Chapter 206

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"Ginger power!"

Kallie and Charlie cross their arms over their chests before slamming their wrists together like they're the fucking Power Rangers and taking another shot. Everyone is laughing their heads off at them, the two of them have been taking full advantage of the open bar for the last two hours and Han's task for the night seems to be just keeping them both from dancing on the table. If I haven't said it before, I'll say it now – the guy deserves a medal.

Everyone is happy, all of them laughing and joking so much that they haven't noticed that me and Miles can't even look at each other as we sit across the giant circular table trying to pretend like our worlds aren't falling apart around us.

I haven't been able to say one word to him since he came back down here, I understand why he feels the way he does but it doesn't need to happen this way. I'm going to fucking kill Stephanie for putting this shit into his head... Anyone who knows him knows that he'll always make the choice to protect other people, he'll always put his own happiness last.

I can't let him do that, not for me. I'll find another way.

"Is everything okay Elmo? You're being quieter than usual sweetheart." My mom lightly strokes at my hair, I feel like I'm a little kid again having a bad dream, except this time her serene voice and soothing touch won't be enough to save me from the monsters.

"I'm fine Mom, just been a big day." She smiles at me but I can see she doesn't believe me one bit, it's an unfortunate thing that sons can never truly lie to their mothers.

"What do I always say sweetheart?" She coos tenderly. "Everything will always work out exactly the way it's supposed to in the end. Stop worrying, you'll get wrinkles... Although I think you might be starting to get-"

I shoved her hand away as she starts looking deeply at my forehead. They are Miles' fault, my face was perfectly un-creased before he came along... Always making me smile and laugh... How could he even think about...

She smiles as she glances over my head at Liam and Heather on the edge of the dance floor. He's gained enough confidence to step away from me as long as her hand is in his, but he's still not anywhere close to being himself.

Liz and Coach walk over to join the table, Liz making a fuss of Chase as Coach and Miles appear to be having a secret conversation amongst themselves. Both their eyes quickly glance over to me at the exact same moment and my stomach sinks... I guess I know what they're talking about then.

I wonder how many of them knew about this before I did, why would he tell them before he told me?

And why the fuck wouldn't they talk them out of it?

The playlist that Brie has been slaving over for their last month continues to play from the DJ booth, the girl really doesn't know any music that was made after '99 does she?

The DJ kind of looks familiar though, I feel like he's one of the guys that Brie used to have on booty-call back in the day. I'm guessing that Steve doesn't know otherwise he definitely wouldn't be here right now.

"Ladies and gentlemen, lads and lasses, and all non gender conforming people... Please would you all stand as the bride and groom make their entrance for their first dance as Mr and Mrs Parker." The DJ's rugged voice comes over the speakers just as the double doors on the other side of the room open...

...And of course Brie has had another change of outfit.

Steve's eyes glisten as he looks down at her hand in his, the diamond coated wedding rings catching the light as she steps through in the most colourful of her gowns today. Seeing her trademark curls back on display makes the first smile come to my face since I re-entered the room.

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