Chapter 58

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I’ve been awake for over half an hour but I still can’t bring myself to move out of fear that I’ll wake the gorgeous man still fast asleep with his whole body wrapped around mine.

Last night was... unexplainable. It was like something out of a fucking movie, if I had any hope of not falling completely into this with him, then it disappeared the moment I felt his lips in this bed.

I can’t believe we finally spent the night together, that I actually got to wake up with him. It was a fucking dream only days ago.

It's way past noon, I’ve been sleeping with him against my chest for hours yet it still doesn't feel like it's enough. There’s something about the way we're connected that just can't be put into words.

I really wasn’t expecting anything when I asked him to stay here, I was really just hoping to be able to fall asleep and wake up with him, but then he started touching me...

... and there was no fucking stopping us then.

I’m not exactly an inexperienced guy when it comes to fooling around, by the time I met Zoe I felt like I knew everything there was to know about what I liked and what I could do to people. Fuck was I wrong.

His lips, his hands, the way he seemed to activate every nerve in my body with just the slightest touch, it isn't something I’ve ever experienced in all my time with girls. It was like he knew how my body was going to react to things when even I didn’t.

I know it was a big fucking step for him too, we haven’t spoken about it too much but I know from what Lee and Brie have said that he hasn’t let anyone be with him for such a long time, I’ll prove to him that I was worth breaking all his rules for.

We fell asleep wrapped up in each other, but the moment I woke up I just wanted to have his hands on me again. Is it weird that I just don't feel scared or like I have no idea what I’m doing when I’m with him? I’ve never been with a guy before but I just didn’t let myself overthink it too much, I just went with my instincts and let him decide how far it went. I feel like I should be more frightened, but I’m not, I feel completely safe with him.

Now I’m not sure how the fuck I’m supposed to go home today and not have him there. I don’t want to go to sleep without him in my arms, without being able to kiss him goodnight, without having the incomparable feeling of his lips searching my skin.

I told him last night and I meant it, I’m in. I don’t care if he wants to tell everyone tomorrow or never, I’ll do whatever he wants as long as it means I get to keep opening up my eyes to his face.

His arm sits over my waist, whilst his head has made itself comfortable tucked under my chin. I’ve been running my hand up and down his back for the last fifteen minutes, but it still makes me fucking smile to watch the bumps rise up on his skin as he snuggles himself further into my chest.

He’s beyond beautiful, beyond perfect. I know I have to share him with the world but right now I really don’t fucking want to, I just desperately want him to be all mine.

Although let’s face it, he's kind of doomed us to bad dates for the rest of our lives after making the first one so fucking epic. I knew I should have asked him first, how the fuck am I supposed to top what he did last night?

My phone vibrates from the desk across the room but I just ignore it, Eli has a race today and he generally works off that anxiety by sending a ridiculous amount of ineligible text messages or bombarding me with nonsensical memes just to pass the time before he can take out those nerves on the throttle.

Just as I swipe the hair back from blocking the face of the most handsome man I’ve ever met, my phone vibrates its way to the end of the desk before crashing straight down onto the floor. Josh jumps in his sleep, I do everything I can to try and soothe him back into his slumber, running my hands up his back and over his neck, but as he shudders in my grasp his eyes began to flutter open, until he's looking up at me with his dreamy baby blues... There’s my man.

He glances around at our positioning, rubbing his eyes too grow accustomed to the early afternoon sun before smiling up at me. Sleepy Josh might be my favourite Josh, look how fucking cute he is as he tries not to let himself return to sleeping in my arms.

“Morning,” He croaks with his husky wake up voice, laughing to himself then coughing before attempting it again. “Sorry, morning... You sleep okay?”

Did I sleep okay? I slept with you, I slept better than I have in years.

“Perfect, you?”

Josh beams his smile towards my chest. “Same.” He replies before reaching up and placing a hesitant kiss on my lips. I knew he’d be like this this morning, he was the same way the morning after we kissed for the first time, it’s like he still needs reassurance that I’m okay with this but I wish he’d just know that my mind isn’t going to change, I know what I want.

I lean forward and kept the back of his head in my hand this time to hold him to the kiss. I bet I have the morning breath from hell but he doesn’t seem to care as he sensually brushes his lips against mine. If everybody got to start their morning like this, with someone like him, the world would be a much happier fucking place.

He doesn’t even realise what he does to me. Right now I bet he doesn’t even know that his hands are dipping lower and lower down my back, that his body is becoming more forcefully pushed up against mine as the kiss prolongs, that he is making it difficult to think about anything but how he took us both in his hands last night and made every thought I’ve had, that wasn’t about him, immediately vacate my fucking mind.

