Chapter 59

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We pull into the underground car park below Charlie and Han’s building, I was feeling pretty solid about this whole thing until we got here, now I can feel the nerves starting to grow to boiling point. What if they don’t like me? What if I’ve got fuck all to talk about them with? It’s not like two guys who live in a building like this and have high power jobs are going to have a lot in common with a nineteen year old who hasn't even got into college yet. Fuck, would he still want to do this if they hate me? Will they be super judgey about the age difference? Because I don’t even fucking notice it.

Josh parks the car in one of the visitor spots before leaning over and placing his hand on my thigh.

“Stop panicking, they'll fucking love you... I’m pretty sure Charlie already does. We still don’t have to go if you’re not ready for this, Charlie can be... intense.”

All my nerves subside the moment I look in his eyes. The fact he wouldn’t make me do this, despite the fact I know he really wants to go, is enough to make me feel completely safe in this situation. Of course they’ll love me, I’m with him, how could they not? He’s the most lovable person on the fucking planet.

“No, I want to. If I’m going to be a part of your life then I kind of have to embrace the crazies that come along with it.” I reply, only making him smile wider before he grabs the front of my t-shirt and pulls us together harshly until we find our lips connected, just the way they always desire to be.

We keep kissing, losing track of time as the engine continues to purr, until the car next to us lights up and some guy carrying a briefcase makes his way past the windows of our car.

Josh's car. I mean Josh’s car.

I go to pull away but Josh keeps his grip on the shirt I’m wearing tight and just pulls us back together. A smirk spreads on my face as he continues to kiss me and I realised that for the first time, we don't have to fucking hide here. We can just be... us.

“I finally understand what happened that day in the corridor now.” Josh whispers after breaking away from the kiss and letting his head rest against mine. I feel completely confused as to what the fuck he’s on about until I looked down at his hand gripping the fabric that coats my chest and I remember how I felt the first time I saw him in my clothes. “You look really fucking good in this.”

He has to stop. We are already so much later than we said we were going to be and if he carries on we are just going to end up in that back fucking seat.

“Come on, I kind of want these guys to like me and I’m not sure it will happen if we turn up any fucking later.” Josh chuckles, placing a final kiss on my lips before turning back into his own seat. He begins to pat down his jeans before looking over at the centre console then down after foot-well before him.

“Shit, my phone’s fallen out somewhere. Can you call it for me?”

I nod, exiting off my music on his cars screen before pulling up my phone list. I hit his number and his phone starts to ring from somewhere behind us but Josh doesn’t even turn to look for it. I tilt my head to see what the problem is but his eyes seem to be glued to the screen. The moment I look over I realise what I’ve done.

Oh crap.

“My guy? You’ve got me saved in your phone as ‘my guy’?”

Kill. Me. Now.

There’s no fucking talking my way out of this one is there?

I scratch the back of my neck anxiously before reaching behind his seat and finding his phone on the floor. I magically hoped that somehow when I came back to face him that he would have forgotten the whole thing but the striking grin on his face as he sits with his insanely large arms crossed over his chest is a dead give away that this conversation is definitely happening.

“Yeah... Ummm... It’s...” What I call you when you're not around? What I consider you to be even if we haven’t had anything close to that conversation? Fuck...

I get ready to bite the bullet and let him know that in my eyes that's exactly what he is, when suddenly I’m granted a merciful pardon as I glance down at his screen and see the number that left a missed call on his phone.

‘One missed call- My Stars’

A giant grin spreads across my face as I hand the phone back to him.

“Not sure you’re in a position to be making fun of cute phone names.” I jest, causing him to completely relax his stance as the familiar rouge tint takes over his cheeks.

Thank fuck for that.

Without another word he opens the door and steps out, the sweetest smile on his face as we walk around the cars and enter the side of the building both trying not to show how happy we are. Stepping inside the elevator, I’m glad we’re the only ones here as the doors close, don’t need anyone else to see the colour on my cheeks.

Standing next to him, I let the back of my hand run against his, we barely get two floors up before he twist his hand to capture mine and interlinks our fingers. We both stare at the back of the elevator doors but I just can’t resist the urge to say something to him.

