Chapter 14

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Why the fuck did I do that this morning?

It’s bad enough I practically begged the guy to sleep in the same bed as me just so I could be fucking closer to him, but wrapping my arms around his body... I could try blame it on the alcohol and broken fucking heart, but basically stopping him from leaving the bed this morning... that was all me. 

Possession. That’s the only fucking explanation I have – I was possessed. The way I wasn’t ready for his skin to leave mine, the chill I felt as soon as he turned from me – I’ve not felt anything like it. I’ve never spent the night at a girls place, but I have passed out for a few hours after we were done. Each time, if they tried to cuddle with me I’d let them for a bit, then kindly move them away once they were sleeping; I like my space. Last night though, I couldn’t fucking stop.

Now my head is fucked. He held me and I’ve never felt more fucking comfortable, more safe, then I couldn’t fight my body when it wanted to hold him too.

I freaked him out, I know I did. He sprinted for that bathroom like I’d thrown up on him again and I can’t blame the guy. I don’t know what the fuck I was thinking.

Now he’s standing over there with Coach and I know I have to stop fucking looking at him if I want to win this fucking game.

Of course that would be easier again if I wasn’t relying on the person I despise most in the world right now to be a decent fucking player. Luke wasn’t ever very good, he’s alright to block based solely on his size but otherwise he’s just a glorified wall with arms and a smirk.

Eli gestures for us to start the play we’ve been practicing and I’m grateful we’re only three minutes from the whistle, being up by ten points is the only safety net we have as Luke completely misses the pass. The ball drops and the captain from Melton picks up the tumbling sphere, shooting his shot but still missing. He’s off today too, usually Leeroy Perry can give me a run for my money as the nearest successful captain but I’m guessing he had even more to drink than I did last night. Eli shooting him a smirk every time he fucks up probably isn’t helping, competitive little fucker.

We rein it back, me playing like we’re a player down and ignoring Luke completely as I manage to get a final basket just as the clock runs down to zero. These initial games don’t mean much in terms of points for the week but the moral of winning lifts a team, and after the night we had we need it.

Coach isn’t happy, even with the win he knows we weren’t playing our best. Josh looks proud though, he smiles at all of us in turn, making sure we all see it. His kindness hasn’t gone unnoticed by the team, he might have run us hard yesterday during training but he’s also made sure to compliment everyone’s strengths too.

Even at lunch they were talking about him, well everyone except Luke. When he saw me coming into the cafeteria he ran off to sit by his dad like the little bitch he is. The two of them clearly have an issue but they can go fuck themselves, I’m the fucking captain and I’m not taking their shit.

I was willing to talk to him, try find some way to work together for this week, but I just can’t bring myself to do it with him being such a cunt and all.

We all shake hands with the opposing team, Leeroy and Eli get deep in conversation quickly so I just decide to go over to the showers with the other guys. I was almost at the door when I tiny hand grabbed hold of my arm, stopping me in my tracks.

Fuck. She looks like shit. Zoe stands before me but she’s hardly like the girl I usually see; her eyes are puffy and bloodshot, her face doesn’t have a scrap of make up and her hand has no choice but to let go of me it’s trembling so much.

She’s biting her lip and I know that’s never good, she only ever does it when she’s upset or exhausted. The way her bottom lip is torn up I’ll guess she’s been doing it all night.

“Milo... Can we talk?”

I shouldn’t want to, I should tell her to go fuck herself but I know I won’t. I really care about this girl, even after finding all this out, and I hate seeing her in this kind of pain.

“Um yeah, just let me shower first.”

She nods, her hand still floating near the surface of my skin before she pulls it back and re-joins the group of girls standing near by. I feel bad that I didn’t even think to look for her in the crowd earlier, I was so distracted.

Eli catches up with me as we get to the locker room, the guys stripping off and getting ready just as Coach walks in with Josh.

“Okay you bunch of useless pricks, you got lucky. Don’t think you won that game based on skill because you didn’t, I don’t want to see that again whilst we’re here. Get your shit together. Luke!” We all turn to Luke, standing in the corner staring at his feet. “Get your head in the game or I’m benching you.”

Luke tries to argue but Coach just ignores him, walking out like the kid isn’t still talking. Honestly, I’m not against the idea. There’s a few guys and girls on the subs bench that deserve the chance to prove themselves on this team over him.

Josh waits until Coach is out of the room before looking back at us all.

“Look guys, he’s being harsh but it’s only because you all mean so much to him. I think considering how hung over you all probably are, you played better than we did in our opening game after initiation.”

