Chapter 111

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I can't stop kissing him. I never fucking have to again. He's mine. All fucking mine.

There was a part of me that wanted to ask him this days ago, I haven't wanted anyone but him from the moment we met again anyway, but this is something different. This is official. It's a promise to stop hiding.

Milo Thompson is my fucking boyfriend.

I grip the back of his hips as I twist and move us to the edge of the seat, forcing him to wrap himself around me even tighter. He literally never gives me this much control so I'm taking full advantage while I can.

I get ready to stand, but the moment he realises what I am about to do he shoves his whole body weight against me until I'm almost toppling over back onto the seat.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" He sniggers when pulling away from the kiss. "You are not fucking carrying me Josh..."

Oh yeah? Fucking watch me.

I can lift almost twice my own fucking body weight, he really should know by now not to give me a challenge like this.

Before he has time to react, I grab hold of his perfect ass and jump straight to my feet, forcing him to tighten his legs around my waist as I step forward until his back slams against the glass of the balcony doors.

Fucking told you.

He grins against the kiss, reigniting a passion within both of us as I press him further and further into the glass. I know that I'm strong, but I also know that he's stronger. If he truly wanted out of this then he could, he's basically holding most of his own weight with his ridiculous core strength at this point anyway.

This man... My fucking man...

Slipping down the zip of my hoodie, I reach inside ready to tear whatever fabric he has blocking him from me away, only to remember he has nothing on underneath it anyway. His smooth caressable skin shines back at me with that glow he seems to always radiate, only emphasised further by the moonlight bouncing from it. He's beyond any measure of human beauty, he's something else entirely.

He begins to tremble slightly, cold bumps rising on the surface of his body from the chilling wind that surrounds us. That same tremble only increasing its vigour as I move my hands up over his naked waist, embracing his skin until they brush over his chest. Every line and dip in his body is like a trail on a map that I'm so eager to explore, every shiver under my touch a crashing wave on the ocean of unmarked territory he's left open for me.

I wrap my hands around his back, forcing him towards me until his chest is pushed against my lips. I hear his head fall back against the glass, his shaky breath escaping between his lips as I cover his flesh in the mark of my kiss. His own hands come to hold the back of my head, keeping my mouth in place until the only part of him I'm kissing is directly over his heart. My heart.

I realise now that the one that once sat inside my rib cage, now sits firmly in the palm of his hand, every moment I spend with him I am just losing more of myself into his grasp. This man has the power to destroy me, the power to build me, the ability to make me into something I've always wanted to be or rid me of the last shreds of my soul.

Everything I have, everything I am, I find myself offering it to him with the knowledge it gives him a sovereignty within my body he doesn't even know he holds.

It's his. I'm his.

He loosens his grip on my hips with his legs, gently and slowly sliding away from my body and down the glass, allowing me to trail my lips up this side of his tempting neck before finally I am again within reach of his sensational kiss.

He doesn't ask for the power back, he just takes it. Ripping open the door and pulling me inside with him, without ever letting go of the kiss. His hands quickly strip me of my hoodie, his lips barely leaving mine long enough to get my shirt over my head just before my back hit the mattress.

Climbing on top of me, he rips my shorts away before I get any chance to protest, not that I would have. I reach up ready to pull him into another kiss but he place is enough pressure on my shoulders to force me back down into the sheets. I wait...  I don't know what he's doing until I realise that's exactly the point; he's not doing anything, he's just looking at me, taking me in.

No one has ever looked at me the way he does...


"You're perfect." His hands slowly soothe their way through the muscles of my chest, weaving and edging away the tension, leaving sparks in their wake before they reach my shoulders, pressing their way against the back of my neck as he brings his whole body down onto mine with his lips floating just above the surface of my own.

He looks at me, Miles has looked at me so many fucking times in a way that makes my heart skip a beat entirely but the way he's looking at me right now...  I've never seen so much emotion flooding his chaotic mind just behind the surface of those hazel eyes.

"What are you thinking?" I ask quietly, reaching up to stroke his hair before letting my hand full down to cup his cheek. He leans into my touch, his soft lips pressing against the inside of my palm, coating the readable lines on the surface with his own story.

"I can't tell you that yet... I'm just really fucking happy." He smiles, moving his face so that he trails tiny pecks all the way from my wrist down to the crook of my elbow, still grinning as he makes it to my bicep and continues to flood his kisses over the lyrics that surround it.

This song. A song most people would've never heard of but that has come to fit him to perfection. I need to play it for him, when I dreamed about it meaning something one day... Fuck I wish I knew it was going to be him.

He leans up, tracing his fingers along the words.