“You know you’re my stars too Joshua.”

He smiles, his grip on my hand increasing as he squeezes it between floors. Just as we approach our target of floor ten, he turns so his lips sit directly next to my ear and I can feel his cool mint scented breath against my skin.

Don’t shove him up against the wall Milo, Charlie is definitely the kind of guy that would know if you did something in his elevator..

“You’re my guy too Miles.”

We keep our hands held as we walk out of the open elevator all the way to the apartment at the end of the hall, but I might as well be floating on air rather than taking steps after hearing him say those words. I’m his fucking guy too.

He knocks the door and I hear the clattering of plates before a high pitched squeal sharply hits the wood before us. Charlie rips open the door, his hair messy and shirt hanging off his shoulders. Guess they were too busy to notice we were running late then...

He smiles widely at the both of us in turn, pausing to check our connected hands before very unsubtly running his eyes all over me. Isn’t this guy married?

“Damn. You’re better than I remember you... And I thought I remembered fucking everything about you sweet cheeks.”

Josh rolls his eyes and lets out an exasperated breath before turning and mouthing an apology to me, but all I can do is laugh.

This should be fun.


Josh was not joking when he said that Charlie is intense. I’ve hardly said five words between his ongoing monologue about life for the last hour, not that I actually care because the guy is fucking hilarious.

“And then I told that bitch that she might be dressed like Princess Leia, but she had all the sex appeal of Jabba the fucking Hutt. How the fuck was I supposed to know that she organised the fucking event? So yeah, between that and the fact that nobody respected my epic costume, I’ve never been to another Comic Con in my life.”

Han chuckles whilst continuing to clear away the plates of all the amazing food that he made for us. These two are like chalk and cheese, Han is so chilled he’s basically like the human version of that whale music that people listen to when they can’t fall asleep, his mere presence is just kind of relaxing, but his husband couldn’t be more fucking different.

On paper these two really shouldn’t work, but it's clear that they fucking adore each other. Josh explained that they’ve been together a long time and it shows, they seem to have their own language, subtle movements or simple looks that seem to tell each other exactly what the other one is thinking without a word. Wonder if we’ll ever get that?

“It wasn’t a real costume Charlie. You superglued a leaf to your dick then ran around pretending you were looking for a snake with an apple whilst repeatedly chanting ‘it’s Adam and Steve not Adam and Eve!’ at the top of your lungs. You drank so much of that Game of Thrones replica wine that I had to carry you home.”

I continue to laugh along with Charlie but Josh looks genuinely traumatised by the experience.

“You went to Comic Con?” I joke. “Did you wear a costume too?”

Josh cocks his eyebrow at me whilst finishing off the last bite of his second omelette. I’ve had three, Han and May cooking together would see an end to my eight pack.

“I went because I had to make sure this guy didn’t get himself killed trying to fight a fucking Klingon or something, but like fuck was I wearing a costume there.”

Charlie tries to cover his laughter but I catch it. “Well that’s not entirely true Jones is it, you did wear a costume at one point.”

Josh sends Charlie the best death glare I’ve ever seen him give at anyone but Charlie just laughs harder. Okay, now I really have to fucking know what he was wearing.

“What costume was he wearing?”

Josh shakes his head at Charlie. “Don't fucking tell him. I will shave your fucking head when your sleeping Charlie, and throw out all your Louis Vuitton’s.”

Charlie nods, pretending to lock his mouth and throw away the key. Josh looks relieved as he picks up the last remaining plates and walk them over to the kitchen where Han is already putting most of the stuff into the dishwasher. I offered to help but he wouldn’t let me.

The moment that Josh is out of site Charlie reaches into his pocket and starts quickly flicking through his phone until he finds the picture he wants and shows it to me. It takes everything in me not to burst out into laughter as I look at a seriously uncomfortable looking Josh who is clearly being forced into the situation... Painted from head to toe in green and wearing ripped blue jeans as he stands amongst a group of kids dressed up as The Avengers.

