Chapter 55

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It’s like stupid o’clock in the morning, I’ve been driving for hours whilst Miles slept so I definitely shouldn’t feel as wired as I do right now pulling into my driveway... with him.

Tonight... It was everything I fucking hoped it would be for him, more even. Every moment from when I saw his face take in the set up of the date, right through to the point I gave him the star... I’ll never be able to forget a fucking second of it.

I knew he’d love the gift, but I don’t think either of us could have expected him to react the way he did. It fucking touched him, touched him in a way I couldn’t have possibly imagined it would. His hands were still shaking almost an hour later and the moment I saw a tear roll down his cheek I just wanted to hold him in my arms forever and never ever let him fucking go again.

I know it took a lot for him to be vulnerable like that, to give up the control he craves so badly and just let himself be held by me. If anything though, it only made him that much more fucking perfect. I love how dominating he can be, but I think I love even more the fact that I get to have a part of him that I know he doesn’t give freely to other people.

Wow, I’m starting to really love a lot about him... a lot.

Grabbing his bag off the back seat, I try to calm my nerves. Fuck, he’s going to be spending the night here with me... Don’t panic.

I’ve literally never had a guy stay at my home with me, in my bed. Hell, I’ve never actually spent a whole night with a guy that wasn’t Miles. It isn’t like me and Harl got to have sleepovers at each others parents houses whilst we were still in high school, we mostly got alone time together in the back seat of my car or a few hours while our folks were in work.

The closest I’ve actually got to spending the night with someone in this house are all the nights I’d be hanging onto the edge of the mattress trying to stay in the bed whilst Brie star-fished her way across ninety percent of it. Even that was a long fucking time ago.

“Josh?” Miles pops his head back into the car and I realise I’m still just sitting in the driver seat clutching his bag and staring at my own front door whilst he stands looking at me. “Josh, if you want me to crash at Eli’s, it’s okay...”

Like fuck I do... I’m just fucking terrified that I won’t be able to keep my shit together as well as I did the last time me and him shared a bed. Things are different now, things have happened between us and it’s actually leading somewhere. What if I freak out like I have with all the other guys and run?

Jesus Christ Josh, you're not going to have to fuck the guy on the first date, but you do have to let him inside the fucking house so get out of this fucking seat.

Swinging open the car door, I give Miles a reassuring smile before we both make our way down towards the front door. I can’t even remember what state I left this place in when I went to get him, I know that half my fucking wardrobe is on my closet floor but I think the rest of the house is okay... Maybe.

What the fuck are you talking about Josh? Stop channelling your weird fucking anxiety into cleanliness. He’s nineteen, he's probably been to high school house-parties where there are people eating week old pizza off the fucking floor, he doesn’t give a shit.

Miles was pretty much flat out for the entire journey home, I smiled at him most of the way after remembering him talking about being in a similar state when Jayce and Aleah were driving him home the last time he visited that place, guess some things never change. Although you'd never guess he was passed out not long ago by the way he now stands tall and wide awake walking after me into my house. This place never really felt like somewhere I could see myself happy, but everything seems so much warmer here when I see Miles smiling around at the place.

“Do you want a drink or something? I have pretty decent coffee?”

He just chuckles shaking his head. “No, it's four in the morning, I need less coffee and more pillows.”

I laugh, picking up his overnight bag from the couch and heading over towards the staircase, only for him to pull the bag from my hand and replace it with his own. He never gives up an opportunity to hold my hand but it still causes me to smile like a kid in a candy store every time he does it. I can feel the heat rising in my cheeks as I walk with him up each step until we reach the top. This is happening...

He pauses, leaning around to look through the open door into Liam’s room. I’ve been meaning to sort it out for ages but the kid doesn’t like change so anything you do has to be done in tiny increments. Miles doesn’t seem to care, nodding with approval at Liam’s Super Mario bedspread before returning his attention to me. Would Liam be okay with this? Would he like him? He’s never seen me with anyone before, would all this be too much for him?

As we approach the end of the hallway I realise I really don’t fucking know what to do here, my eyes flickering between my own bedroom door and the door to the guest bedroom on the opposite side. What if he only wanted to stay here so he didn’t have to disturb Eli? Or get in shit at home? If I just presume he wants to spend the night with me and walk him into my room when that’s not what he wants then I’m going to fuck this whole thing up.

You can’t just drag him into your room Josh.

Opening the door to the guest bedroom, I step back as Miles walks towards it, only for him to pause in the doorway when he glances over the plain white walls and cotton rich sheets that have been untouched for months.

Dropping his bag onto the floor of the hall, he crosses his arms over his ridiculously broad chest and leans against the door frame with amusement in his eyes, before running them back over the room once more then returning them to me.


“Mmmhmm?” I respond, trying not to look at him and bouncing on my toes.

“Josh...” He says much more firmly now.

“Yes?” Don’t look at him. Don’t look at him... Oh fuck I looked at him.

The blush I already felt on my skin grows increasingly hotter as a small sly smirk graces his perfectly pout lips. He moves his eyes from the doorway he’s leaning against to the one behind me.

“Josh, is this the guest bedroom?”

For fucks sake, my neck feels so stiff, one sudden movement and the bastard thing would snap. I try to run my hands over the back of it in an attempt to force my body to stop shrinking under his humorous glower and warn off the rouge threatening to completely encapsulate my face.

“Ummm... Yeah... I ummm... Didn’t want to be presumptuous?”

