Chapter 4

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Friday night, the prick from the Gearson company didn't even turn up on Wednesday and I've not been able to get anyone to confirm a new date all week before I leave for the camp. That just means I'll probably get a thousand fucking emails to deal with while I'm looking after skin-bags of raging hormones with basketballs, instead of being able to just fucking chill on my sofa watching shit TV and drinking beer like I planned for this break.

As if my week couldn't get more manic, instead of at drinks with Charlie, I'm currently out the front of the demons lair...

Sitting outside Chrissy's apartment building, I've slammed this horn three times already but she still hasn't brought Liam out. Not that I'm fucking surprised, probably too busy trying to trick one of her other online sugar daddy's into sending her more money.

Not that I'm any better with all the cash I end up giving her.

She got kicked out of her sisters place, again, after bringing home some guy that stole their fucking coffee maker when he left. I think it was the final straw, although it was also the only reason I could convince her to move back here with Liam.

I know she says she hates Westbrooke but what she really means is she hates being within five miles of Steve when he's so happy in his life with Brie. I know she thinks what they had was love but it never was, it was convenience.

I'd never have anything to do with the bitch again if she wasn't the mother of my little brother, the fact she cheated on my older brother with our own dad kind of makes her the most revolting person I have to deal with on a weekly basis.

My pathetic excuse for a father abandoned his responsibilities to Liam about six months after he was born, running off to God knows where in the world and never looking back. If it wasn't for me I don't know where that kid would've ended up.

I buy his uniforms, his clothes, his shoes. I paid for his speech therapy and am the only person in his life who seems to give a fuck about his education. Chrissy hardly notices the kid exists, if it wasn't for the extra bit of cash I give her to make sure he's fed I don't know if she'd even keep him.

About to slam the horn again, I see him approach the front of the building, alone. I've fucking told her not to let him walk down here on his own!

Jumping out of the car, I wait for him to press the buzzer then pull open the door that's way too heavy for him. Immediately pulling him up into my arms.

Liam was slightly premature, despite all the treatment he had he's still very small for his age, Heather is so much bigger than him even though she inherited her mothers short ass genes.

His little head buries into the crook of my neck and I can feel him breathing deeply to take in my scent. He's always been painfully shy and timid, even in school he hardly talks to anyone. I've tried everything I can to boost his confidence but this is just who he is.

Pulling back his head, I'm met with those crystal clear blue eyes of his, the only thing me, him and Steve got from our father.

"You okay little man?"

He nods, but there's a few people on the street out here so I know he won't say a word. Leaning into the back of the car, I have to unlock his arms from around my neck just to settle him in his booster seat. He's always like this when I first pick him up, even though I do it most weekends and a few days in the week. He misses me.

Steve and Brie said they'd make sure he was okay while I was away on this thing with Milo, but I'm still going to worry. I fucking hate leaving him.


Chrissy's voice is just as grating as it's always been as she screams down from the twelfth floor window.

Liam looks down at his feet, wiggling his fingers together as I get myself into the drivers seat of the Bentley. I already know what he's going to say, she would've asked him to get the only thing she ever asks for from me – Money.

"How much does she want my little man?"

He can't even look at me, he hates it when she does this. I can hardly hear him when he whispers so I don't even start the engine until he's got his words out. It always upsets him if you ask him to speak louder, mostly because the words 'Speak up!' Have been said ten times as much to him by his mother compared to the words 'I love you.' Those words she saves for when the social worker pops around. Got to keep up appearances.

"F-fifty... She said to tell you I need new shoes again..."

He probably does, considering the only ones she ever gets him come from goodwill. It's not like she hasn't got the money, she'd just prefer to keep it stored in the form of tequila and designer handbags.

"It's okay man. We'll go to the mall tomorrow morning, yeah?"

He shakes his head. "She said she wants t-the money."

Of course she fucking does.

Driving to the fast food place he loves, we pull up in the car park and I spin around to face him. He's calmed down a bit now, he does that after she's been away from him. I wish I never had to take him back there, she might be his mother but she makes him fucking miserable.

"Okay, how about this? We'll go pick some shoes, then we'll keep them at your bedroom in my place and I'll make sure your mum has the money for a pair at hers? That way we cover all your bases, okay?" He nods, relief flooding his face. I really fucking hate this, kids his age shouldn't be dealing with this shit. "Hungry?"

His little smile lights up his face and he doesn't even wait for me to open his door, jumping over the centre console and out of mine.

Locking his hand with my own, we make our way over to the restaurant. He loves this place because they have video game screens built right into the tables. Anything with a screen, this kid adores. He's so much like Steve that way, a little tech genius. Sometimes it crushes me that they're not close because they have so much in common. Although I understand, at the end of the day, Liam is the kid Steve almost had.

Just as we're about to step through the door, three massive guys and a group of giggling girls come flying through without even looking. Liam jumps back into my chest at the sudden onslaught of so many people coming towards him.

None of them pay attention to where they're going and I get ready to rip them a fucking new one when one of the guys is too busy with his tongue down some girls throat to notice he's about to step on my little brother, until suddenly he's yanked back by his collar away from us.

Grabbing Liam's shoulders, I step around them to get him inside when a familiar voice draws my attention.

"Sorry Josh, he didn't see you guys."

Liam turns at the sound of my name too, glancing with me at the towering figure still clutching his friend by is collar, the neon lights of the sign above us reflected back in his eyes, making them look a deeper hazel than before.