“One of the kids dad’s was supposed to be the Hulk for their group costume contest but he got food poisoning about an hour in. You know that Josh can’t say no when a kid asks him to do something, I would have done it but the sassy little cow dressed as Black Widow said I wasn’t fucking big enough.”

I try to hold it in as Josh returns to the room with Han and trays of coffee, but now all I can see is him walking around in poorly applied green makeup whilst posing for photos with a load of excited 7 year olds and attempting to not show how much he is hating every fucking second.

Josh darts his eyes between me biting my lip trying to keep it all in and the smirk that Charlie is poorly hiding, before he rolls his eyes and drops himself into the seat next to me.

“I didn’t have any fucking choice! They would have lost their contest and you know I hate it when kids fucking cry! That six year old Thor was a master manipulator! I can’t believe you fucking told him...”

Charlie chuckles, reaching over and picking up one of the coffees for himself before handing another to Han.

“Sorry sugartits, but this handsome boyfriend of yours deserves the right to see you in all your green glory, I had to show him. You looked so damn cute!”

Josh’s eyes shoot wide open at the exact same moment that mine do. Boyfriend? Did Josh tell them to call me that or is Charlie just fucking rambling again?

The grin on Charlie’s face tells me that he selected his words carefully to gauge the reaction, his eyes mischievous and cunning as he peers at us both over the top of his mug.

“Oh... Haven’t had that conversation yet huh?... I’m so sorry... Guess you could have it now...” My palms are sweating so much that I have to lower my mug back to the table before the fucker spills straight out onto the floor. I plan every possible scenario in my head as I glance over at Josh for what's the fuck I’m supposed to say but my attention is quickly drawn back to Charlie as he yelps in pain.

Pulling his leg up to his chest and clutching his shin, he shoots daggers between Josh and his husband. I’m not sure which one of them kicked him under the table but I’m fucking grateful.

Han quickly flips the conversation to another topic but I don’t really pay much attention as my mind begins to spin at the thought of that word.


We’ve technically only been on one fucking date, I’d never even consider only going on one date with a girl before making her my girlfriend... Josh captures my hand under the table whilst keeping his face and attention glued on Han, I love that he always cares so much more about what’s happening with me than anything else, he thinks about me long before he thinks about him.

Fuck, I’m not sure what labels we’re ready for but I do know that I really don’t fucking want him being with anyone else like this either.

We’d have to tell everyone. It’s fine to keep things quiet while we are still figuring out what the fuck is happening between us but if we put a label like that on things then we couldn't keep it on the down-low for much longer. I’m not sure that he’s ready for that. I know taking the steps we already have has been a big fucking deal for him, the last time that he called someone his boyfriend he fucking lost him in the worst way possible. I’m not sure when he’ll be ready to risk something like that again.

I’m not going anywhere, label or no fucking label, the potential for what we could have is too fucking good to risk it. I think he feels the same way, he took ten years to find a guy that he wanted to let in, what's the likelihood that another one will come along so quickly now to?

It's too soon, I know it is...

But then his thumb starts to run along the back of my palm and I know that what I really fucking want is for us to get there one day, not today... but when he’s ready, I will be too.

“A lake house! You guys are staying at one of the lakes houses down in Tusc’s?! You better find some room bitch because you know I’ve wanted us to get down there for years now!” Charlie huffs, bringing my attention back into the room.

“It’s not my fucking decision Charles, the place belongs to one of Brie’s clients, I can’t just fucking bring you.”

Charlie is clearly undeterred by this answer, over dramatically throwing his napkin in the air before grabbing some ice out of his glass and rolling it across the back of his neck.

“Well tell big hair, big tits and big ass that she better make some people fucking bunk because I want a room. One of the ones with a fucking view. I swear on your favourite Armani suit that if you don't get me into that lake house then you will regret it Joshua Jones... There will be no more cute museum dates for you too jawline! Make it happen!”

The fact that Charlie thinks either of us have any power over Brie shows how little he knows her.

Brie and Charlie together for a full weekend where both of them will probably drink their own weight in champagne... The world is fucking doomed.

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