Chapter 214

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This place is fucking gorgeous, all the decorations are perfect and everybody seems to be having the time of their lives if the laughter flowing out of that room is anything to go by, but every step I take feels like it's pounding a hammer through my mind as we approach the doors.

I can feel him in there. I can fucking sense him.

Luke pauses with me as we reached the doorway, giving me a final check that I'm good to do this and squeezing my hand before we step into view.

Okay, it's okay Milo, maybe he'll be in the bathroom, maybe he'll...

But just as quickly as the hopeful thought enters my mind, the whole room fades away, until there's only one person left standing in the middle of it.

My man.


Fucking hell...

Fuck... he's so fucking beautiful.

Why does he always have to be so fucking beautiful?

Josh turns completely and for a single solitary moment I try to draw my eyes away from him, but it's no fucking use, the minute they fall on his shining sapphires I know I've lost.

Those eyes... Those fucking eyes.

The whole world could've ended, the land around us blown to smithereens by an approaching meteor and I wouldn't have fucking noticed. There's only one thing in my vision now.

He's been training, that suit is thick but I can still tell, he's fucking perfection... My heart starts to race a fuck lot quicker, my hand gripping onto Luke's for dear life as he lets his eyes fall from mine but not from me.

Please like what you see... Please.

No Milo, stop doing this to yourself. It's not... it can't be like that for him now.

His eyes linger on my hair, I decided to let it grow out through finals and it just kind of fucking stuck. There's a tiny flare in his eye as he stares at me and everything in my soul just wants to believe that it's his approval.

They fall down my face, onto my chest, he's trying to fight it but he just can't stop. Neither can I.

He can't stop fucking looking you Milo... his eyes just keep taking me in at every spot as if I'm not standing here watching him do it. He just can't help it can he... He just can't...

But then my eyes fall to the man next to him and reality smacks me across the face. Xade.

Your doing it again Milo, letting your fucking head run away with you. You need to stop investing yourself into scenario's that only exist in your fucking head. He's just looking at you the same way anyone would after all this time, stop seeing what you want to see.

For fucks sake... He's standing next to his fucking boyfriend right now.

You told him to move on, he did.

This is just like when you convinced yourself he was going to come for you that night... When you kept getting into your fucking car to come back here for him the moment you found out you could.

He didn't come then. He didn't call. He hasn't since.

He got custody of Liam nearly six fucking months ago, if he wanted you he would have come for you. You can't make him feel it, Milo. You can't make someone fall for you... or stay fallen for you.

His eyes travel between me and Luke, settling on our conjoined hands.

Shit. Does he look...

"Milo!" I manage to take my hand away from Luke's just in time to capture the little creature barrelling towards me, his smile the first thing to actually snap away a few of the nerves as I pull him up into my arms.

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