Chapter 178

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May needs to open a restaurant.

She practically took over cooking the dinner after she saw how dry the turkey Tara was cooking was, she's a fucking natural and I've honestly never eaten food that good in my fucking life.

Everybody is happily in a food coma now, Miles and Liam are about two minutes away from falling fast asleep cuddled up on the sofa watching Brie's favourite Christmas film.

"I'm still not sure how this is considered a Christmas film..." Tara mumbles whilst blowing on her hot chocolate, as Bruce Willis crawls through the air vents covered in sweat.

"If it has fucking Christmas in it then it's a Christmas film! Die Hard is the greatest Christmas movie of all time and I will die on this fucking hill if anybody disagrees." Brie chants like she's giving the awe inspiring speech from Braveheart, all whilst shovelling another Christmas cookie into her face.

She's definitely making up for losing that bit of weight now, not that she hasn't always been able to fucking eat like a fat house cat whilst still looking perfect.

"Has anybody still got presents to open?" Al asks in her seriously sleepy voice. She should be dead, she had four fucking plates full at dinner, she almost bit Jayce when he tried to steal a sausage wrapped in bacon.

Can't blame her really, they were really fucking good. I'm seriously debating on hiring May as my personal fucking chef.

I look over at them all on the couch, Steve sitting in the middle with Brie on one shoulder and Al on the other. My mother has been using Brie as a pillow for the last hour and Tara is making herself comfortable against Aleah as well. Steve winks at me with his arms stretched out to encompass all four of them, like he's the Hugh fucking Hefner of Westbrooke or something.

"Well I ain't got any of you shit," Brie answers, pouring more rum into her nog. "Except for the kids obviously. You all hate my gifts anyway and I'm getting married in less than a week so I'm skint. Instead, you get me. Congratulations, your friendship subscription has been renewed for another year."

Great, I get her that designer handbag she's been bitching about for the last six months and I get something that she practically forced upon me when we were seventeen anyway.


Miles is using Liam like a teddy bear, virtually mirroring the position of May and Heather on the other side of the couch. Everyone just looks so... happy.

I finally feel like everything is just going to work out.

No more drama. No more surprises.

"Do you want your present before you fall asleep?" Me and Miles have been so busy running around after everybody we haven't even had the chance to do them yet.

He smiles up at me, nodding his head as he lowers Liam gently against the arm of the couch. The kid doesn't even stir, just snuggles into the fabric like it's a cushy little blanket. Running around with Heather for the last few hours has exhausted them all, I'll need to get him home soon.

Jayce walks down the stairs after putting Chase in his crib just as I pick up Miles' present. He glances between Heather and Liam, smiling when he sees that May is just as fast asleep as the two of them.

"I've set up the a bed in the kids room for Liam, I assume you guys are staying here tonight as well. Want me to carry him up?"

Us? Staying here?

Nope. No fucking way.

"Of course they're staying here." I'm fucking what now? "Want me to carry him?" I look at Miles shaking my head but he only smirks back at me. "What? We always stay at your place, this way I get you in my bed for a change."

Damn it Miles!

Cole is right behind me isn't he. I can practically feel his eyes burning a hole into the back of my fucking head.

I can't... It's so fucking weird... He probably still hasn't got little plastic spaceships everywhere though right?

"Yay! Sleepover! We haven't had one of them in years!" I glare at Al but she already knows full fucking well what she's doing. "But I'm not sharing a house with you two all night after what happened in Atlantic City, you can stay in the pool house, I need actual sleep." She wiggles her finger between a fake-innocent acting Steve and Brie.

She ain't fucking wrong. I don't know what the fuck the two of them were up to but I definitely heard moans that didn't appear to be from either one of them... Not to mention I swear one of the waitresses kept smiling at the both of them at breakfast the next fucking day... She was far too fucking happy for an early morning shift if you know what I mean.

"Whatever bitch, like I haven't heard you and Romeo going at it every fucking chance you get in the storage closet across the hall from my fucking office! You think I don't know that baby was conceived twenty feet away from where I write his damn sponsorship cheques!"

I honestly don't know who looks like they want to die more, Aleah or fucking Tara. Although I'm glad most of the heat is off us, my mother sitting there shovelling popcorn into her mouth and smirking at the awkwardness like it's her favourite show. I try to ignore the damn lot of them as I hand the present over to Miles at the same moment Steve picks Liam up from his lap.

I guess I should be happy that those two are back too ripping each other to shreds like that. Soul sisters reunit-

"Oh you think that's bad! At least you weren't hiding in a closet and saw your baby brother taking your best friends dick down his fucking throat!"

I'm going to die.

I'm going to fucking die.

Miles is staring at Aleah in utter disbelief but I can't look at fucking any of them. The sweet look Cole had on his face moments ago when he cradled May into his arms is definitely fucking gone, he's the fire burning amongst the other hundred pairs of eyes I feel are on me right now.

Where's a hellmouth opening up when you need it?!

Quite honestly, if the four horsemen of the apocalypse decide to crash in through the living room window right now, I'm good for them to take me away.

"...Well... This is awkward."

Miles' audition for Captain fucking Obvious successful.

"Anyone want to watch Die Hard two?"

"Yes!" Everyone in the room chanting a single word at the exact same moment in answer to Brie's merciful change of topic question.

I will get Al back for that.

I don't know when...

And I don't know how...

But I will.

You could fry an egg on my fucking cheeks but when I look over at Miles he doesn't seem remotely fucking bothered, just smirking at me without a care for fucking embarrassment before glancing around the room at everybody getting involved in their own conversations again, his lips curling up into a proper smile the moment his eyes fall shut.

He's running those memories through his mind right now isn't he?

Great, now so am I... and I can't even do anything about it because I'm going to be sleeping in a room tonight with his fucking mother on the other side of the fucking wall!

Miles starts to slowly slip back the wrapping paper when he opens his eyes again, I debated for a while on what to get him but then the idea hit me and I couldn't think of anything more appropriate.

That small grin on his face spreads wide as he looks down through the clear glass box.

"You got me a basketball signed by my favourite player?"

Yes, yes I did.

"It's still the best Christmas present I've ever had, I wanted you to have one too." He smiles even wider if that's possible, the sweetness that was in his face the day he gave me my ball right back again. I hadn't realised how hard these things were to get, Brie had to use every connection she has, I still don't understand how he managed to do this for me back when he was so young.

I didn't truly appreciate the effort he made, but I do now. He's always been so fucking special.

His hand slips behind my neck, bringing our lips together until the whole room fades away. It's an effect that only he has ever been able to have on me, making us feel like we are the only two people in the world.

"Is it okay if I give you yours later? When we're alone?" What the fuck has he got me this time? He's usually really excited to give me presents but right now he's chewing on his bottom lip like he's fucking terrified.

It must be good.

Or bad.

Very, very bad.

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