'm thinking I shouldn't have bothered pressing my shirt...

I knew giving him a key to my home would come back on me.

Although his face when I did...

It was a really sweet fucking moment. I didn't really think much of it when I had the key cut, it just felt... right? I just wanted him to have it. I tried to tell myself it wasn't too big a step, it was just practical - He's been spending so much time with Liam so I wanted to make sure they could get in even if I was running late or something. But deep down I just wanted him to be able to be there whenever he wants, to feel at home, if I had my way he'd never fucking leave.

The moment I gave it to him though, I truly realised how much it meant.

He reacted like I just given him the whole world, a piece of my life I haven't shared with anyone else, something he honestly wasn't expecting. I don't know why - he's basically been moving himself in slowly for the last two weeks. I don't mind, I really don't fucking mind. I know it should be a bigger conversation that we have but in all honesty it just feels like everything else does with us, natural.

He's still got that big offer from LSU to consider, even if he's made pretty clear without words that he'd rather wait to go with Eli and everybody else, I'm still keeping my heart guarded to the fact he could be leaving in less than a month.

God, I can't even think about it.

If he wants to go, I want him to go. I don't want to keep him from anything, ever... but the idea of not being able to open my eyes to find him sleeping next to me every morning... Yeah, it hurts my fucking soul.

I know it won't change shit with us, I'll go down to see him on campus and he'll come back and visit, we'll probably be on Skype every single night but still... I'd be lying if I said I wasn't grateful that I'll hopefully be getting him to myself for another eight months.

Miles' lips press down right at the nape of my neck, a move that still sends shivers down my spine just the same way it did the first time he kissed me there. The first time he kissed me at all.

This time he doesn't stop at one, gently lowering his lips against my skin before moving back and doing the same thing again, then again, then again. He knows full fucking well what he's found in that spot, my fucking undoing. His hands run down my sides, slipping under my shirt and firmly holding against the flesh of my hips as he continues the delicate touches of his lips closing in on the base of my skull.

He feels too fucking good...

My eyes fall shut and I just let the sensation of him soak in, it's such a surreal feeling to only feel complete when in the presence of another human being. Me world would feel less than empty without his touch. His fingertips graze my stomach but when his thumbs start to press hard circles into my waist, I can't help but moan from deeply within my chest.


"I guess I should stop this before we forget all about dinner right?"

Oh my God he got us dinner too... I'm fucking starving...

Reaching around, I try to get a grip on his hips and pull him to my side but he keeps that rock hard body of his stiff,  simply guiding his hands up from my waist slowly, caressing over my back and soothing up my neck until they come to sit over my eyes.

"Miles, what are you-?" I'm cut off when he gently starts to nibble on my earlobe, removing any other thought I had from my mind until all I want and all I crave is him. He's fucking impossible... How is a man supposed to fucking concentrate with this guy being such a fucking human diversion?

"Just trust me Josh, walk."

I'm really not good with stuff like this, once when I was six my mom blindfolded me to play pin the tail on the donkey at my birthday party and I ended up shoving a drawing pin straight into the side of our neighbours temple.

To be fair, if you see a child running at you with a fucking sharp implement then maybe fucking move.

Miles laughs at my utter lack of coordination as I almost stumble all around the place, although that tends to happen when you take away one of a person's fucking senses! I manage to find my footing a bit more easily as the land below my feet changes from the uneven cobbled stones into what feels like soft grass.

"I'm going to let go of your eyes but keep them closed until I give you the signal." If my eyes are closed then how am I supposed to see the fucking signal Miles?!

I can sense him moving around in front of me, he's probably waving his hands like a fucking lunatic to see if I'm peeking isn't he? I'm a man of my word so I'll keep my lids tightly shut but he'd better hurry because I only have so much restraint and the anticipation is killing me, what is he up to?

Even with my eyes closed I can still see a shift in the amount of light seeping through as he rustles about not far from me, almost as if he just grabbed one of those blinding stars and pulled it in closer to illuminate the darkness.

There's a drop in the stirring presence around me before I feel a comforting warmth before me again. Brie had told me to dress appropriately today, I'd kind of assumed that maybe we were just going out for drinks or something so I threw on my go-to button up and jeans. Now I wish I'd brought a fucking jacket, the ocean breeze is chilling as it hits against my bare forearms, the scent of it so strong I feel like I'm sitting on the Wilson again with Al, drinking cheap wine and hiding from everyone else as we laugh at all our stupid memories from college.

Damn we were so dumb. How we both didn't end up getting ourselves killed back then is beyond me. Everything is so fucked with our family right now... Are we ever going to get those moments back? Me, her and Brie just laughing and joking like nothing else matters...

No, not tonight. There's time to worry about all that, just give yourself tonight. Give him tonight.

Can I open my eyes yet? I am not sure I'll know what this signal is unless he –

Miles' lips pin down mine smoothly, catching me off guard but it's still fucking satisfying. I'll take it that this is the fucking signal then. I don't open my eyes right away, letting our lips press together in that gorgeous synchronicity that we always seem to find ourselves falling into so easily.

Kissing him... Just fucking kissing him... I can't imagine a day where I'll ever want to stop.

The warmth of his body scares away any bleak nip in the air and I quickly realise that the cold I felt had fuck all to do with the weather, it's just how my body reacts now to being separated from his.

"Open your eyes Joshua."

Why does my name always sound like a song when it's falling from his perfect lips?

I let my lids flutter open gently, taking in the sight of his beaming smile before me. He looks so fucking majestic, backlit by a congregation of moon and starlight. None of the wonders of the sky nearly as bright as my fucking star himself. He's... Fuck, he's just everything.

How did I get him? Seriously, how the fuck is this my life?

Leaning forward, I attempt to kiss him again but he takes hold of my jaw, shaking his head and smirking at me before raising his eyebrows in a way that makes me instantly pause. I wait to see what's happening, looking at him with confusion before he shoots me that cheeky satisfied grin, moving his lips to the side of my neck and letting me see the view behind him...

Oh fuck...

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