There’s a small laugh that spreads throughout the room, everyone grateful for Josh’s light-hearted words before he leaves us. He just has that thing about him, most of the guys here met him yesterday yet they all want to make him proud already. Josh is very easy to connect to, they’re all realising that quickly. His eyes lock with mine right as he makes it to the door, my heart pounding in my chest like a fucking base drum for the few seconds he holds my gaze. Calm the fuck down Milo, he doesn’t know anything.

Hopping in the cubicle, the water is ice cold but heating slowly. I don’t care, I just need to feel fresher. Since the moment I saw Zoe I’ve felt like shit. She did something wrong, really fucking wrong, but I’m not exactly one to preach. It wasn’t her I was imagining that night in the shower, it wasn’t her I wanted to be wrapped around last night... it wasn’t her skin I let my lips graze against this morning.

It should be, but it’s not.

I don’t know what’s going on with me but I know she wasn’t the only one doing something she shouldn’t have during our relationship.

There’s still a black hole in my stomach when I think about losing her though. Outside of being my girlfriend, she’s also one of my best friends. I’m just not sure I can trust her anymore. Lying is something that hurts me more than most, I’ve seen it ruin so many people, people I love.

I’m the first one out, half the guys still haven’t even put themselves under the cold water fully. I don’t want to keep Zoe waiting for no reason, it’s not my style to hurt someone intentionally.

Stepping towards the locker room, I can hear Luke and his father talking. I really don’t like that guy, he’s always turning up to practise uninvited and walking around the school like he owns the place. He’s nothing, literally nothing. The team he captained was one of the worst scoring in Westbrooke High history but he still acts like he’s something of relevance.

I’m ready to go break up their little family get together with my mere presence when I overhear their conversation and stop dead in my tracks.

“That fairy actually came in here? With the boys all getting changed in front of him? I bet he fucking loved that, little faggot.”

What the fuck did that old cunt just call Josh?

“Yeah Dad, and he was looking at us. He needs to go, it’s weird. I don’t want someone like that in here when I’m in the shower, he might try touch me or something. You showed me that leaflet from church, how people like him try to corrupt little boys, what if that’s why he’s here?”

Oh hell fucking no.

I step out from behind the doorway, swinging it open so hard it hits the wall and causes both these twats to jump out of their pathetic skin-sacks.

Luke’s father tries to compose himself quickly but I can see the fear running in his sons eyes.

“Thompson, good game. You must be happy, I’m sure you’ll be off to the pro’s in no time, just like your brother.”

I can’t wait to smash that smile straight off his fucking face.

Stepping in close to him, he’s a good six inches shorter than me and my towering height quickly proves too much for his inflated ego. He attempts to stand tall but it does nothing to draw him out of my shadow. Wanna say that again now you prick?

Some of the other boys walk into the room, Eli amongst them, but none of them attempt to get ready as they become weighed down by the tension that surrounds them.

The water drips off my body into a puddle at my feet as I stare down at this pathetic excuse for a fucking man.

“What the fuck did you just say about Josh?”

My voice is calm and deep. I don’t shout but the authority is clear. Like I give a fuck who this guy is, I’ll take him out on this fucking broken tile floor if I want to.

He looks over at his son but Luke can’t seem to maintain eye contact with him, I can’t tell if it’s fear, guilt or both that’s keeping him from being able to look at his father.

“I was just... Look Thompson, I know he’s a friend of your brother but-”

The door is pushed open, Coach and Josh walking back in carrying the collected kit but pausing with confusion at the scene before them.

My jaw is clenched so hard it’s vibrating, it’s taking everything I have not to punch this cunt and relax my clenched fists. Jayce’s talks about not letting anger drive you playing on a loop in my head but doing fuck all to help. Everyone is now out of the showers, standing in a huddle behind me waiting to see what’s happening here but they’re fully aware my rage is pouring out of every inch of me directly at this fucking creature.

“Thompson? What’s going on here?”

I don’t move, even Coach’s tone is running straight off me.

“Tell them. Tell them all what you just said.” The words manage to free themselves of my mouth clearly, despite my gritted teeth.

The guy is trying to act tough but I can see the tremble in his fingers. He’s one of those twats that’s all big behind a keyboard or sitting around with his like-minded, piss poor attempts at friends, but when it comes time to stand up and say something - he regresses back to his pit of mediocrity.

Luke is cowering now to, I realise for the first time that his fear isn’t even directed at me, it’s solely focused on his father.

“I just...” The guy looks around the room for support, support he won’t find with these guys. “I have concerns about one of your staff members Coach. These are young, impressionable boys and I don’t think certain types of people should be alone with them when they’re in a state of undress. I fear for their safety.”

