Chapter 205

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Somethings off.

We're sitting here in this beyond gorgeous room, everyone is having the time of their lives and my speech killed, but too many people seem to be avoiding eye contact with me now.

Cole and Tara haven't said one word to me since I walked in here, Al has been avoiding me like the plague and now every time I talk to Jayce it's like he suddenly has to run off and do something with the kids.

Brie thankfully seems to be completely oblivious to everything, too distracted by her perfect day, her and Steve happily sitting on their giant white thrones behind a mirrored table just for two at the head of the room. The meal was incredible, but they're still feeding each other chocolate covered strawberries like they're already in their honeymoon suite.

I need to make sure I get some of them for... later.

Damn, good memories.

Liam and Heather continue to happily draw in their little kids packs as I sip my Jack and coke. He dragged Hope over to our table the moment the food was over, although she didn't protest at all. He's been getting May to teach him how to sign, I'm pretty sure he's getting most of it wrong but all Hope does is smile at him and squeeze his cheeks like he's the cutest thing she's ever seen.

I don't know where the fuck Miles is, he disappeared about twenty minutes ago and I haven't seen him since... He's been... off.

"I'm starving." Al complains as we all just look at her in disbelief.

"Girllll, you just ate a seven course meal! Plus my dessert and half Josh's starter! You sure you're pregnant and that isn't just a chip baby?" Charlie responds, colouring outside the lines on his own little kids pack, he complained for a solid eight minutes after the kids got theirs that he didn't have one.

Kallie wasn't kidding when she said that she planned to drink herself into oblivion, she only had about five bites of her food thanks to sitting next to Aleah, but is quite happily on her seventh glass of free champagne. She's going to be fun hungover at brunch tomorrow...

My phone goes off in my pocket and I open it discretely, Sonya has been pretty clear that there are to be no phones at the wedding but after what happened the last time my phone was taken away from me like fuck was I giving it up.

'My stars: Can you meet me in my room? Alone?'

I try not to smirk too much at the screen, I don't need to give away why I'm leaving to everybody but I'm pretty sure Charlie already knows as he wiggles his eyebrows and snatches the blue crayon straight out of Heather's hand, she's going to slap him any minute now.

"Little man, are you okay with Hope while I pop upstairs for a minute? I'll have my phone so May can ring me if you need me to rush back down." May and Liam agree, May pulling Heather onto her lap before she attempts to claw Charlie's eyes out.

"Your hair is... frizzy." She comments with a huff. Charlie grabs his chest like Heather just plunged her fucking fork into it.

"Bitch, you take that back! Aleah, control your replicated egg!"

Yep, not dealing with this.

I text Miles for his room number, slipping out of my seat and trying to keep my smile under wraps at the thought of being alone finally with my gorgeous boyfriend.

We've been kept away from each other for too fucking long. This is the longest we've gone without seeing each other properly since the day we kissed, it's not good for my health.

My nerves start to take over as I wait for the elevator, so I just scale the giant staircase instead. I know I'm kind of ridiculous but it's like he's a drug and I just need my fix.

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