Chapter 136

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Flashback - Night of the shooting


"Oh my poor sweet baby, does it still hurt?" Harley dabs the wet paper towel against my lip again, we both know that the bleeding stopped the moment we walked into this bathroom but I think he just likes to play nurse.

"Harl, I've told you it's fine like three times now. When you pulled me into the bathroom I thought it was for a very different reason than to sort out the aftermath of trying to break up Jayce and Chad." He chuckles, pressing his way between my legs as I sit on the edge of the sink, pretending to care about the split in my lip when really his other hand is making its way right up the inside of my thigh.

Cheeky. It's exactly why I love him.

Why the fuck I thought it was a good idea to try and intervene when Jayce and Chad started throwing punches at each other is beyond me, I plead momentary fucking insanity.

Getting Chad's elbow to my face was enough to teach me to never play the good samaritan again.

I'm hoping somebody has ripped them apart by now because the moment Harl saw blood he was throwing me into this room. If not, I'm actually putting my money on Chad, he feels like a biter.

Not that I mind being in here alone with him at all, if anything the crown on his head just makes him look that much more fucking majestic than he already did in that suit.

He looks good... Fuck, he looks really good tonight. My winter king.

How mad do you think he's going to be when I rip it off him later? He's going to lose his shit when he sees the suite I have booked for us, he lives for those tiny shampoo bottles.

"I swear that mind of yours gets dirtier every day Joshua Jones. I fucking love it." Damn right he does. He lets his hand drop from the pressure he is placing on my lip, the moment he does I pull his face forward so I can kiss him all over again.

There is no way on earth I could ever get bored of kissing this boy, from the first one to now it only gets better. He smacks his hands on my chest weekly, fake protesting until I let him pull back and he wipes his lip with disgust. "I can taste your fucking blood Josh! That is some creepy Angelina Jolie - Billy Bob shit! That thing is probably going to get fucking infected now. It'll be like that time Brie tried to get her nipples pierced all over again, for a hard ass bitch she's a right pussy when it comes to needles and those things looked ready to fall off by the time she let me take the rings out."

I really could have lived my whole life without finding out that Brianna Parker got her nipples pierced. I know that she's one of Harley's best friends but I can't imagine spending the amount of time with her that he does, that girl is psycho.

"You lot from the fancy part of town got a nurse's office around here or something? I don't want you losing those perfect kissable lips of yours to some kind of weird bacteria shit so I'm getting you some antiseptic." I love this boy but he panics way too fucking much. He also needs to stop squashing my lips together like this because he's going to split it open again.

"Baby, I've told you I'm fine. I've taken harder hits than this in fucking basketball, all I need are these." I lean forward, pressing my finger to his lips. Those lips are fucking magic I swear, every time I kiss them I feel more alive than I ever have before.

"Well you aren't getting these anywhere near that until it's be thoroughly decontaminated baby cheeks. And you can bet your ass if I run into either Blondie bear or chocolate eyes out there then I am going to go all Jackie fucking Chan on them."

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