Chapter 50

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May didn’t say a word to me before she left for Hope’s place. This girl can hold out doing the silent treatment for months... I know she’s angry right now but one day she'll be really fucking happy that I stepped in there.

I’m not stupid enough to believe that I’ve put an end to that relationship but I also know that she cares about my opinion, I’m hoping it’s enough to make her realise that she’s worth so much more than being some gang bangers fucking play-toy.

I don’t really like using Hope’s crush on me to my advantage, but I just wanted to make sure that May was where she said she would be so I sent her a quick text... maybe adding an extra kiss when I told her not to tell May that I was checking in on her.

At least now I know she's there, and apparently they are set for a girls night with Aniston so I know she’s safe until morning.

The moment I knew that I didn’t have to worry about her, my nerves about tonight hit me full fucking force. Not to mention that I kind of needed May’s opinion on what to wear to this thing and she’s left me high and dry. All I could get out of Josh was that I should wear what the fuck I want, really fucking helpful.

Deciding to just go with a classic, I pulled on my ripped blue jeans and found a white tee shirt that is probably a goods two sizes too small for me, but fuck does it look good. My hair is still kind of damp but it looks decent enough.

I have to hunt all over the place to find the aftershave that Jayce got me for Christmas, they don’t make it anymore and he had to order it in from fucking Germany just to get me one of the last bottles so I try to keep it for special occasions.

My stomach was already doing so many fucking flips that I could hardly do the laces up on my Jordan’s, then I saw his text message and my heart was ready to join in with the somersaults.

‘Outside.. or do you want me to pick you up at the door? 😉’

Oh he’s really fucking funny. Can’t wait to see what he'd tell Dad as his explanation as to why he’s taking me away for the night.

I’d already told them I’m doing basketball schedule prep with Eli anyway. I wasn’t sure how late we are going to be out and Eli’s mum is on the night shift so I can always crash there if we get back too late to come back here anyway. I’m covered.

‘Sure... want me to introduce you to my parents too? 😂 Be there now❤’

Okay, this is happening. You’re going on a date with Josh.


I’m going on a fucking date with Josh.

My nerves are erupting throughout my body, flooding it with a burning lava of uncertainty, that quickly becomes extinguished when I realise one wonderful fact.

In exactly two minutes... I get to kiss him again.

Mum is busy chatting away to Elizabeth on the phone so I quickly kiss her cheek before grabbing my bag from the bottom of the staircase and racing outside. Turning out of the driveway I can see the tail lights of his beautiful fucking car bright from the corner of the street already.

The anticipation builds with every step that I take towards where I know he is, my heart quickens its pace like it's trying to find itself in rhythm with his own. Calm the fuck down Milo, you’re going to pass out!

My hand grasps the handle of the passenger door and almost rips the whole thing off its hinges as I pull it open and throw myself inside.

I toss my bag into the back seat, discarding it completely so that I can finally get a good view of him.

Fucking hell.

His aqua blue button up shirt is so tight it's falling between each dip of his bulging biceps, the colour only emphasising his sun kissed skin and the buttons he’s left open at the top giving just enough hint of his chest that it's taking everything in me not to think about just fucking biting him again.

The signature I left on his neck has faded but it's still there, I can’t help but smile as I think of all the people that have seen him over the last few days and now know that he belongs to somebody... Well at least I hope he does...

I’ve really got to stop thinking shit like that, we haven't had anything close to that kind of fucking talk yet.

“Bit presumptuous to bring an overnight bag wouldn't you say?” He says smirking as he glances at my bag sitting in his back seat.

As he twists to face me I can see exactly what he has going on under that fucking shirt. He’s perfect, every fucking part of him. I just want to tear him open like a present on Christmas morning.

“Funny.” I say reaching over and clasping his jaw with my hand. “Eli said I can crash at his place if we get back late, I didn’t know when we’d be getting back since you refused to tell me fuck all about where we’re going.”

He smiles at me, leaning forward just enough that I can bring our lips together. The moment they touch, it's like everything else just fades away.

Kissing him, something so fucking simple as two people bringing their mouths into contact, yet when we do it, it’s like every time is the first time I’m experiencing the pleasure of it all.

It feels like I’ve forgotten what it is to kiss anybody but him.

There’s a reason for that, it's never felt this fucking good with anybody else. When I’m not with this guy, all I do is think about him, all I want is to hear his voice or feel his hands. Being with him is just so much fucking better than not being with him. That’s all there is to it.

I know it’s too soon to be getting this attached to someone, but I’ve known him my entire life, we didn't meet a few weeks ago, it feels like that’s just when our story decided to start.

The kiss isn’t raw or lustful like the one we had in Brie’s guest room, I’m just savouring every moment I get to feel and taste him again. Being apart from him physically hurts me now.

We both pull away from the kiss at the same moment but neither of us let our bodies part, my forehead falling against his own as his hand comes up to hold the back of my neck and keep us together.

“Fuck... I’ve really fucking missed you.” He says stroking circles on my skin with his thumb and sending rhythmic tides of pleasure rippling down my spine.

