Chapter 51

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Seeing his face the moment that he realised where we were, it was perfect, it was worth doing all of this just for that memory. I’ll never forget his unbelieving smile for the rest of my life. The fact that the same smile hasn’t left his lips for the last hour, has only made it even better.

I knew he’d like this, but I don’t think I truly comprehend how much he’d fucking love it though. He’s in his element, to say he really knows his stuff would be an unforgivable understatement, Miles has practically been my own personal tour guide throughout every fucking exhibit they have here.

When we got here, I left him staring up at the giant 3D replica of the solar system while I dumped our stuff quickly in the auditorium, then raced back to him faster than I thought humanly possible. I’ve never been more grateful to Han then when I got there and realised everything was set up exactly as I pictured it, better even, I really owe that fucking guy a serious drink after this.

“Most people don't realise that it takes so long for the light to get to us, that most of the stars we see flickering in and out of the night sky actually died out years ago, it’s just the discrepancy in light speed to absorption that makes us believe they’re still there. Kind of like an everlasting echo of what could have been.” Miles states, his hand still firmly locked with mine as we glance over at the LED display of the Galaxy below the balcony on which we stand.

His excitement hasn’t dropped an inch, neither has his hand. I’m not complaining, I’ve hardly said two words since we got here but when he’s so caught up in his own elation like this, all I want to do is fucking look at him. There’s something about the way that his happiness radiates all over his body that makes him even more fucking beautiful than I realised he could be.

We’ve already made it halfway through this place and I’m still in fucking awe of him, even just standing there with his elbows lent against the railing, smiling as he strokes my thumb and talks like a human text book, before we've even made it to the best part of what I have planned, I already know I never want this night to end. He’s perfect. So fucking perfect.

As we wonder in further, he spots something across the empty hall that draws his focus; A miniature replica of some kind of space shuttle launch. Without hesitation he sprints over to the other side of the room to get a better look, dragging me along with each fast paced step. Not that I actually mind, he can rag me around this place all night if it keeps him fucking smiling like that.

“Apollo 13... When I was younger I made a full-on replica of this for a school project. Took me all night but I was so excited to take it in and show everyone that I wasn’t even remotely tired. Mum was so pissed at me though, I kind of forgot I needed the stuff for it until I was supposed to be going to bed the night before. Definitely worked out for the best though.”

I clench his hand with mine as he stares in all around the details of the rocket ship, you can still see how excited he is. I can just imagine him running around with his little creation back then.

“Because you aced the project?”

He chuckles, finally removing his eyes from the scene before us and letting those light Hazel optics meet my crystal blue ones with the same radiating smile.

“No, well yes actually, but that’s not the reason. It ended up being the night she met Dad, well at least the night she met him again I guess. I definitely don’t get enough credit for the fact that my procrastination is kind of the reason those two ended up together, they should owe me.” He laughs as he steps in closer to where I stand next to him.

The hand he has locked with mine never leaves it, but his other one quickly makes its way around my waist and sits at the bottom of my back as he draws us closer and closer until our bodies connect. He really needs to stop looking at me like that, my heart can’t take how fucking gorgeous he is when he’s this happy. Can I always make him this happy? Just spend every second we have making him feel more joy than he thought possible? Because it’s doing things to me I can’t explain to see him like this.

Leaning forward, he places gentle pressure against my back to keep me in place as his lips gently brush against mine. We’ve both been so caught up in everything around us that this is actually the first kiss we've had since we stepped inside the building. I know that other than the security guards that let us in, we are alone here, but it still feels so fucking good to kiss him somewhere that isn’t hidden away.

I don’t know what this is or what this will be one day, but I do know that I can’t keep hiding him away forever.  He's too fucking special for that.

He attempts to pull back from my lips but I need him just a moment longer, weaving my hand into the back of his hair I pull him back to me sharply. The smirk on his lips is clear against my skin before he begins to massage my lips with his own.

Such. A. Good. Fucking. Kisser.

God, it's so fucking dangerous to become addicted to a person the way I’m becoming with him...

There’s something unspoken in the way that our beings react to each other, neither of us seem to have the need to vocalise what we want or what we're about to do, everything between us just comes so inexplicably naturally.

He tilts his hips inwards, causing me to take a step back, only for him to push again until my back is flat against the glass viewing window of the display. I hesitate for a moment waiting for some kind of fucking alarm to start blaring throughout the building, but there’s nothing, it’s just us.

The lock he has on my lips never ceases, continuing to slowly search me as he takes the hands we have held together and brings my arm up around the back of his neck, disconnecting them and slipping away until I’m holding him to me with both hands. He’s never usually one to relinquish any kind of control, but even with my back pushed up against the glass I realise he is allowing me to have some of the power here...

And fuck does it feel amazing.

I don’t hesitate, taking advantage of the opportunity whilst I have it and grazing my nails up the back of his neck until the moan that leaves his lips allows me the excuse to explore his mouth with my tongue.

How does he always taste so fucking good? I want to drink him up with a straw and eat him with a fucking fork all at the same time. Everything about this man is like the sweetest temptation; the slice of cake you know you shouldn’t have on your diet but can’t resist, or the final drag of the cigarette you promised to give up before you throw away your last pack. Something you know you desperately shouldn't have, but covet more than anything else you've ever craved.

As his tongue’s tip begins to tease around mine, I know it won’t be long before he takes hold of the reins again, and that I have no yearn to fight him when he does.

I’ve never been a guy that is easily dominated, I’m fucking huge for one thing, and most guys I meet can't match me fucking anyway; my strength, my speed, my stamina. Yet as his hands fall down and grip my hips decisively before he sucks my bottom lip into his mouth, I know I’ve met my match with him.

He fills me with fear and exhilaration in completely equal measures, someone who can make me feel more overjoyed and intoxicated than I thought was fucking possible anymore, yet terrify me when my mind begins to wander to what the future could possibly hold for us.

It’s not something I ever dared to let myself think of before, but now all I can imagine when I picture my days after this... is him.

It’s too soon... It’s too fucking soon Josh... Stop getting so attached...

Miles pulls away from the kiss just at the instant I thought I might pass out from lack of fucking oxygen, but he doesn't move far, resting his forehead against mine as we both manage to stay on our feet only by being supported by the glass window behind us.

“Do you believe in fate Joshua? Destiny?”

If you’d asked me that six months ago, I’d have laughed, but now, looking at him...

“I’m starting to..”

He grins before opening his eyes again to look directly into mine. I know it’s way too fucking early to be thinking about him like this, but I swear to fuck when I look into his orbs that he's thinking the exact same thing that I am.

“Come on..” He says peeling his body away from mine but immediately grasping hold of my hand again, “We've still got the best part to see.”

Oh, you have no idea...

There’s no waiting for a response from me before he rips us both from the pane and begins to race through the next set of double doors. I quickly glance back at the spot where we just stood, my lips still tingling from his attack.

Wow, and this night has only just begun..

Guess who's back 🤪
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