I really need to touch him. Again. Now.

Pushing him back so he's laying flat against the pillows, I let my body roll into the motion so that I’m draped around him with our lips still searching each others. His hands move to grip the top of my thighs, with his thumbs slipping under the leg fabric of the clean boxer shorts that I had to put on last night, after cleaning up the mess he got me in.

They stroke at the under side of my cheeks, it feels so good I almost forget to kiss him back. As I find my chest pressing into his, my sensitive nipples push against his skin, I had no idea how much of a fucking turn on they were for me until last night. We both sink further and further until we fall completely off the edge of the cliff and into the deep depths of the kiss. He just touches me in places other people have never thought to find, areas of my body I didn’t realise could be so pleasing until they were being met by him.

“Fuck Miles...” He pants as I move my kisses to the side of his neck and scrape my nails down over his chest, making sure to catch his sensitive bud on my way down to his abs. I really fucking love these things, I will never get tired of touching them.

Just as I reach the waistband of his shorts, Josh’s phone starts to blare from the bedside cabinet.

“Ignore it.” I whisper as I suck in the flesh at the point where his neck meets his shoulder, I’ve noticed it’s a particular weak spot for him and I love the way he grips me tighter every time I find it.

“Miles... I can’t...  Liam’s social worker is supposed to be calling me today.”

I stop immediately and pull myself back, reaching over and grabbing his phone to check the screen. Shit, I think it's her.

Placing the phone into his hand, I jump off him quickly and give him the space he needs to get up and answer it. I know how important Liam is to him, I won’t distract him from something like this... No matter how much it pains me to walk away.

He stands up, the sheet falling away from his body to leave him exposed in just his boxer shorts as he quickly leans back down and kisses me before walking to the bedroom door. That body, that fucking body of his is going to end of me. He looks like the guys in one of those statues they have down at the museum I take Heather too on summer break. Like he’s been carved a moulded to make the perfect fucking man.

He closes the door but answers the phone just before, allowing me a quick glimpse into his formal business tone. Well fuck me, that voice is just another fucking turn on isn’t it...

I know that is probably going to take a while, so I quickly respond to the twentieth message of my favourite full English breakfast and check Hope’s insta to see if May definitely stayed last night. There’s a load of pics of them in their facemasks and another from breakfast this morning so I know she’s good. I stand deciding what to do before opting to just jump into the shower.

This thing is nice, the shooting hot water attacks my muscles and I feel even more relaxed than I did when I woke up. I can see why Brie is always gloating that Josh has the best showers at his place, although the shining little glint in her eye when she says it makes me think it was more whatever the fuck Steve did to her in these things that makes it so fucking special.

Josh walks back into the bedroom just as I finish brushing my teeth, the steam in this room is still so thick that as I step back out into the bedroom clutching with my towel around my waist I can still feel the water dripping down my entire body.

He’s standing at the other side of the room, two mugs of coffee in tow but as I look up at him he seems to be completely frozen. Shit, what happened?

“Everything okay? Is Liam alright?” Josh nods, his Adams apple bobbing as he gulps before outstretching the mug of coffee towards where I am. Why is he acting weird?

“Ummm, yeah everything is... I’ve got to meet her at her abs on Monday.” Her abs? What the fuck is he talking about? It takes him a second to realise his mistake, his cheeks turning the sweetest shade of pink as he shakes his head of whatever was distracting him. “Office. I mean, I have to meet her at her office on Monday.”

Taking the coffee from him, I bring it to my lips and he seems to think I can’t see him anymore as he lets his eyes run all the way down my body, pausing at the low hanging towel that seems to be getting looser and looser on my hips with every breath that I take.

Oh! Abs, I get it now, I’m the fucking distraction... Good to know that I have the same effect on him that he has on me.

We stare at each other as we both continue to drink our coffee, I’m not sure how he knew I liked it like this but this might be the best fucking coffee I’ve ever had.

Josh’s phone blazes again from its place at the bottom corner of the bed, I reach over and pick it up but see the screen is filled with a picture of that guy from his office, the one who I’m pretty sure spent the week after we met imagining his husband with my face.

Josh rolls his eyes as he stares at the screen. “That one you can ignore. It’s way too early to be dealing with Charlie already.” I laugh but shove the phone into his hand anyway.