“You have no idea how much I fucking missed you... I couldn’t even play today because all I could think about was seeing you again.” I reply, letting my skin soak into his and absorbing every fucking part of him that I can.

All the crap with May earlier vanishes as I become engulfed in the net of his protection, brought on from his comforting touch.

“I bet you still won though.” He says while chuckling lightly and slowly removing himself from our resting place against each other.

I smirk. “I was on the court, of course we fucking won.”

His engine springs to life as I get myself settled into the passenger seat and connect my phone up to his stereo, making sure this time to avoid the recordings and settling on the playlist I made last week, a playlist that may or may not be filled with songs that just fucking remind me of him.

He doesn’t say anything when I start fiddling around with the controls, even though I can tell that he fucking hates letting people play with the buttons on his car. I’m half tempted to crank the bass just to see his reaction but I refrain myself.

We travel straight out of Westbrooke, the ride is quiet but not the uncomfortable kind. Both of us just enjoying being able to have some time together, neither of us having to run off to the next thing or pretend that nothing is happening between the both of us.

His arm was resting on top of the centre console when we took off and my hand very quickly found its way into his.

I love the way that he holds my hand. I’ve held hands with people where it’s really fucking awkward or times where you feel like you have to because they are the person you're with, but it's not like that with him. He’s always doing something with me too, his thumb stroking the skin on the back of my palm or his fingers squeezing between my own reassuringly. Like he's constantly trying to let me know that he's fucking happy to be touching me.

I wish he just knew how happy I am to be touching him, any fucking time I can.

I’ve had so much time to think about him over the last few weeks and it's really hit me how much I liked him before I even realised I did. Thinking back to Lee and Jason’s wedding, the only memories I have of that day all include him. In fact, so many of my positive memories growing up have him smiling opposite me.

The more that I think about it, the more I realise it’s always been there for me. I know it hasn't been that way for him, it couldn't have been, but for me... He’s always been special.

We’ve been travelling for over an hour, he drives faster than Eli but I’m not going to say fuck all as long as he keeps holding my hand like this. The music continues to play and a smile lights up my face as a song from one of my most precious memories comes over the speakers.

“Miles, how do you even know this song? It was out before you were fucking born...”

I smile to myself staring out at the street lights as they seem to whip past like fireflies in the night sky.

“Music is ageless, someone writing about a broken heart or falling in love from sixty years ago is still going to hit you in the chest the same way if you can relate to the struggle today. That's what makes it so amazing and universal... Besides, this one is kind of special to me.”

Josh’s hand unlinks with mine as he begins to trace his finger over and around the lines on my palm. My eyes fall shut as I just take in the feeling, it feels better having him do this than winning that fucking match today.

“When Al was planning her wedding, Brie was obsessed with the playlist, everything had to be fucking nineties. This was the only song that I got a choice in, Brie didn’t even know who Savage Garden were but I kind of fought for it. I told her that Truly, Madly, Deeply is a classic for a reason and you couldn’t have a nineties playlist without it... Why Is it special to you?”

I’m not sure I can actually tell him this, he’s either going to think it’s stupid and cute or it's going to freak him the fuck out... I guess, here goes nothing.

“When I was fourteen I had a serious crush, I’d actually had it for a long time, I didn’t really know what it was at the time but I felt like all those girls in the movies that Lee made me watch growing up when they started falling in love with the cliché bad guy.”

Josh smiles as he stares out along the seemingly everlasting road ahead of us, his fingers still stroking my palm.

“It was kind of always on my mind so I asked Lee what I should do about it. I didn’t tell her that it was a crush really, I just explained that they made me really happy when they were around and I wanted to be near them all the time. I wouldn’t tell her who it was but she said that it didn’t matter, that if I liked someone I should just do something to show them that I like them and see what they did about it... Then she made me watch Dirty Dancing again for tips.”

Josh looks at me like I’m a cute little puppy that he's getting ready to adopt. Stop it will you, this is embarrassing enough.. “And did you do it?”

I can’t even look at him, so I turn back to stare out the window and hope he can't see the heat rising to my cheeks in the reflection of the glass.

“Yeah. I was sitting next to them when this song came on, so I asked them to dance...”

Josh smiles even bigger. “And did they say yes?”

Damn right they did. “Yes... but then their little brother run head first into my niece and everything kind of went mental.”

Josh interlinks our fingers and squeezes my palm again.

“So you never got your dance? That suc-” The penny drops, I can feel his eyes barrelling into the back of my head as I try to keep my self focused on anything outside of the window next to me... Oh that’s a nice tree...

The car slows as he brings it to a stop on the side of the empty highway. Oh no...

“This song..”


“Lee’s wedding.”


“You asked me to...”

“I did.”

“Because you had a.. on me...”


The fire in my cheeks is fucking unbearable right now. Please say something... anything... just please don't run off and leave me again... like you did that night.

Josh’s hand leaves mine and an ice blanket of cold layers itself over my body. A sudden thought that I never should have opened my fucking mouth makes my insides squirm, what if I just fucked it all up?

I wait for him to start a little speech about how he needs to take me back home now or how he can’t see me the same way anymore. All my insecurities that one day he’ll just see me as Jayce’s little brother again rushing to the surface again as I picture all the ways he’s about to end things with me. Fuck, please don’t...

