Chapter 220

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"That foetus of yours is a fucking nutcase!" Brie chuckles, bringing her martini to her freshly lipsticked lips. "When she realised some of Chrissy's blood got on that cute purse of hers, the little freak just licked it off! I'm telling you, you need her tested or something, it's not healthy, and that's coming from me."

Charlie scoffs the same way he does every time we mention that his daughter might need some kind of psychiatric fucking help. Three year old's are not supposed to foam at the mouth for the taste of fucking blood. Can you imagine her as a teenager? If that's not a main character for a book, I don't know what is.

And by book I mean murder podcast, because clearly she's going to fucking star in a few.

"Leave her alone! I've seen you eat a steak so rare it's still fucking mooing and lick your fingers afterwards, you can't say shit about my little angel. She's just passionate." I really try to stop my eyes rolling completely into the back of my head, I love Charlie but he literally thinks that girl can do no fucking wrong.

That's the problem when they're that fucking cute, it's like the fluffy little gremlin before you throw a tankful of fucking water on it. I should start calling her Gizmo...

Ohhhh, I think that might stick.

Charlie glances over my shoulder at the door again, his hand tapping on his knee as he ignores the rest of the club. He's so fucking fidgety tonight.

"Why do you keep looking at the door?" Brie slaps her hand against the back of his head, shooting him a evil glare that suddenly makes him change persona quicker than a fucking pageant mom.

"No reason! I don't know what the fuck you're talking about! Back off sugarless tits!" Jesus Christ, who pissed in his cornflakes this morning?

Actually, it was probably Luna. She seems like the type.

A chuckle comes from behind the bar, Leeroy walking over and taking my empty beer bottle before replacing it with another. We've been coming here for so many years now we just clear the ridiculous tab at the end of every week.

Well, I clear the tab. Neither of these two have paid for a drink since we were about twenty-three. According to Brie, pretty people don't have to pay for fucking drinks.

"Thanks for covering at the party, sweet cheeks," Brie comments to him as he starts clearing away the empty glasses. "All the other bartenders I know are guys I used to fuck so Steve wouldn't let them anywhere near the place. Sorry about the extra entertainment, bitch had it coming." She says sorry, but we both know that she's the furthest thing from it. She's watched the video one of Connor's twins took of the fight about thirty times, I'm pretty sure it's her screensaver.

Leeroy just laughs, shaking his head at Brie before topping up her martini. It was weird when I walked in here a few months ago to find him working behind the bar, I hadn't seen him in person since we were back at camp when he was in high school. He kind of caught me off guard if I'm honest, it's not obvious but in a certain light he kind of looks like Miles.

"It's all good, since I blew out my knee and lost my scholarship I appreciate the fucking payday. The fight wasn't that bad anyway, Luke was pretty much looking like he wanted to kill me the entire night as it was so I was expecting a punch up one way or another... Don't know how Milo puts up with him, he's such a fucking drama queen." Please don't say his name. "Was nice to see him though, haven't seen him since we were out in South Africa."

I almost choke on my beer, Miles was in fucking South Africa?

Brie scrunches her brows before the light bulb appears to go off above her head.

"Oh shit, I remember Jayce telling me about that now, building houses out there with some humanitarian society or something right?" Of course they fucking were... It's not enough that he flew through fucking college with good enough results to make valedictorian, got signed to an NBA contract and managed to maintain a relationship with a little boy on the other side of the country, of course he also has to be a fucking saint that would go build free fucking houses.

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