Chapter 73

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Bringing my hands up slowly over his hips and into his waist, I let them drift until they lay flat on his chest. What I wouldn’t give to get this suit out of the fucking way... Shoving my whole body weight into his whilst keeping a grip on his shirt, we both stumble back until his body hits the glass window behind him.

I don’t hate giving him control, sometimes it's really fucking good to let someone else dominate you for a while, but being able to take control of him is my favourite fucking place to be.

He smirks right before he leans forward and captures my lips once again. I’ve kissed so many people in my life that I couldn’t pick half of them out of a police line up, but I’ve never loved it as much as I do when I do it with him. Even when only our lips are touching, I can feel him swimming through every vein in my body. He engulfs me, encapsulates me, I find myself being absorbed into his solar system until I’m so far from home that the only place I can find to leave my heart is with him.

The world continues to spin around us, the sound of the copy machine continuously rings in the air and the smell of coffee pours out of the break room, but in this little bubble of frosted glass walls there’s only us. Even the army of people that resemble a working team of ants, racing around on the street below, each with their own story of love, lust and heartbreak, can do nothing to remove me from this daze.

His hands frisk over the fabric of my shirt until they slip under the edge and I can finally feel his skin on mine, every muscle in my body begins to relax like it’s been holding onto oxygen, trying to make it last from the moment we were last together until now when I can tardily take another breath.

My lips smooth down to his neck and I have to resist the urge - using every ounce of restraint I have - not to leave a mark on him again. He really needs to stop making those fucking noises unless he wants me to burst every blood vessel he has and leave him with a purple badge of ownership right here.

“Miles...  I have to make a call in like three minutes...”

“Then you can give me two more minutes...” I slide his shirt collar to the side so that I can move my lips down to the most sensitive part of his neck, the part he loves, letting my eyes open long enough to take in his rolling back before they fall closed completely and all his thoughts of work suddenly disappear.

I hadn’t really thought too much about what I would do when I got here, I was just leaving class and knew that if I didn’t see him soon I’d fucking explode, so I just jumped in an Uber  and got here. Now I’m thinking I definitely should have had a better plan.

The minutes fly by so quickly that when I pull away even he doesn't look ready to stop. He smiles brightly, his eyes indistinct when he leans forward and places an ultimate kiss on my lips.

“You can't make a habit of visiting me here...  I’d never get any fucking work done again...  You’re the preeminent distraction.” Damn right I am. “It won't take long, I’ve got a few emails to answer as well but you can hang out here while I do that, or there's a break room at the bottom with coffee and magazines and stuff if you want to wait there.”

“I’m good here, you get back to work, Mr. Jones, before you end up losing this fancy office of yours.”

He shivers as he sits back down in his chair, he really fucking likes hearing his name like that doesn't he? I wonder what else he’d like me to call him...

Josh quickly becomes engrossed in his work, that business voice of his really fucking does something to me; he sounds like someone that you don't want to fuck with, someone you could never say no to...

I distract myself, looking around his office. There’s a lot of pretty standard stuff but the bookshelf behind him has a load of different photos on it. There’s a really cute one of Liam but it’s a few years old now, he can't be much older than three, curled up on Josh’s lap in what I assume was his home when he wasn’t in Westbrooke.

There’s one of him and Lee back when they lived together in college, then another one of him, Brie and that girl Kallie at a club somewhere with Helena. It takes me a second but I quickly realised that the guy standing slightly behind them on the dance floor is Hope’s dad, do you think Brie knows he was checking her out like that?

A really sweet one of him and Steve sits on the top shelf, it's one from when they were teenagers but there’s one on the other side of them that’s more recent. He hasn’t changed, looking through all these pictures that must span over ten years, his eyes and smile are exactly the same.

I don’t have any photos of us. Eli made Coach take one of Josh with the team on the last day of camp and it’s the nearest thing I’ve got to a photo of the two of us together. We have to rectify that.

His call ends but I don’t want to disturb him as he begins typing away on his computer, so I continue to glance around the room. There’s certificates on the walls for things I can’t pronounce never mind understand, I’ve never really been interested in the business world but it’s clear that he is very successful at what he does.

Our lives are very different but that doesn’t mean that they can't come together to make something special.

Josh rolls out his neck as he continues to hit away on his keyboard, so I stand in behind him and begin to roll my thumbs along the tense muscles of his shoulders. I wasn’t even sure I was doing this right until he begins to hum with satisfaction... Do. Not. Get. Hard..

“I’m nearly done I swear... just don’t stop.” As if I could when you’re making noises like that... I continue to need and pull at his muscles until I realise he isn’t even typing anymore, he’s just enjoying what I’m doing to him.

“What time do you need to pick up Liam?”

His eyes fall closed as he leans back, his head dropping so he's facing up at me without actually being able to see me at all.

“Soon. I can take you home first though... Unless you want to...”

“Unless I want to what?”

He reaches up, taking one of my hands from his neck and holding it in his before bringing the back to his lips.

“Unless you want to come pick him up with me?”

Oh fuck, does he want to introduce me to Liam? That’s a big fucking deal for him... This means something right?

“You don't have to, he’s not staying the night with me because he has to meet with the social worker at Chrissy’s in the morning. We’re just going to go to that gaming diner that he loves...  if you want to come.”

Liam is the most important person in Josh’s life, I didn’t make the best impression on him last time but now I really want that little boy to like me.

“Yeah, I’d really like to come with you.”

Josh opens his eyes to look at me, the sweetest smile on his face for a moment before it starts to fade.

“Liam isn’t like other kids though Milo, he takes a while to warm up to people.”

“That's okay.”

“I’m serious, he might not even talk to you, he will probably –”

“Josh, it’s fine. Whatever pace he needs me to go at I’m good with that. I wasn’t exactly the most chatty kid myself, I really just want to meet him properly, and if it’s too much for him then I’ll just get Eli to come pick me up and leave you guys to it. I want him to be happy with this situation, no matter how long that takes.”

Josh spins his chair, pulling me between his legs before he rests his head against my stomach.

“You’re fucking perfect, you know that right?”

I run my fingers up through his hair and try my best not to smile so hard that I crack my own cheekbones.

Guess it’s time to meet the family...

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