“Isn't that guy like one of your best friends?” Josh nods but still hesitates as he looks at the screen. “Answer it, I’ve got to get dressed anyway...” Although if he’d rather I didn’t, I’d be okay with that too.

I began to dig through my overnight bag as Josh makes himself comfortable laying back on the bed with his coffee before answering the phone. I genuinely thought he had put it on loudspeaker with how clearly I can hear that guy shrieking on the other end of the line but it turns out he's just that fucking loud.

“Jesus Christ Charlie, calm the fuck down, I can’t understand a fucking word you’re saying.” Josh says with a slight hint of frustration as he holds his phone at arms length away from his ear. This friend of his seems seriously high maintenance, I can relate as I see I’ve gained ten more messages off Eli during my shower.

I pull on my underwear and jeans but realise a bit too late that I forgot to pack a shirt. Fucking brilliant. Looking around the room I spot my one from last night still on the floor but the large mustard stain on the front of it has kind of ruined the appeal, how did I not fucking notice this?

“I’m not fucking answering that Charlie!” Josh howls with laughter at whatever his funny little friend just asked him.

Climbing onto the other side of the bed, I wait patiently for him to finish his conversation rather than just go raid his wardrobe for something to wear. He realises quickly that there’s no hiding his conversation with this guy once I’m this close, so lays the phone down in the middle between us and leaves it on loudspeaker before leaning over and wiping away a droplet of water that falls from the tips of my hair onto my cheek bone.

“You frigid bitch! I need details! Did he fucking love it? How many times did he let you suck him off on the way home? Are you guys doing something again soon? Did he spend the night?”

I try to stifle my laughter Charlie’s nattering, he sounds like he was more excited for Josh to go on this date with me than I was. It’s actually quite sweet, he seems to really care about him.

Josh gives me a sympathetic look, clearly he's used to this type of behaviour but he probably doesn't realise that so am I. This kind of low-down, post-date check up after going out with someone is pretty much Eli 101 too.

“Which one of those fucking questions do you want me to answer first ginge? Yes he loved it, no I’m not answering that second question, I’m not sure when we’re doing something again yet and...” Josh looks at me for approval before letting this guy know that I’m still here, but I take it upon myself to answer for him, picking up the phone and bringing it to my lips.

“Hey Charlie.” I say in my deepest husky voice, he feels like the kind of guy that would get a kick out of hearing his name said like that.

There’s a moment of absolute silence from the other end of the line and Josh raises his eyebrows at me like I’ve just started something that I have no idea how I’m going to finish.

Then the screaming started and I understood that look completely.

“Holy fucking shit! Joshua Elmo Jones! He’s still there and you didn't fucking tell me! Oh my God, oh my god! Well now a phone call is definitely not enough. Have you had breakfast? No of course you haven’t, you’d burn water. Can he cook? You always said you wanted a guy who could make you pancakes... No, fuck that, Han is cooking, get your drop dead fine asses in the car and come here for brunch, now.”

I watch the reign of fear take over Josh's body, we've never been anywhere where people could see us together and he probably thinks that it's way too fucking soon to put me in this position.

“Charles, it’s like two in the afternoon, it's too late for brunch.” He stutters trying to deflect the situation, but Charlie is having absolutely none of it.

“Mother Mary of all things glitter, Josh we’re gay, there’s never a bad time for fucking brunch!”

I erupt into laughter as Josh buries his head in his hands, this friend of his is basically a walking stereotype but I kind of adore him already.

Josh attempts to plead with Charlie through the line with his eyes but I’m pretty sure even if the guy was right in front of us it wouldn’t work.

“Charles... It’s just kind of early... I’m not sure that he’s red–”

“What Josh means to say is that we’d love to.” I say, immediately cutting Josh off and saying the words that I know deep down he really wants to say himself.

His handsome face lights up with the most beautiful grin before he leans forward and kisses my lips. I’ve got this, I know how to make him happy already, fucking look at him.

“Are you sure?” He whispers over Charlie’s emphatic screaming and clapping down the phone. “We don't have to go.”

Does this guy not realise yet that I’d pretty much walked through hell itself as long as it meant I got to spend some more time with him?

“Absolutely sure. But I need to borrow a shirt, I’m not sure me walking in like this is going to make the best impression.” I joke pointing to my bare torso.

Josh laughs before pulling my lips back to his.

“If you honestly believe that this isn’t absolutely the best impression you could make on Charlie, you clearly don't know the guy very well.”

He’s probably fucking right, but as he glances back down at my body before letting his hand trail down to my chest I know one thing absolutely...

He Is the only fucking guy I want to make this impression on.

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