Just at the point that I think the shards of ice in my heart are ready to explode and pierce me from the inside out, his warm hand comes and reaches for my face, swiftly turning me back towards him.

This smile on his face is bigger than any other one I’ve ever seen on him before, I finally let my eyes open enough to soak it in. He’s so fucking gorgeous, even more beautiful than he was back then...

“That’s the cutest fucking thing I’ve ever heard...”

Oh thank fuck.

He brings my whole face to his, leaning all the way over the centre console so he can rest his hand on the bottom of my back and keep me from leaving him... Fuck I want to let him  just keep me. Always.

We kiss until my lips feel sore and swollen, but even then I don’t want to stop. I feel like a weight I didn’t realise I was carrying has been lifted as he smiles more deeply with each and every placement of his lips on mine. He really fucking likes me too doesn’t he?

The shuffle on this song-list loops and as we crossed over into the next county that magical song comes back on, this time both of us smiling as the lyrics settle in. I don’t think I’ve ever felt them like I do right now. I want to be all of this to him..

“If we got interrupted, why is the memory still special to you?” Josh asks as we turn left onto a somewhat familiar road.

“Because Joshua Jones...” I turn in time to watch the shudder of pleasure make its way through his hardened body upon hearing his name roll off my tongue. “You said yes...”

His grin spreads as the realisation hits him too.

“... which means you still owe me a dance.”

He lifts our conjoined hands to his lips, pressing a kiss to each of my knuckles just as we pull into a large car park. I’m definitely getting that dance one day.

There is a huge building in front of us as we continue travelling forward but the lights are all down low, it takes me a minute to figure out where we are.

The moment I see the sign spread just below the roofline I can no longer control my heartbeat. He didn’t...

Holy shit.

Astrology and Science Museum

He brought me to the fucking Space Museum. This was my favourite place on the entire fucking planet, it kind of still is but I haven’t been able to get here for years, not since Lee and Jayce brought me here for the star gazing show I’d been obsessing about for months, that was years ago.

It’s still probably my favourite memory of the three of us.

I look into the relatively dark building as we stop the car, and my heart sinks.

“I hate to tell you this Josh but I’m pretty sure this place is closed at this time of night.”

“It is,” He says as he leans over and grabs something out of the back seat  before tuning and facing me. “For everyone else... but not for us, for tonight it’s just ours.”

How the fuck did he...?

“You booked out the entire place?” I say, stumbling over my words slightly and trying to force out the rest. “... Just for us?”

My cheekbones begin to ache from smiling as he nods, before slowly pressing his lips against mine. Nobody does shit like this, not for someone like me. This is movie date stuff, book date stuff, not my life... Fuck...

We step out of the car but my body is still numb and shaking, I seriously can’t believe he fucking did this. Ours, he made my favourite place in the world just ours.

He walks around to my side and takes my hand, pulling me with him towards the front of the building.

No, wait...

I pause and pull him back, stumbling slightly before landing on the bonnet of his car. I make him join me as he slides in between my legs, standing and staring down at me with his perfect blue eyes. There are no words to describe how the fuck I feel right now, this is more than I could ever have imagined anyone doing for me.

The heat of the engine is still pulsing through the hood but I don’t give a fuck as I reach my arms around his hips, holding on tight and resting my head down against his chest.

“I can’t believe you did this..”

The chuckle he lets out is so sincere, I can feel just how elated he is to see me like this. Does he even realise how incredible he is?

“Happy first proper date Miles.”

I run my hands up his back, down over his waist and reach for every other part of him I can touch until eventually I just grip his neck and bring his lips down to mine. His strong hands plant on the bonnet of the car, either side of my thighs as he falls deeper into the kiss.

I feel like I need to write him a song or a poem or find somebody that can carve the words directly into my heart just to express how strongly I feel towards him right now... but all I can do is kiss him.

Our kiss is seductive and slow, each movement he makes against me only making my body tremble further with anticipation of where we could end up after such a perfect fucking night, and yet it's only just began.

“Come on,” He says as he pulls away from the kiss, but not from my hold on him. “We've got so much to see.”

This guy is literally trying to give me the whole universe in one night.

“Where do you want to start?” I ask, stroking his hair out of those perfect seaside blue orbs.

His hand edges from its place on the hood of the car, gently tickling the skin of my arm before falling into my own.

“Where everything started for us...

...the stars.”

**Hey Beauts! You know I loves you all, but Monroe needs a little break for the holidays 🙈 I adore you all but my two little ones need their mama for Christmas so I won't be taking time away from them to write at this time of year, nor would I be happy giving you lack luster chapters just to get something out there - so I will not be uploading next Friday but I will be back the following one with a nice monster upload for you all to binge to your hearts content 😍 I'm hoping you'll all forgive me considering the size of the upload I just put up ⬆️🙈 So much love for you all! ❤

Merry Christmas to all those that celebrate and I will be back with you all to welcome in the new year 🥰 Monroe Chrismas cuddles for everyone!! Mwah! ❤📖**

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