He's lucky I only saw him earlier this week because honestly I hardly recognise him still, I wouldn't have given him a second glance before a few days ago... Okay well that's a lie, but I wouldn't have given him one because I knew him anyways.

His friend seems to realise what he did and looks genuinely apologetic as his eyes glance from me to Liam.

"Oh man, I'm so sorry. I swear to fuck I didn't know you two were there." Well, I wasn't expecting an English accent to come out of that kid but I guess you shouldn't presume these things. His skin deep and dark, his eyes even darker and his long arm wrapped tightly around the tiny girl next to him.

Milo let's go of his shirt just to smack the back of his head, smirking at Liam when the kid starts to giggle.

"Jesus Christ Eli, there's a kid right there! Go wait by the car you idiot." Eli throws his hands up in surrender before returning to the blonde girl still in her cheerleader outfit next to him. Fuck, it's like the cast of fucking Riverdale out here.

Everyone moves over towards the cars but Milo doesn't leave, crouching down until he's Liam's height and smiling at him.

"Hey, Liam right? You've gotten so big. Last time I saw you, you were still in diapers." The blush flares onto Liam's cheeks and Milo seems to notice, quickly changing the subject. "What game do you like in there?"

Liam glances up to me and I give him the nod that tells him it's safe for him to answer. The don't talk to strangers thing has been drilled into him and I don't think he would remember Milo after all this time.

He takes hold of my hand, leaning into my hip so far he's basically using me as a human shield between him and the boy in front.

Stumbling over his words, he has to take a deep breath before trying again but Milo doesn't move, letting him take the time he needs before answering.


Milo smiles so wide that even Liam smiles back.

"Classic tastes, I love it. I've been trying to beat the top score here for ages but that 'King L' guy is kind of untouchable." Liam's smile only grows, turning up almost into a telling smirk and making Milos eyes widen. He isn't the type of kid to brag but he is pretty unbeatable here. "You're King L! Dude, you're a legend! You need to teach me your masterful ways."

I know if he could, Liam would stay here all night and talk about video games, but he probably hasn't eaten anything since lunch and the girl standing between Milo and the car seems to be growing increasingly inpatient at how long this is taking.

"Come on little man, let's get you something to eat."

Liam nods, extending his hand to Milo to say goodbye. He's been doing it since he was a toddler but I still think it's funny when people look at him like they have no idea how to react to a kid being so formal.

Milo doesn't hesitate, taking his hand and shaking it with a smile before rising to his feet. Still not happy with this having to look up at someone thing, it's like when Brie wore her stripper heels to the mall all over again.

The girl that was standing around now approaches us, she's pretty; Olive skin, jet black hair and curves even Aleah would curse her for. As she slips her arm around Milo's waist and smiles gently at Liam, the little boy returns to his position of hiding behind my hip.

"Zoe, this is Josh. Remember I was saying about him to Coach, Jayce's mate that's supervising at camp."

She runs her eyes up and down me, glancing quickly at my shoes and watch. I grew up with money and can always tell other people that have too, this is the natural greeting. It doesn't make me automatically dislike the poor girl but watching my father use his money to treat people how the fuck he wants always makes me a bit more cautious of the wealthy.

"Oh yeah, wow, my aunt is going to eat you up. She's escorting the cheerleaders there.... She's um.. single, if you're into older women."

Both me and Milo scoff at the same time, a small smirk on his face.

Scratching the back of my head I honestly wish I was rude enough to just walk into the restaurant and leave this conversation. Whoever said you come out once is full of shit, you never come out once, every time you meet a new person you have to come out all over again.

Luckily I'm very fucking secure in who I am now.

"Um yeah, the older thing I'm okay with but the woman part is going to be a bit of a problem."

It takes her a second to process the information, the moment the penny drops her whole face lights up. Oh fuck, she's one of them.

"Oh I love gay guys! Ah this is amazing! Okay, I have this neighbour and he's..."

Why do straight people always fucking do this? They hear someone's gay and immediately assume they can set us up with the only other gay person they know. You'd never do that in straight society, meet someone for the first time and assume you have the perfect match for them based on absolutely nothing else but their gender. Oh, you like vaginas? I know someone with a vagina! Fucking hell..

Liam pulls on my t-shirt and I'm grateful I can use him to escape this torture.

"Sorry, this guy's hungry. I talked to Coach yesterday so we're set, I'll see you there next week okay? Nice to meet you Zoe."

She smiles, thankfully letting this go but I have a feeling I won't be so lucky if she manages to corner me at the camp. Fuck, Al really fucking owes me for this, I'm not babysitting for a year no matter how much she begs.

Liam almost trips over his laces as we walk inside so I quickly sit him on top of the bin outside and tie them up, that girl isn't fucking quiet, I can still hear her taking across the car park.

"I should've known he was gay, look at his body in that suit, straight guys never look that good."

I smile but I can hear from his scoff that Milo sounds genuinely insulted.

"Damn, there goes my plan to rock a suit with you to prom. I'll just see if Kacey wants to go with me instead... Hey Kacey!"

Liam jumps down from the bin and pulls open the door, I glance back quickly at the car to see Zoe now silencing him with her lips locked on Milo's, his arms looped around her exposed thighs as he holds her high in the air.

Oh, to be young and in love... again.

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