"Come close, let me be home...  Where is it from?" He continues to follow the looping pattern of each letter, almost as if he's absorbing it from my body into his soul.

"It's this guy, Clinton Kane... Me and Brie got seriously drunk, it was the only weekend I'd been back in Westbrooke for like six months. She used one of her connections to get us tickets. I'd never even heard of the guy before then, we were laughing and drinking but then he sang this song... I swear it was like the whole room stopped, I could just feel it in my bones. We carried on drinking after that but I just couldn't stop it running through my head. It was Brie's idea to get the tattoos, of course she passed out in the chair clutching a bottle of whisky before they got anywhere near her with the fucking needle."

Miles laughs, still tracing over my skin. Even though I've slept next to him so many times, had his hands on me in every way, it still surprises me how somebody so strong can have such a delicate touch.

"What's the name of this song?" He asks gently before bringing his lips back down onto the words.

I look down at him, I desperately want to tell him that I need him to listen to every fucking word of this song and know that I feel so much of it already just for him. I don't know if he's there yet, I can't even say for sure that I am, I think a part of me will always be scared that if I say the words out loud I'll lose him too, the same way I lost...

"I guess I'm in love." His lips pause on my arm, his eyes raising gently from the surface of my skin to meet my own. Look at his fucking face, Jesus Christ it should not be possible for one person to capture so much fucking artistry in one body... I lean my fingers against his chin, gently guiding his body back up until his face sits just before mine, his breath mixing with my own. "The name of the song, it's called 'I guess I'm in love'."

He gently bites against his bottom lip, those breath-taking optics of his moving around my face before finally settling to look directly into my own.

"You had a song about falling in love tattooed on your skin? After everything you've been through? All the pain?" His hand rests against my chest, his palm picking up the beat of my heart. He'll be able to tell every time he makes it skip now.

"Falling in love doesn't hurt you Miles, falling in love is the best thing that can ever happen to you. Love ending hurts, love being taken away can crush a person, but falling in love, being in love with someone is never something you should want to live without...  I guess when I had this done it was almost like a promise, a promise to myself that I would let it happen again one day. With someone who is worth it, with someone I'd never have to struggle through that pain with because this time it would never end."

With you.

"And do you think you've kept your promise to yourself?" His lips lightly stroke at mine but he never lets them touch as he waits to hear the answer.

"I know I have."

I can't say it, I just fucking can't say it yet but God do it want to. This connection, this indescribable need to always have him within my hold, the way he sits on my mind even when he's so far from my body, how every plan and every vision I have for all the tomorrow's to come – all have him in it.

I know what this is. I know what it will be.

Pulling on his jaw, I force his lips back onto mine. Enough words, I might not be able to tell him yet - It will take me time to be able to let those words leave my lips to another man - but I can show him, I can make him feel it.

I try to push against him so I can flip his back onto the bed, but he just smirks against my lips before grasping my wrists and holding them harshly above my head. I guess this is going to be payback for trying to take even a molecule of control away from him earlier.

Have I mentioned how much I fucking love it when he gets like this?

He begins to worship at my skin, kissing my jaw and moving slowly and seductively down the side of my neck. He moves with purpose, hitting every spot that he knows makes me arch and twitch even further into his body. I can't explain to you what it does when he finds that spot right where my neck meets my shoulder and begins to suck on the flesh...

There's too much clothing between us... Pushing my feet into the waistband of his shorts, I shove them down quickly, feeling the moment his stiff staff frees itself and slaps against my body between us. He never stops his attack on my neck even as I strip him bare, I know in the morning I'll be more black and blue than he is with his shoulder but I don't give a fuck. I want every mark, because it's his mark...

There's rustling the draw next to me, I don't know what he's getting but as long as he doesn't let go of my neck I don't care.

Finally unlatching himself, the pulsation where he so viciously brutalised my skin is so strong and vivid it's almost as if I can still feel his lips on me. He moves to start sucking on my chest, his hands running down over my arms and up to my shoulders, he's touching me in so many places that I start to lose a sense of where he truly is, my body becoming overwhelmed by the sensation of him against me.

He starts to move further down my chest, grazing his teeth against my abs before slipping his body down between my legs, taking my underwear with him until I am as much on display to him as he is to me.

I know he wants to finish what he started earlier, but we were so caught up in the moment then, I don't want him to feel like he has to do anything he's not ready for.

Reaching forward, I run my hands through his hair, drawing his attention back to my face. This room is so dark but there's no missing the sparkle in his eyes, the way he licks his lips so that the radiating moonlight cascades itself from the wet surface of them. Does he even realise how close they are sitting to my straining manhood right now? Every time he breathes out it's brushing the hot air against my shaft and all my eyes want to do is roll back in my fucking head.