Miles gives one final look at the guest bedroom before leaning down and grabbing his bag, only to step towards me and fix one firm kiss onto my lips. His thumb comes up to smooth along my bottom one, pulling it forward whilst staring into my eyes, before letting it spring back until it hits my teeth as he begins to chuckle to himself.

“God, you are so fucking cute.”

For the last fucking time, I am not cute!

He doesn’t even give me a chance to respond though, immediately opening my own bedroom door and waltzing in, dumping his bag on my desk and eyeing up the bed like he's lived here his entire life. He does realise I didn’t actually invite him in yet right?

Although any prospect I had of maybe poorly encouraging him to stay elsewhere went directly out the fucking window, along with my sanity, the moment he pulled his shirt over his fucking head.

Yeah, he can stay... I might actually never let him leave come to think of it.

He doesn’t stop there. Slowly, ridiculously fucking slowly, removing item by item from his body, whilst all I can do is stand here and fucking gape at him. Close your mouth Josh.

The moment his thumbs loop into the waistband of his open jeans I know I have to fucking move or I’m going to end up throwing him onto that fucking bed.

Instead I dart across the room, trying to look calm but practically hurling myself into the en-suite bathroom. I swear to fuck I heard him sniggering to himself right before I got the door closed. The fucker knew exactly what he was doing.

I strip myself down to my boxers, I had a shower right before we went on the date so I know I’m good but I still hesitate as I look at the jets. For fucks sake, nothing is going to happen, chill. I debate for a while if I should put some sweats on but considering this is how I slept every night while we were away at camp I think it would be weird if I suddenly decided to add extra clothing now.

Instead I just opt for brushing my teeth whilst checking I look okay with the amount of fucking bread I ate earlier. Why did I buy so many fucking sandwiches? Maybe I should do some sit ups or something? I bet there’s not an inch of bloating on that guy, I watched him devour three large fucking pizzas and still look like a fucking God a few weeks ago.

Just as I was about to get down on the floor and plank my heart out, the door to the bathroom swings open, Miles standing there in just his black boxers carrying his toothbrush and toothpaste with a knowing smirk on his face. Holy fucking shit...

Fuck, stop looking at him. Seriously, has this guy never heard of knocking?

He doesn’t seem to have a care in the world as he comes up right next to me and begins to brush his teeth in the shared mirror. I really try my best not to let my eyes wonder, but it’s really fucking hard. I’ve never been this close to him in this little amount of clothing before.

His skin is so radiant with his natural tan that he’s practically glowing, the dark thick chocolate hair on his head a stunning contrast to how smooth every other inch of him is. Some people’s bodies look better in clothes, they dress for their shape, but I don’t think I’ve ever met a single person who looks as good out of them as this guy does.

We catch each others gaze in the mirror, maintaining the eye contact until we both find ourselves smiling as we look away. My stomach is going to explode like that scene in fucking Alien with all the butterflies he’s making smack against it right now.

When he leans back to gargle the mouthwash that he just decided he was allowed to use, I allow myself to finally take him all in. Fuck he's perfect. With his head tilted back like that you can see the stretch in the toned muscles of his abdomen, every single one rippling under the surface of his skin. My eyes desperately want to travel lower but I refuse to fucking let them, instead forcing myself to divert my attention to the shower behind us, only to realise that was a definite mistake as I look at the reflection of his tight perky ass in the glass.

That thing should be illegal... Every time I look at it all I can think about is how he’d react to me fuc-... Don’t think about it Josh... at least not while he's in the same room as you.

My toothbrush hangs unmoving in my mouth as he stretches, fuck. His arms, his legs, his back... He doesn’t have a part of him that he hasn’t worked to recognise its idealisation, his body is his own personal accomplishment that I can feel myself wanting to-

Yeah I have to get out of here.

Just as I turn to reach for the towel, Miles does the same thing, our bodies colliding but I seem more caught off guard by the movement than he does. His hand grabs hold of my waist quickly to steady us... Fuck, this is the first time he’s ever had his hands on my body without clothes on... and it doesn’t feel... wrong.

His eyes fall to where his hand lays, pausing for a moment before beginning to stroke the surface where it sits gently. I try to hold my breath so no sound escapes me and I think he notices as he gulps deeply right before he begins to follow the edge of my abs with his thumb.

The hairs on my arms stand up on edge when he starts tracking up and down over every bump, reaching my hip bone but never stopping, continuing to follow the deep V that flows into the fabric of my underwear. He doesn’t push any further when he reaches it, letting his hand rest on the waistband but continuing to brush over the skin in rhythmic strokes, firing bolts of unfamiliar electrical energy straight from his touch to every other part of my body. I can’t keep reacting to him like this, I feel completely out of control.

“What side of the bed do you like? Door or window?” He asks in a voice so low I hardly recognise it as his.

My back digs into the sink behind me as he places both hands onto my body and begins to massage the inside of my hips, his eyes never leaving what he's doing to me.

“The door...” I stutter as he increases the pressure against my firm muscles. Fuck...

“That’s good,”  He states, running his circles deeper and wider now until I feel the band of my underwear begin to slip down slightly, not enough to make them fall off, but enough that a another inch and he'll be looking at my dick.

I try to steady my voice, not to give away the effect he’s having on me, but I’m still not sure how stable it will be before it actually leaves my lips.

“Why? Because you like the window?”

He leans forward, until our bodies are pressed firmly together before laying his lips down on the crook of my neck. Stop, we have to fucking stop...

“No...” He replies against my skin, before leaving a deep open mouth kiss upon me. “... It’s because... If there's a break in and they come crashing into the room, they'll kill you first.”

I swear to fucking God... I’m gonna kill him.

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