Typical fucking bigot, trying to mask their fucking homophobia as concern for kids. What kind of threat is Josh?

Coach side glares the guy, taking his attention away from me for the first time since he entered the room.

“What the fuck are you talking about Scott? What do you think I’m going to do to your son?” Coach looks utterly confused but I quickly look to Josh and realise he already understands completely. My heart splits in my chest, the look on his face telling me he was actually fucking expecting this.

“Not you coach, the fucking fagg-”

He doesn’t get the chance to finish his sentence, I shove him so hard the pathetic cunt hits the wall on the other side of the room. Marching after him, I shove my head against his with force until he’s pinned to the wall with it. His sweat coats his skin and forces its way onto mine, his ragged breath showing his fear as I stare directly into his eyes and spit my words at him.

“Call him that fucking word again and I will separate your head from your fucking shoulders!”

A few of the guys try to pull me back from the man about to piss himself, but it’s only when I feel a particular set of hands that I let go. Josh gripping my arm and yanking me until I’m on the other side of the room.

Josh attempts to get my attention, but I can’t take my eyes off the man across the floor. He’s pointing at me, shouting something at Coach and straightening himself out but I can’t hear shit through the ringing in my ears. I just want to cave his fucking head in.

“Out! Out of my locker room, out of this camp! I don’t give a fuck who you think you are Scott, you aren’t shit here. This is my team, I decide who helps me with it. Josh isn’t a threat to your fucking kid, having a useless prick like you as a father is a threat to that kid!”

Coach’s words break through the silence in my mind. Now that I’m finally looking at him, I can see he’s just as angry as I am. Luke can’t even bring his eyes in our direction, he knows that none of the people on this team will side with him on this one. We’ve got people her with two dads, two mums, gay brothers and sisters. People in Eli’s situation. Even those that don’t have that kind of connection still clearly like Josh. Luke’s fucked up here.

“Coach! I won’t be treated like this by an old man and a bunch of fucking children! I’ll take this to the school board, I’ll have your job!”

I go to spit more abuse at him but Josh grabs hold of my jaw tightly, keeping my mouth shut and shaking his head at me as a means to keep me quiet.

Coach just smirks at the guy. “Good luck with that. Head of the school board is Eliza Gregory, I’ve got her address if you need it? We’re close you see, her daughter is married to my niece. I’m sure you’ll have her support.”

I want to laugh, every guy in the room smirking with me. This guy is screwed and he knows it.

“Luke, I’ll wait for you by the car.”

Scott attempts to walk out but Coach blocks the doorway, looking at Luke who actually looks pitiful alone in the corner.

“Luke, I will not hold the sins of the father against the son. You stay here and finish out the week, with your team, if you want to.”

There’s a debate going on behind his eyes. Josh let’s go of the grip he had on my jaw and turns to face Luke. You’d think he’d be pissed, hearing everything the boy just said about him, but instead he’s looking at the guy with a mixture of sorrow and understanding. He’s really too good a person.

Luke nods at Coach, much to his father’s disapproval. The prick shouting something about ‘those people taking over’ before slamming the door behind him.

Coach turns to face the group, Josh leaving me to join him on the other side of the room. He glances quickly at Luke but the lad doesn’t even have the decency to look up at him as he walks past. Part of me wishes he would just fuck off with his Dad, he seemed just as active in that conversation as that disgusting man was. I can’t stick sharing a dorm with him for another five days.

“Right, do any of you other fuckers have an issue with Josh?” Everyone shakes their head emphatically, Eli most of all. I think the guy is a bit in awe of Josh if I’m honest, hasn’t stopped talking about him since yesterday. Obviously with his family he was never going to have an issue with Josh. “Good. Get dressed, cafeteria will be open in half hour and I want you all carb loading before tomorrow.”

“Yes Coach!” We all answer in unison.

Everyone gets on with what they need to, me shoving on my shorts and t-shirt before sitting on the bench for a minute. My heart is still beating like crazy, I don’t know what came over me just then. Even before I saw Josh again, hearing someone talk like that would’ve really pissed me off, but that was different... I felt... protective.

Eli slumps down in the space next to me.

“You cool man? That was intense... Can’t believe that fucker said that, who the fuck even uses that word anymore?”

I shrug, breathing deeply as the room begins to clear. My jaw finally relaxes, although there’s a tingling there I can’t ignore, right where Josh held it in his hand.

“Mate, you’ve got a visitor.”

Glancing up, the room is almost empty. Luke opens the door, pausing as he sees who’s on the other side. I half expect Zoe to hit him again but she doesn’t, instead just letting him pass before stepping inside.

Okay, let’s do this.

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