"Miles... you don't..."  He lets out a deep breath, only this time I can't stop my eyes from closing. He definitely realises what he's doing now, moving his lips even closer until I can almost feel them on the sensitive skin. This man... Fuck...

"Let me have what I want Josh...  I want you."

I release my hand from his hair slowly, reaching behind me and clinching hold of the headboard to stop me from trying to take back any control here. Finally his lips fall down against my member, kissing it softly and making my legs twitch with each touch.

Oh God I'm fucked...

The excitement is rolling off him in waves. He's so fucking bold, so much more contented with his choices then I could have dreamed of being back in the beginning of me finding who I was.

There's no hesitation in him, he kisses right along every inch of my length, reaching the bottom before slipping his tongue out between those precious lips and letting it run up me completely before flicking it with pressure at my tip. Where the fuck did he learn to do this?

He does it again, this time with more pressure allowing me to feel every bud on his tongue as it slides over each throbbing vein before reaching my peak and swirling it completely with his tough muscle.

I'm losing my fucking mind here. He's hardly fucking started and my whole body is already shaking, and I know the more he does this the more I'm going to fucking leak all over him. Jesus Josh... Stop thinking about you coating his fucking lips... I press the heels of my hands against my eyes just to try and keep myself in the room, not letting myself fly away on the ship of euphoria he's currently giving me a pass to as he begins to suck against the full length of my package.

He reaches my apex again, sucking on my tip just enough that my body begins to arch on pure reaction to what he's doing to me. He's fucking incredible...

"Josh..." I squeeze my eyes closed even tighter, every time he speaks the ricocheting oxygen that leaves his throat just slaps against my already sensitive stake and I'm starting to lose all the control I have. "Josh... Look at me."

I can't...


If I look at you I'm going to lose it...


My hands immediately drop to the sheets at my side, my eyes flying open and staring down my naked body to see him looking back up at me, my glistening head sitting perfectly against his bottom lip, the kissable surface already wet with my pre-cum.

Fuck, he looks fucking good there...

He continues to look up at me, making sure he has my full attention before he parts those full plump lips and wraps them around my swollen tip, sucking me deep into his awaiting cavern.

Fuck... Fuck... Fuck...

A cry of bliss leaves my tongue as his swishes around the part of me he holds rooted into his mouth, his wet muscle running at the underside of my length as he bobs his head to meet the hand he already has running up the rest of my tool firmly.

I couldn't look at him before, now I don't think I could ever look at anything else. His mouth embraces and me completely, the activated nerve endings crying out with the sheer joy of being so innately satisfied.

His hand loops under my thigh and grips a tight hold on my hips so that he can continue to control the pace as my body lets go of all its inhibitions, until I find myself thrusting through his fist directly into his mouth.


He feels so fucking good. Outbreak after piercing outbreak of pleasure triggers its shot from the tip of his tongue and flows through the veins of my body until it's impaling my heart and clouding my mind.

Even when my body begins to shake uncontrollably he doesn't stop, his hold on me only getting tighter as he moves the pace to something beyond a normal human's capability. Fuck, he was born for this.

He pulls me in so far that he has to let go with his hand and work me entirely with his mouth as he pulls me in and out over and over until pleads of relief are spurting from my lips without me having the slightest bit of control over them.

"Miles... You have to... I'm gonna..." I try to push his head away but there's no strength in my arms as every muscle in my body becomes increasingly tense until I realise I have no presence within it anymore, like I'm floating above the surface and letting him decide everything that's going to happen.

The building pressure at my base boils over until the impending eruption explodes from deep within my soul, throwing it's weight of devastating  elation baring down onto me until I am unloading myself completely into his desperate body.

It's so intense... Fuck, it's so intense.

My nails claw at the sheets, tearing into them as the most highly charged orgasm I've ever experienced runs its way through every cog of my system until the only thing keeping me functioning is him. My mind implodes with every image I've had of him, every thought of this moment not coming close to the reality of the situation.

He doesn't stop, He wrings out every drop he can from me until my body is too exhausted to fight him further.

My eyes close, the starlit sky that sits behind them pulling itself forward as I let myself get lost in such incomparable ecstasy. I only open them again when I feel his warm body move back on top of mine, being met with a vision of him so bright that it makes the moon itself appear dull in comparison.

His lips part with a heavy pant as he continues to just look down upon me, the slightest trickle of my overwhelming load escaping from the corner of his mouth before he swipes it away with his thumb. He looks down at my glistening essence, a product of what he was able to do to me, smirking before bringing it to my lips and forcing his digit between them.

I taste good... but not as good as him.

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