Chapter 187

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This stupid woman.

Why the fuck my brother puts up with her flat ass I have no fucking idea. She must have a golden fucking pussy or something because she's got him whipped more than any other woman ever has.

That's his weakness, thinking of women as people rather than the things they are.

Women were made to be used, God wouldn't have given them so many fucking holes if he didn't want us shoving ourselves inside every single one of them.

There are very few of them that are worth more than what's between their legs, and she's definitely not one of them. In fact, in all my life I've only ever met one that was.

Until she decided to reveal what a backstabbing little fucking cabrón she is, now I'm going to take her down too, along with her entire fucked up little familia.

"Who the fuck is she? Where the fuck is the little rich Thompson girl?" I wish my brother would just shove his dick in her mouth and shut her the fuck up, I can't wait to cave her fucking head in.

"There was a change of plans." I chuckle, looking over at Carlos as he starts to laugh too. We both know that we could have had the little perra as well but I knew who I wanted and why.

My little puta, she's already had to deal with nearly losing that girl so I figured it was time to turn the tables and take the other thing that matters to her most. I want to ruin her, making her watch what I have planned for her best friend will tear her down enough that she'll end up with nothing – leading her to fall right back into my arms, exactly where she belongs.

She won't walk away from me this time. Nobody else will ever fucking walk away from me without my permission again. I am my father's son.

May... She got it, I finally found someone who understood the way that I am and the way that my head works; someone who didn't run when I let them into my mind. I didn't let her see all the darkness but I know she would have embraced it, she has that same darkness too.

The black empty hole where most people have a soul.

She still has some of hers left but it's because it's tied to the people around her, without them to interfere, she'd be free to embrace the monster she's supposed to be.

We are going to rule this place together, as soon as I get rid of her family and my joto of a brother standing in my path of greatness, I will have her at my side as my queen. Mi Reina.

"Rici says they're here." I nod at Carlos as he puts his phone back in his pocket and walks over to open the outside basement door. Of course they got here on time, May knows better than to make me wait.

She is my favourite of all my whores. My perfect Puta.

"Mummy..." I look back over at the chingada madre on the staircase, but she barely even glances at this kid. I almost feel sorry for it, you'd never guess she was his mother, she looks at him like she doesn't even know him never mind fucking loves him.

When she told me to take him even I was taken aback, to do this to your own child just to secure the money of his family... even for me that's cold.

She's nothing like my mother. My mother was fierce, she knew how to raise tough sons that would survive even if she didn't. Watching Liam now, she would've beaten this crying cabrón from birth rather than suffer such weakness in her familia, she would've made him strong just like she did me.

She was the true leader here, everyone respected Papá but they feared Mamá. She was the only one he never laid a hand on, even when he put the bullet in her head he still couldn't bring himself to lay his fists on her body. That's how a man is supposed to treat his true woman, with honour.

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