Chapter 221

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"And then mini Thompson came crashing through the door with no eyebrows and a permanent marker Dick on his face! It was fucking hilarious!" Brie almost falls off her stool with laughter, Miles doing the same from the seat next to me as they recount what appears to be his very traumatic childhood growing up with May.

"Oh shit, tell him about the time she tricked Eli into shoving his balls into a mouse trap!" I can hardly see through my tears of laughter, the two of them have been exchanging war stories for a while and they're just getting funnier. Me and Charlie are definitely feeling like our childhoods were seriously fucking tame right now.

Brie starts telling the story, Miles laughing so hard he has to grip onto my knee just to keep himself on the stool as he tries to get his breath back. It feels just like it used to, like none of the bad shit happened and we're all just hanging out again at the lake house, everyone laughing until they drop.

It's nice. It's really fucking nice.

I've missed this. I've missed him.

I remember so much of the heat with us, so much of the protection I felt with him, that sometimes I forget he was also the man that could make me laugh until I wanted to pee and told such amazing tales I'd find myself smiling and hanging on his every word like a kid with a bedtime story.

This stuff... it's fucking good to have it again.

"You should have seen Mini Thompson! I thought he was going to fucking hurl when Eli came running at him with all his glory just swinging around out there for anyone to see. I'll get May to send you the video, it's a fucking classic." Brie raises her hand for another round, I'm not sure that any of us need it but I'll take it anyway, it's been such a good fucking night.

"Brie, I'm almost twenty-four, when are you going to stop calling me Mini Thompson?" He asks with a chuckle. "Isn't it time to pass on that title to Chase?" She laughs but shakes her head, tilting it to the side slightly when she looks at him, like she's taking him in all over again for the first time.

"Nope. He can be my Tiny Thompson, then I'll call the next one my puny Thompson or something. I have a whole host of these babe, those two can keep pumping out kids and I'll keep naming them, but you..." She reaches across our little gang, grabbing hold of his chin and smiling at him before she kisses against his cheek bone. "You will always and forever be my mini Thompson."

He literally can't stop smiling at her. He's so fucking cute when he's happy.

These two have never been best friends or anything, but they have a love and respect for each other that is so pure. She loves him for the way that he embraced her sister as his own, he loves her for the same reason. They are two people that in any other walk of life may never have even spoken to each other, but the bond they have is real.

Miles is still smiling at her when she lets him go, dropping back into her seat just as the guy that approached me earlier comes back again.

Somebody can't take a fucking hint..

I open my mouth ready to tell him a bit more forcefully this time that no means fucking no, but when he steps up to us his eyes aren't on me, they are firmly glued to the man next to me.

"Hi, do you want to dance?" I thought this guy was looking at me like I was a fucking meal earlier but the way he looks at Miles... he's more than just fucking hungry.

Charlie looks like he's ready to fucking kill, but Miles just smiles at the guy and shakes his head, quickly glancing over at me.

"Thanks, I'm okay for now."

My Best Friends BrotherNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